Title:Shell FuelSave Live Life Full-On Challenge with the Muttons
Duration: 1:19 minutes
Catch the Muttons, Justin and Vernon, in this exciting three-webisode series brought to you by Shell FuelSave – the fuel that’s designed to last longer.
Follow them as they drive across Singapore on a tank of Shell FuelSave to experience more between their busy work schedule. The catch? After all the fun, they have to reach Tuas Checkpoint with three-quarters of a tank left of fuel! Will they make it? Watch all the webisodes to find out. You’ll also learn some valuable fuel-saving tips along the way and even stand to win $1,000 in Shell FuelSave vouchers
[Background music plays]
Uplifting music
[Video footage]
Close up on a Shell petrol station. Zooming into Vernon refueling a yellow car.
Hi We are the Muttons and what are we doing at a very cool new Shell station here in Tuas?
Well, we’re filling up the car of course, but not with any ordinary fuel.
We're talking about Shell FuelSave – the fuel that's designed to last longer.
That's right. More mileage means more experiences.
In other words, you can live your life full-on in between your work and personal commitments.
And that's whywe've decided to take on the Shell Live Life Full-On Challenge.
Here's how it works.
During a busy work schedule will be given a series ofaddresses to visit.
That's right.And we hear there's lots of fun and excitement waiting for us there.
Hmm, and after all that, we’ll have to head to the TuasCheckpoint with at least threequarter of our fuels still left or else…
Well, we all know what happens when we head to the checkpoint with less thanthree quarter tank.
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A big X across the screen
So, will we make it?Will Shell FuelSave help us live life full-on?
[Text display]
A thought bubble with “Hmm” appears next to Vernon
Well, catch all the webisodes of the Shell FuelSaveLive Life Full-OnChallengewith us, the Muttons, starting 11thAugust.
And it's not just tuning in tosee how handsome faces, no, no, no.
There’s a thousand dollars’ worth of Shell FuelSave vouchers for you to win as well.
All you need to do is stay tuned for the questions at the end of the challenge.
Well, we're gonna leave you here for now because we've got to go stock up on thechallenge.
So Muttons, signing out.
[Video footage]
Shot of Justin and Vernon moving to the Shell station.
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Shell FuelSave Live Life Full-On Challenge with The Muttons