Document no
Name / OrganisationDenis Fokin / Transas
Konstantin Ivanov / Transas
Name / OrganisationBjörn Andreasson / SMA
Håkan Heurlin / SMA
Name / Organisation / Signature / DateDocument History
Version / Date / Status / Initials / Description1.0 / 2016-05-10 / Used in tendering documentation
The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Table of contents
1 Background 4
2 Objectives 5
3 The area exchange format 6
3.1 General 6
3.2 High-level description of the Area format 6
3.3 Detailed Area format description 6
3.4 Basic Area example 7
3.5 Marine Safety Information – XSD scheme 9
3.6 Feature Catalogue 25
4 Use cases 34
1 Background
This document describes an interchange format for transmitting specific areas from shore centres to ships.
The Area transmission is used to notify specific polygons allowing vessels take attention on received marine safety information and thus to plan corresponding actions.
The use of this message requires that both the receiving and transmitting side have the appropriate communication equipment as well as presentation and navigation systems.
2 Objectives
An area exchange format shall be developed, which supports all processes in the Sea Traffic Management (STM) where the area can be used:
· On board for safe navigation (ECDIS etc.)
· By Pilots
· Ashore for Sea Traffic Management services
The area format should be open and in compliance with S-1XX standards.
3 The area exchange format
3.1 General
An area exchange format between ship and shore is intended to be used both to inform the ship about the area nearby of his route and to direct the ship in required area (for example SAR-area).
File information must include the following main fields: header information, references on using of defined application schemas (S-1xx standards), geofeatures/ information types with attributes, associations. Data structure must correspond to the applied application schemas.
For example, if Sail Race event or SAR areas take place then S-124 (Navigational warning) standard (the conforming application schemas) will be applied.
All directories in the S-1xx standards are extensible. New values can be added to them at any time.
The area exchange format is a file containing the GML coded version of the area description.
3.2 High-level description of the Area format
The logical design of an area consists of three units:
· A block with general information about the area
· A block with area geometry information, which consists of blocks interior and exterior areas, which described of set of points with geographical coordinates
· A block that contains set of information types which are linked with geofeature objects by associations
3.3 Detailed Area format description
3.3.1. File components
The area file consists of:
· The mandatory XML processing instruction, which allows the specification of the encoding of string data
· A root to the applied namespace, which described data structure, as well as the area format namespace
· The version attribute in the format “Major.Minor”
3.3.2. Feature type description
This is the root element of the Area format
The feature object consists of a sequence of the following elements:
· Geofeature object (Navigational warnings, Notice to Mariners) that contains main semantic information about area including geometry information
· Information object (References, Information Notices) that contains data source information or is linked to other geofeature
· Geofeature object (Navigational warning part, Port warning part) that contains main semantic information about area including geometry information
· Information object (Navigational warning Preamble – NWPreambule, References, Information Notice Part) that contains data source information or is linked to other geofeature or information preamble.
· Association that defines the relationship between geofeatures and information objects.
3.3.3. Geofeature description
The geofeature (Navigational warnings or Notice to MarinersNavigational warning part) contains data related to the geometry of the area. It also contains semantic information, for example: category of arearestriction, textual information etc.
Information is stored in the following attributes:
Attribute / Description / Format / Status / CommentHorizontalDatum / used Datum EPSG / enumeration / option / default - WGS84
Subject / Subject: LocalizedText / complex / option
FixedDateRange / period of validity / complex / option
extReferenceId / reference on an event, objects which are out of scope of current format / text / option
New attribute referenceUVID is added in the Geofeature Type to reference to other object as specific voyage (unique voyage ID)
3.3.4. Information object description
The Information types provides (Navigational warning Preamble – NWPreamble, References, Information Notice Part) a place to store information related to the event. Also it provides the reference to other MSI that are important or to link a cancellation notice to existing MSI which may not have an expiry date via the complex attribute CancellationTime.
