1.  / NAME OF THE FIRM / :______
8.  / APPLICATION FEE / :______
9.  / EARNEST MONEY DETAIL / :______
11.  / Undertaking regarding PERFORMANCE SERVICES / :______






Sealed tenders are invited in single bid system by the undersigned from the Internet service providers dealing with the subject for rendering services to provide internet leased lines of following capacities through registered post or these can be put personally in the sealed tender box kept in the reception office located at 5, Rajpur Road, Delhi by 1130 Hrs. on 13.03.2014:-

Sl. No / Name of the item / QTY / Installation Period / Application fee / Earnest Money
1. / 40 Mbps Internet Leased Lines(1:1) / 1 No. / 15 days / Rs.500/-
(Non-refundable) / Rs.1,00,000/-
2. / 20 Mbps Internet Leased Lines (1:1) / 1 No. / 15 days / Rs.70,000/-

Bidders are advised to quote their Rate after careful study of the tender’s technical specifications as well as the following terms and conditions:-

1.  The word “Bid providing of Internet lease lines due to open on 13.03.2014 at 1200 Hrs. shall be prominently marked on the top of the envelope.

2.  The pre-bid meeting will be held on 18.02.2014 at 1130 Hrs. in the Committee Room, Old Police Lines, 5, Rajpur Road, Delhi-110054.

3.  Prospective bidders desires to seek clarifications regarding Tender specifications/Terms and conditions shall submit their queries in writing and duly signed by the bidder at least 24 Hrs. before the pre-bid meeting. However, if for any valid reason, clarifications are not sought by the bidder within the stipulated time. Delhi Police may, at its discretion, entertain such queries at the pre bid meeting in the presence of the bidders attending the meeting. The same, however should be in writing and duly signed by the bidder. The queries will be discussed at the pre-bid conference and within one week necessary clarifications would be posted by Delhi Police on the websites of Delhi Police/Delhi Govt. apart from furnishing clarifications in writing for which the bidder should state their address, fax and e-mail ID very clearly on their quarry letters.

4.  The Bids will be opened on 13.03.2014 at 1200 Hrs in the Committee Room, Old Police Lines, 5, Rajpur Road, Delhi. In case the due date is declared holiday, the tenders will be opened on the next working day.

5.  The tenders should reach this office by 1130 Hrs. on 13.03.2014 as per tender notice.

6.  The Internet leased lines of 40 mbps and 20 mbps will be provided by 2 different Internet service providers to achieve diversity and redundancy of connectivity.

7.  Two separate commercial bids in separate envelops are required from the Bidders for 40Mbps leased line and 20 Mbps leased line. The commercial bids of technically qualified bidders for 40 Mbps leased line will be opened first to decide the L-1. Thereafter, the commercial bid of 20 Mbps leased line will be opened in which the firm declared L-1 for 40 Mbps leased line will not be eligible to participate and its commercial bid will not be opened.

8.  Only Service Tax/Sales Tax/VAT registered agencies are eligible to fill this tender. Interested agencies shall quote their Service tax/Sales tax/TIN Number of VAT in their quotation and also attach documentary proof of having registered with Service tax/Sales Tax/VAT department with the bid.

9.  Latest/current Sales Tax Clearance Certificate or latest Service Tax/Sales Tax/VAT Return filed issued from the Service Tax/Sales Tax/VAT department in English/Hindi language must be attached with the bid.

10.  The application fee is non refundable. The demand draft of Rs.500/- each as tender fee for each leased line in favour of Deputy Commissioner of Police, Crime (CRO & PRO), P.S. Kamla Market, Delhi, be attached with the bid.

11.  In case the firm fails to attach the draft of application fee, the tender shall be rejected.

12.  Incomplete / Conditional tender will not be accepted.

13.  Optional tender will not be accepted. The firm should have to quote only one rate. Options in rates will not be accepted and the tender will be rejected straightway.

14.  All SSI units registered with NSIC/DGS&D for this specific item are exempted from the EMD. They have to enclose valid registration document/exemption certificate with their tender.

15.  No tender will be accepted without requisite E.M.D. as mentioned in tender notice. The E.M.D. shall be in the shape of A/C Payee Demand Draft, FDR, Banker’s cheque or Bank Guarantee from any Commercial Bank in an acceptable form in favour of Dy. Commissioner of Police, Crime (CRO & PRO) P.S. Kamla Market, Delhi payable at Delhi. No interest will be given on E.M.D. The EMD should be valid for forty-five days beyond the validity period of bid.

16.  Bidder would not be permitted to alter or modify their bids after expiry of the deadline for receipt of Bids.

17.  The price must be quoted as per proforma for price schedule Annexure “B”. Nothing over and above the quoted price would be payable to the successful bidder. Any over writing/cutting etc. render the tender invalid. The option in the rates will not be entertained and the tender will be rejected straightway.

18.  The validity of the Contract and rental charges is for a minimum period of three years and the same may be extended further with the mutual consent of Delhi Police and the service provider. However, Delhi Police shall have right to discontinue the services at any time, if the services are not found satisfactory. In case, there is downward trend of rental rates in the market, the same will be passed to Delhi Police. The rate of reduction of leased line charges in the market will be the criteria for reduction in the rental charges. The competent authority of Delhi Police and the authorized representative of the firm will discuss and the matter will be decided amicably.

