Please note, Junior Fiction books have not been adapted and consist of various font styles and sizes.

Author: Adams, Pam.

Title: There was an old lady who swallowed a fly.

Author: Ahlberg, Janet.

Title: The Jolly Postman, or, Other people's letters.

Author: Alborough, Jez.

Title: Duck in the Truck.

Author: Alborough, Jez.

Title: Duck's Key : Where can it be?.

Author: Alborough, Jez.

Title: Where's My Teddy?

Author: Allcroft, Britt

Title: Thomas’ ABC

Author: Allcroft, Britt

Title: Thomas’ 123

Author: Allen, Jonathan.

Title: Chicken Licken's Christmas.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: Barn on fire.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: Camping out.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: Dolly and the train.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: The grumpy goat.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: The hungry donkey.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: Kitten's day out.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: Market day.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: The naughty sheep.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: The new pony.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: The old steam train.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: Pig gets lost.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: Pig gets stuck.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: The runaway tractor.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: Rusty's train ride.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: Scarecrow's secret.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: Silly sheepdog

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: The snow storm.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: Surprise visitors.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: Tractor in trouble.

Author: Amery, Heather.

Title: Woolly stops the train.

Author: Anholt, Catherine and Laurence.

Title: What I Like.

Author: Bancroft, Bronwyn.

Title: An Australian 1,2,3 of Animals.

Author: Bedford, David.

Title: I've Seen Santa.

Author: Bee, William.

Title: Whatever.

Author: Bemelmans, Ludwig.

Title: Madeline.

Author: The Book Studio

Title: Old Macdonald Had a Farm

Author: Brimax Publishing

Title: Big Blue Truck

Author: Brimax Publishing

Title: Noisy Green Train

Author: Brimax Publishing

Title: Strong Yellow Digger

Author: Browne, Anthony.

Title: I Like Books.

Author: Brown Watson

Title: Large Print Animal Stories.

Author: Burningham, John.

Title: The Magic Bed.

Author: Burningham, John.

Title: Mr Gumpy's Outing.

Author: Burningham, John.

Title: Oi! Get off our Train.

Author: Burningham, John.

Title: The Shopping Basket.

Author: Campbell, Rod, 1945-.

Title: I Won't Bite.

Author: Campbell, Rod.

Title: Noisy Farm.

Author: Carle, Eric.

Title: Draw me a Star.

Author: Carle, Eric.

Title: From Head to Toe.

Author: Carle, Eric.

Title: The very hungry caterpillar.

Author: Carle, Eric.

Title: The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Author: Carne, Eric.

Title: The Tiny Seed.

Author: Cave, Kathryn.

Title: Something else.

Author: Chichester-Clark, Emma.

Title: What shall we do, Blue Kangaroo?

Author: Childs, Sam.

Title: Alice and Anatole.

Author: Cousins, Lucy.

Title: Hooray for Fish!

Author: Cousins, Lucy.

Title: Maisy goes to the library.

Author: Davies, Gill.

Title: In My Garden : Pop-Up Book.

Author: Debi Gliori.

Title: No Matter What.

Author: Donaldson, Julia.

Title: Charlie Cook's favourite book.

Author: Donaldson, Julia.

Title: Fox's socks.

Author: Donaldson, Julia.

Title: Hide-and-seek Pig.

Author: Donaldson, Julia.

Title: Sharing a shell.

Author: Donaldson, Julia.

Title: The smartest giant in town.

Author: Donaldson, Julia.

Title: The snail and the whale.

Author: Donaldson, Julia.

Title: A squash and a squeeze.

Author: Falconer, Ian,

Title: Olivia.

Author: Falconer, Ian,

Title: Olivia and the missing toy.

Author: Falconer, Ian,

Title: Olivia forms a band.

Author: Falconer, Ian, 1959-

Title: Olivia saves the circus.

Author: Fitzpatrick, Marie-Louise.

Title: The sleeping giant.

Author: Fitzpatrick, Marie-Louise.

Title: You, me and the big blue sea.

Author: Hargreaves, Roger

Title: Mr Noisy’s (Big Surprise)

Author: Hargreaves,Roger

Title: Mr Small’s (Holiday)

Author: Hargreaves,Roger

Title: Mr Bump’s (Bouncy Days)

Author: Hargreaves,Roger

Title: Mr Bounce’s (Shopping Trip)

Author: Hargreaves, Roger

Title: Mr Messy (That’s Me)

Author: Hargreaves, Roger

Title: Mr Tickle’s (Tickle Time)

Author: Hargreaves, Roger

Tilte: Mr Happy’s (Smiley Day)

Author: Hendry, Diana.

Title: The very snowy Christmas.

Author: Hest, Amy.

Title: Kiss goodnight, Sam.

Author: Hill, Eric.

Title: Spot bakes a cake.

Author: Hill, Eric.

Title: Spot's touch and feel book.

Author: Hughes, Shirley.

Title: All shapes and sizes.

Author: Hughes, Shirley.

Title: Bathwater's hot.

Author: Hughes, Shirley.

Title: Colours.

Author: Hughes, Shirley.

Title: Noisy.

Author: Hughes, Shirley.

Title: Two shoes, new shoes.

Author: Hughes, Shirley.

Title: When we went to the park.

Author: Hunt, Roderick.