Information for the NWPreamble type is stored in the following attributes:
Attribute / Description / Format / Status / CommentmessageSeriesIdentifier / messageSeriesIdentifier / complex / mandatory
GeneralArea / generalArea / enumeration / option
Locality / locality: LocalizedText / complex / option
title / title: Localized text / complex / option
FixedDateRange / period of validity / complex / option
SourceDate / Date of publication / date / option
generalCategory / category type for area / enumeration / option
affectedCharts / references on the Charts / complex / option
Information for the References type is stored in the following attributes:
Attribute / Description / Format / Status / CommentReferenceType / type of Reference / enumeration / mandatory
messageReference / messageSeriesIdentifier / complex / option
cancellationTime / Expired Date for warning / complex / option
Information for the Information Notice Part type is stored in the following attributes:
Attribute / Description / Format / Status / CommentSubject / Subject: LocalizedText / complex / option
fixedDateRange / period of validity / complex / option
3.4 Basic Area example
Here example of GML-file (military exersices):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<S124:DataSet xmlns:S124=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../schemas/0.5/S124.xsd" xmlns:xsi=""
xmlns:xlink="" gml:id="III.030.17">
gml:boundedBygml:Envelope srsName="EPSG:4326">
gml:lowerCorner>-6.0000 30.0000</gml:lowerCorner
gml:upperCorner>45.0000 47.0000</gml:upperCorner
<S124:S124_NWPreamble gml:id="PR.III.030.17">
NameOfSeries>NAVAREA III</NameOfSeries
generalCategorymilitary exersices</generalCategory
generalAreaWestern Mediterranean Sea</generalArea
locality<text>Barcelona approaches</text</locality>
title<text>Military exercises, from 01 trough 31 MAR17 Cancel this message 01-00 UTC 01 APR</text</title>
theWarningPart xlink:href="#NW.III.030.17.1"/>
theWarningPart xlink:href="#NW.III.030.17.2"/>
<S124:S124_NavigationalWarningPart gml:id="NW.III.030.17.1">
gml:Surface gml:id="s.NW.III.030.17.1" srsName="EPSG:4326">
41.0 1.42
41.0 1.85
40.7 1.85
40.7 1.42
41.0 1.42
<Subject<text>Area bounded by 041.0N 0 001-25.2E, 041.0N 001-51.0E, 40-42.0N, 001-51.0E, 40-42.0N 001-25.2E</text</Subject>
header xlink:href="#PR.III.030.17"/>
<S124:S124_References gml:id="NW.III.030.17.2">
NameOfSeries>NAVAREA III</NameOfSeries
header xlink:href="NW.III.030.17"/>
3.5 Marine Safety Information – XSD scheme
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:S100="" xmlns:s100_profile="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="unqualified" version="0.0.7"
<!-- ======-->
<!-- S100 XML/GML Schema for S-124 (Navigational Warnings). -->
<!-- ======-->
xs:documentationApplication schema for Navigational warnings sample dataset</xs:documentation
xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="s100gmlbase.xsd"/>
xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="./S100_gmlProfile.xsd"/>
xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="S100_gmlProfileLevels.xsd"/>
<!-- ======-->
<!-- spatial property convenience types -->
<!-- ======-->
xs:complexType name="PointOrSurface"
xs:element ref="S100:pointProperty"/>
xs:element ref="S100:surfaceProperty"/>
xs:complexType name="CurveOrSurface"
xs:element ref="S100:curveProperty"/>
xs:element ref="S100:surfaceProperty"/>
xs:complexType name="PointCurveSurface"
xs:element ref="S100:pointProperty"/>
xs:element ref="S100:curveProperty"/>
xs:element ref="S100:surfaceProperty"/>
xs:complexType name="PointOrCurve"
xs:element ref="S100:pointProperty"/>
xs:element ref="S100:curveProperty"/>
xs:complexType name="GM_Point"
xs:element ref="S100:pointProperty"/>
xs:complexType name="GM_Curve"
xs:element ref="S100:curveProperty"/>
xs:complexType name="GM_Surface"
xs:element ref="S100:surfaceProperty"/>
<!-- ======-->
<!-- complex attributes, feature, and information types -->
<!-- ======-->
xs:element name="S124_FeatureType" type="S124_FeatureTypeType" abstract="true" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractFeature"/>
xs:complexType name="S124_FeatureTypeType" abstract="true"
xs:documentationGeneralized feature type which carry all the common attributes</xs:documentation
xs:extension base="S100:AbstractFeatureType"
xs:element name="id" type="MRN" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
xs:element name="extReferenceId" type="MRN" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
xs:element name="geometry" type="PointCurveSurface" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
xs:element name="areaAffected" type="PointCurveSurface" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
xs:element name="radius" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="S124_NavigationalWarningPart" type="S124_NavigationalWarningPartType" substitutionGroup="S124_FeatureType"/>