19.  The bidders shall submit the latest quality of service performance of their broadband services as tested by TRAI or any other Government agency. This is mandatory and will be considered for shortlisting of bidders. Decision of Delhi Police shall be final in this regard.

20.  The successful bidder whose rates are accepted shall have to deposit 10% of the total contractual amount as Performance Security (security money) in the shape of A/c payee Demand Draft, Bank Guarantee/FDR from a Commercial Bank in an acceptable form in favour of DCP/Crime (CRO) &PRO P.S. Kamla Market, Delhi-110002 within seven days of the receipt of offer letter, failing which EMD will be forfeited and contract will be cancelled. The performance security should be valid for 60 days beyond completion of all contractual obligations and shall bear no interest.

21.  Network performance/availability:

i)  Very high availability of network at the site.

ii)  The performance of the internet leased lines will be observed for 90 days. If the user does not satisfy with the performance of vender, their contract would be terminated immediately.

iii)  They will submit documentary details of their performance and network availability in Delhi.

iv)  In case of the performance of the service is not found satisfactorily, the explanation of the firm/company can be called by issuing a show cause notice. If the reply of show cause notice is not found satisfactory, action against the firm/company like forfeiture of security money and blacklisting etc. can be taken. In such case, the purchaser reserves the rights to cancel the services of the service provider and take services from any other service provider.

22.  The service provider will maintain the internet leased lines on 24x7x365 basis. The services/ repair calls are to be attended by the service provider within 30 Minutes from the time of complaint/failure.

23.  In case of non availability or disruption of the internet services, the rental for the disrupted period will be deducted from the monthly bill on pro rata basis.

24.  In case of services not resolved within 30 minutes, apart from non payment of the rental for the particular period in which the services remained affected, a penalty will also be imposed after 30 minutes @ 1% of the monthly rental per day upto a maximum limit of 20% per month. The period will be calculated from the date on which the problem is registered.

25.  During the major arrangements & emergencies, the service provider shall ensure 100% uptime.

26.  Any instance of sub-standard services by the contractual firm will lead to the cancellation of the contract, forfeiture of Performance Security deposited by the firm and action for blacklisting of the firm shall also be taken.

27.  The Bidder can remain present himself or his authorize representative at the time of opening of tender. Only authorized representative will be allowed to attend the meeting of the Purchase Committee. They should also bring Letter-Head of the firm with an undertaking that any decision/negotiation taken by them would be accepted by firm.

28.  The Bid shall remain valid for 180 days from the date of opening of the tender.

29.  The rates will be F.O.R. at 5, Rajpur Road, Delhi-110054.

30.  No request from the contractual firms(s) to enhance the price/rate approved/ accepted by the Department will be entertained during the period of contract.

31.  The quantity of the items mentioned in the tender notice can be increased or decreased, at any stage till the finalization of the tender.

32.  Tender envelop(s) must be sealed and super scribed “TENDER FOR RENTAL SERVICES OF INTERNET LEASED LINES FOR COMPUTER CENTRE, SCRB, PS KAMLA MARKET, NEW DELHI AGAINST TENDER NO.V/37/13/DP/COM/INTERNET LEASED LINES.” which shall be addressed to Dy. Commissioner of Police, Communication, 5, Rajpur Road, Delhi.

33.  All the firms/companies participating in the Tender must submit a Certificate to the effect that the firm/company is neither blacklisted by any Govt. Department nor any Criminal Case is registered against the firm/company or its owner or partners anywhere in India and same to be attached with tender.

34.  The tender will be rejected straightway without assigning any reasons if the firm involves in any criminal case and declared black listed by any Govt./Semi govt. department/agencies etc.

35.  No advance payment will be made. The bidder will submit the monthly bill for rental of leased line to DCP/Crime (CRO & PRO) at PS Kamla Market, Delhi-110002. The rental payment will be made to the firm on monthly basis after availing the satisfactory services.

36.  No claim for interest in case of delayed payment will be entertained by the Department.

37.  A copy of terms and conditions duly signed by the Bidder, in token of having understood and agreed with should also be attached with the tender.

38.  The Purchase Committee reserves the right to relax any terms and condition in the govt. interest, with the approval of competent authority.

39.  The Purchase Committee reserves the right to call off/scrap the tender at any stage due to administrative reasons.

40.  Purchase Committee reserves the right to vary the quantities.

41.  All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in the N.C.T. of Delhi.

42.  In case of violation of any clause of contract/agreement deed, the explanation of the firm can be called by issuing show cause notice, if the reply is not found satisfactory. Security money can be forfeited as well as action for blacklisting can also be taken prior to taking any legal action.

43.  In case of any differences, the firm can be called for negotiation to patch up the differences on table prior to approaching court.

44.  The prospective Bidder(s) can visit in Computer Center, 3rd Floor, SCRB, P.S. Kamla Market, Delhi 110002 to inspect the site before submission of the bid, if so desire.

45.  Any hardware/software required for providing of internet connection at the location shall be provided/installed by the successful bidder.

46.  Delhi Police will provide the switch for connecting the Ethernet port (RJ45) to be provided by the bidder.

47.  The bidder shall provide Internet Leased Line connectivity to Delhi Police on Ethernet port (RJ45) within the quoted rental cost. The UPS and earthing will be provided by Delhi Police.



1.  The Demand draft of Rs.500/- each as Application Fee.