Title: Husky Adventure : Read at Home (4c).

Author: Hunt, Roderick.

Title: Looking After Gran : Read at Home (4a).

Author: Hunt, Roderick.

Title: The Old Tree Stump : Read at Home (3a).

Author: Hunt, Roderick.

Title: Read at Home (4b) Hungry Floppy.

Author: Hunt, Roderick.

Title: The Real Floppy: Read at Home (3b).

Author: Hunt, Roderick.

Title: Silly Races: Read at Home.

Author: Hunt, Roderick.

Title: The Spaceship: Read at Home (3c).

Author: Hutchins, Pat.

Title: Rosie's walk.

Author: Inkpen, Mick.

Title: Everyone hide from Wibbly Pig.

Author: Inkpen, Mick.

Title: Is it bedtime Wibbly Pig?

Author: Inkpen, Mick.

Title: Kipper.

Author: Inkpen, Mick.

Title : Kipper's monster.

Author: Inkpen, Mick.

Title: Tickly Christmas, Wibbly Pig!

Author: Jarman, Julia.

Title: Big red bath.

Author: Jeffers, Oliver.

Title: How to catch a star.

Author: Jeffers, Oliver.

Title: The incredible book eating boy.

Author: Jeffers, Oliver.

Title: Lost and found.

Author: Jeram, Anita.

Title: Bunny, my honey.

Author: Kerr, Judith.

Title: The tiger who came to tea.

Author: Machin, Sue.

Title: I Went Walking.

Author: Martin Waddell, Helen Oxenbury.

Title: Farmer duck.

Author: Martin, Bill.

Title: Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?

Author: Martin, Bill.

Title: Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

Author: McAllister, Angela.

Title: Jasmine's lion.

Author: McKie Anne (adapted by)

Title: A Treasury of Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes.

Author: McNaughton, Colin.

Title: Once upon an ordinary school day.

Author: Mitton, Tony.

Title: Flashing fire engines.

Author: Moon, Nicola.

Title: Lucy's picture.

Author: Munsch, Robert N.

Title: The paper bag princess.

Author: Murphy, Jill.

Title: Five minutes' peace.

Author: Nicoll, Helen.

Title: Meg and Mog.

Author: Partis, Joanne.

Title: Hungry Harry.

Author: Pfister, Marcus.

Title: Rainbow Fish finds his way.

Author: Rider, Cynthia.

Title: Floppy and the Bone : Read at Home (2c).

Author: Rider, Cynthia.

Title: Funny Fish : Read at Home.

Author: Rider, Cynthia.

Title: I Can Trick a Tiger : Read at Home (2b).

Author: Rider, Cynthia.

Title: Poor Old Rabbit! : Read at Home (2a).

Author: Rider, Cynthia. Brychta, Alex.

Title: Read at Home (1c) Dad's Birthday.

Author: Ripley, Marion, Backhouse, Colin.

Title: Private and Confidential.

Author: Rosen, Michael.

Title: We're Going on a Bear Hunt.

Author: Roxbee Cox, Phil.

Title: Toad makes a road.

Author: Roxbee Cox, Phil.

Title: Goose on the Loose.

Author: Roxbee Cox, Phil.

Title: Shark in the Park.

Author: Roxbee Cox, Phil.

Title: Frog on a Log.

Author: Roxbee Cox, Phil.

Title: Fat cat on the Mat.

Author: Roxbee Cox, Phil.

Title: Big Pig on a Dig.

Author: Roxbee Cox, Phil.

Title: Hen’s Pen’s.

Author: Roxbee Cox, Phil.

Title: Sam Sheep Can’t Sleep.

Author: Roxbee Cox, Phil.

Title: Ted’s Shed.

Author: Roxbee Cox, Phil.

Title: Fox on a Box.

Author: Ruttle, Kate, Young,Annemarie.

Title: Helping Your Child to Read : Read at Home Handbook.

Author: Sendak, Maurice.

Title: Where the wild things are.

Author: Seuss, Dr.

Title: One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

Author: Smart, Ted.

Title: Caterpillar's book of Counting.

Author: Spurgeon, Maureen.

Title: Animal Stories: Large print.

Author: Spurgeon, Maureen.

Title: Count and Read: Large print.

Author: Spurgeon, Maureen.

Title: Fairy Tales: Large print.

Author: Spurgeon, Maureen.

Title: Learn to Read: Large print.

Author: Stickland, Paul.

Title: Dinosaur roar!

Author: Sykes, Julie.

Title: Dora's eggs.

Author: Tarbett, Debbie.

Title: Ten Wriggly Wiggly Caterpillars.

Author: Tolstoy, Aleksey Nikolayevich.

Title: The gigantic turnip

Author: Trivizas, Eugene.

Title: The three little wolves and the big bad pig.

Author: Waddell, Martin.

Title: The pig in the pond.

Author: Waddell, Martin.

Title: Owl babies.

Author: Walker, Richard.

Title: Jack and the beanstalk.

Author: Walsh, Ellen Stoll.

Title: Mouse paint.

Author: Waring, Richard

Title: Hungry hen.

Author: Whybrow, Ian.

Title: Say hello to the animals!

Author: Willis, Jeanne.

Title: Shhh!

Author: Zion, Gene.

Title: Harry the Dirty Dog.


ChildVision Library Junior Fiction Catalogue