xs:complexType name="S124_NavigationalWarningPartType"
xs:documentation xxx </xs:documentation
xs:extension base="S124_FeatureTypeType"
xs:element name="horizontalDatum" type="EPSGType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="Subject" type="S124_LocalizedTextType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="fixedDateRange" type="fixedDateRangeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
xs:element name="header" type="gml:ReferenceType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="S124_InformationType" type="S124_InformationTypeType" abstract="true"/>
xs:complexType name="S124_InformationTypeType" abstract="true"
xs:documentationGeneralized information type which carry all the common attributes</xs:documentation
xs:extension base="S100:AbstractInformationType"
xs:element name="id" type="MRN" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="provides" type="gml:ReferenceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="S124_NWPreamble" type="S124_NWPreambleType" substitutionGroup="S124_InformationType"/>
xs:complexType name="S124_NWPreambleType"
xs:documentation xxx </xs:documentation
xs:extension base="S124_InformationTypeType"
xs:element name="messageSeriesIdentifier" type="S124_messageSeriesIdentifierType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="sourceDate" type="xs:date" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="generalCategory" type="generalCategoryType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="generalArea" type="generalAreaType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="locality" type="S124_LocalizedTextType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
xs:element name="title" type="S124_LocalizedTextType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="fixedDateRange" type="fixedDateRangeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
xs:element name="affectedCharts" type="S124_affectedChartType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
xs:element name="theWarningPart" type="gml:ReferenceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
xs:element name="S124_InformationNoticePart" type="S124_InformationNoticePartType" substitutionGroup="S124_InformationType"/>
xs:complexType name="S124_InformationNoticePartType"
xs:documentation xxx </xs:documentation
xs:extension base="S124_InformationTypeType"
xs:element name="Subject" type="S124_LocalizedTextType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
xs:element name="fixedDateRange" type="fixedDateRangeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
xs:element name="header" type="gml:ReferenceType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="S124_References" type="S124_ReferencesType" substitutionGroup="S124_InformationType"/>
xs:complexType name="S124_ReferencesType"
xs:documentation xxx </xs:documentation
xs:extension base="S124_InformationTypeType"
xs:element name="referenceType" type="S124_referenceTypeType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="messageReference" type="S124_messageSeriesIdentifierType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
xs:element name="cancellationTime" type="cancellationTimeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
xs:element name="header" type="gml:ReferenceType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:complexType name="S124_LocalizedTextType"
xs:element name="language" type="ISO639-3" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="text" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:complexType name="fixedDateRangeType"
xs:documentationDescribes a single fixed period, as the date range between its sub-attributes.
Remarks: Sub-attributes date end and date start must have the calendar year encoded using 4 digits for the calendar year (CCYY). Month (MM) and day (DD) are optional.
(This definition merges the planned S-100 temporal model with the current S-101 DCEG definition of fixed date range.)</xs:documentation
xs:element name="timeOfDayStart" type="xs:time" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="timeOfDayEnd" type="xs:time" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="dateStart" type="S100_TruncatedDate" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"
xs:documentationThe start date or time of the interval.</xs:documentation
xs:element name="dateEnd" type="S100_TruncatedDate" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"
xs:documentationThe end date or time of the interval.</xs:documentation
xs:complexType name="cancellationTimeType"
xs:documentationDescribes a end date before that message is left in-force.
Remarks: Sub-attributes date end must have the calendar year encoded using 4 digits for the calendar year (CCYY). Month (MM) and day (DD) are optional.
