Name: ______

TKAM Part I Study Guide

1. Who is the narrator of the story? ______

2. What is the setting of the story?

City: ______

Time: ______

3. Write a brief description of each character:

Scout: ______

Jem: ______

Atticus: ______

Dill: ______

Calpurnia: ______

Miss Maudie: ______

Mrs. Dubose: ______

Tom Robinson: ______

Heck Tate: ______

Boo Radley: ______

4. Describe what happened when Jem attempted to peek in the Radley’s window to glimpse of Boo Radley.

--What did Jim lose in this adventure?

5. Why did Atticus decide to work on the Tom Robinson case?

6. The first part of Part I deals largely with the kids adventures with what mysterious neighbor?

7. Why were the kids upset with Mr. Radley filled in the hole in the tree?

8. Scout doesn’t have such a great 1st day at school. Why not?

9. Atticus explains that it is bad to shoot what kind of bird?

--Why is it bad to shoot this bird?

--How does this statement relate to the plot of the story?

10. “______was feeble. He was nearly fifty.” Who is this quote about?

11. What happens to make the kids think differently about this fact? (The fact in question #10)

12. On Christmas Day, Scout, Jem, & Atticus go to Finch’s Landing for the holiday. Summarize what happens here. (Chapter 9)

13. Scout gets in 2 fights in that chapter, each for the same reason. What was the reason?

14. Jem’s punishment for cutting up Mrs. ______’s ______was to ______to her for 2 hours every day for a month.

15. In Chapter 8, there was a natural disaster on the street. Miss ______’s house burned down. But, the most interesting thing was Scout got wrapped up in a blanketby ______while watching the fire. Ironically, Miss ______was not ______about her house burning.

16. After Mrs. Dubose dies, Atticus gives Jem a gift from her. What is it?

17. In Chapter 10, a strangeoccurrence happens on the street; a dog is walking funny & looks strange. What is wrong with it? ______.

--What happens to the dog?

18. From the dog incident, we learn that Atticus was once called “______-______”

19. Atticus tells Scout that you can’t judge a person until you do what?

20. What upset Scout the most about her first encounter with Ms. Caroline?

21. Describe the Ewell family. (Use complete sentences)

22. How old are Jem and Scout when the story begins?

23. How is Scout so different from all the other 1st graders?

24. How do the Cunninghams repay their debt to Atticus?

25. What did Scout roll into the Radley’s yard in?

26. Describe the weird game that Dill suggests the kids play.

27. Miss Maudie speaks negatively of “foot-washing Baptists.” What does she say?

28. Who is described as having hands as big as a bed slat and twice as hard?

29. Why didn’t Walter Cunningham take the quarter Ms. Caroline offered?HH