(This definition merges the planned S-100 temporal model with the current S-101 DCEG definition of fixed date range.)</xs:documentation
xs:element name="timeOfDayEnd" type="xs:time" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="dateEnd" type="S100_TruncatedDate" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"
xs:documentationThe end date\time.</xs:documentation
xs:complexType name="S124_messageSeriesIdentifierType"
xs:documentation xxx </xs:documentation
xs:element name="NameOfSeries" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="typeOfWarning" type="S124_typeOfWarningType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="warningNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="year" type="xs:int" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="productionAgency" type="S124_LocalizedTextType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
xs:element name="country" type="countryType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:complexType name="S124_affectedChartType"
xs:element name="chartAffected" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="internationalChartAffected" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:element name="language" type="ISO639-3" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
xs:simpleType name="generalAreaType"
xs:restriction base="xs:string"
xs:enumeration value="Baltic sea"
xs:enumeration value="Skagerrak"
xs:enumeration value="Kattegat"
xs:enumeration value="Lake Vänern and Trollhätte Canal"
xs:enumeration value="The Sound"
xs:enumeration value="The Belts"
xs:enumeration value="Western Baltic"
xs:enumeration value="Southern Baltic"
xs:enumeration value="South-eastern Baltic"
xs:enumeration value="Central Baltic"
xs:enumeration value="Lake Mälaren and Södertälje Canal"
xs:enumeration value="Northern Baltic"
xs:enumeration value="Gulf of Riga"
xs:enumeration value="Gulf of Finland"
xs:enumeration value="Sea of Åland and Archipelago Sea"
xs:enumeration value="Sea of Bothnia"
xs:enumeration value="The Quark"
xs:enumeration value="Bay of Bothnia"
xs:enumeration value="Other lakes and canals"
xs:enumeration value="Western Mediterranean Sea"
xs:simpleType name="MRN"
xs:documentationMarine Resource Name identifier, based on URN. Note that the NID, including the mrn: prefix can be no more than 31 characters long</xs:documentation
xs:restriction base="xs:string"
xs:pattern value="urn:mrn:[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]{0,27}:[A-Za-z0-9()+,\-.:=@;$_!*'%/?#]+"/>
xs:simpleType name="S124_referenceTypeType"
xs:restriction base="xs:string"
xs:enumeration value="cancellation"
xs:enumeration value="source reference"
xs:enumeration value="in-force"
xs:simpleType name="S124_typeOfWarningType"
xs:restriction base="xs:string"
xs:enumeration value="local"
xs:enumeration value="coastal"
xs:enumeration value="sub-area"
xs:enumeration value="NAVAREA"
xs:simpleType name="EPSGType"
xs:restriction base="xs:string"
xs:enumeration value="4326"
xs:simpleType name="generalCategoryType"
xs:restriction base="xs:string"
xs:enumeration value="aids to navigation"
xs:enumeration value="dangerous wreck"
xs:enumeration value="unwleldy tow"
xs:enumeration value="drifting hazard"
xs:enumeration value="SAR and anti pollution operations"
xs:enumeration value="newly discovered dangers"
xs:enumeration value="route alterations or suspensions"
xs:enumeration value="underwater operations"
xs:enumeration value="pipe or cable laying operations"
xs:enumeration value="seismic surveys"
xs:enumeration value="research or scientific operations"
xs:enumeration value="offshore structures"
xs:enumeration value="radio navigation services"
xs:enumeration value="special operations"
xs:enumeration value="operating anomalies identified within ECDIS including ENC issues"
xs:enumeration value="security-related requirements"
xs:enumeration value="piracy"
xs:enumeration value="tsunamis and other natural phenomena"
xs:enumeration value="World Health Organization (WHO) health advisory information"
xs:enumeration value="SailRaceEvent"
xs:enumeration value="military exersices"
xs:simpleType name="countryType"
xs:restriction base="xs:string"
xs:enumeration value="SE"
xs:enumeration value="RU"
xs:enumeration value="GB"
xs:enumeration value="DK"
xs:enumeration value="FI"
xs:enumeration value="NO"
xs:enumeration value="EE"
xs:enumeration value="LV"
xs:enumeration value="LT"
xs:enumeration value="PL"
xs:enumeration value="DE"
xs:enumeration value="ES"