

Moulsecoomb Modular Scheme


Level: 3

Credit Rating:10Subject Area: Business Systems Management

Module Type: SingleSemester Offered: 2

Course(s) for which module is

acceptable and status in course :

BA(Hons) Business Administration – ELECTIVE

BA(Hons) Business Studies Sandwich– ELECTIVE

BA(Hons) Business Management - ELECTIVE

BA(Hons) Business Studies/Management with Law – ELECTIVE

BA(Hons) Business Studies/Management with Finance – ELECTIVE

BA(Hons) Business Studies/Management with Marketing – ELECTIVE

BA(Hons) International Business -ELECTIVE

BA(Hons) Accounting and Finance - ELECTIVE




To provide the basic knowledge and understanding needed to allow students to be able to contribute to introducing or developing the practice of Total Quality Management and Environmental Management into organisations and sustaining their evolution.

Learning Outcomes:

Subject specific:

On completion of this module the student should be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of quality and its significance to an organisation;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of environmental issues and and their significance to an organisation;
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of the objectives and principles of European Environmental Legislation;
  • Identify a range of quality measures that can be applied at product, service and company level;
  • Explain the form and purpose of a quality management system and an environmental management system;
  • Critically evaluate the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in an organization and the implementation of an Environmental Management System;
  • Make use of some tools and techniques of TQM and Environmental Management.


  • The meaning of quality and its importance to an organisation.
  • Quality economics.
  • Quality of goods and customer service delivery systems.
  • Quality Improvement tools and programmes.
  • Quality management systems and Environmental Management Systems
  • Adoption and sustainability of total quality programmes and the EFQM Excellence model.
  • Modern global environmental issues, including climate change
  • An introduction to EU Environmental legislation and UK environmental legislation
  • The concepts of sustainable development, life-cycle assessment, recycling and disposal.
  • Environmental impact assessment and the development and use of Environmental Management Systems

Learning Support:

Latest editions of the following texts:

Bank J, The Essence of Total Quality Management, Prentice Hall.

Bergman B, Klefsjo B, Quality, From Customer Needs to Customer Satisfaction, McGraw-Hill

Besterield D, Quality Control, Prentice Hall

Bounds, Yorks, Adams, Ranney, Total Quality Management, Towards the Emerging Paradigm, McGraw-Hill

Connelly J & Smith G, Politics and the Environment, Routledge

Dale, Managing Quality, Prentice Hall

Dean J, Evans J, Total Quality, Management, Organisation & Strategy, West

Deming W, Out Of Crisis,Cambridge

Flood R, Beyond TQM, Wiley

Kolaric, Creating Quality, McGraw-Hill

Logothetis N, Managing for Total Quality, Prentice Hall

Mannion AM & Bowlby SR, Environmental Issues in the 1990s, Wiley

Oakland J S, Total Quality Management, Heinemann

Rao, Total Quality Management, A Cross Functional Perspective, Wiley

Slack et al, Operations Management, FT Prentice Hall

Slater R & Ashcroft P, Quantitative Decisions In a Business Context , Van Nostrand Reinhard

Straker, A Toolbook for Quality Improvement and Problem Solving,Prentice Hall

Sullivan R & Wyndham H, Effective Environmental Management – Principles and Case Studies, Allen & Unwin

Taylor B et al, Environmental Management Handbook, Pitman

Teboul J, Managing Quality Dynamics, Prentice Hall

Teaching & Learning Strategies:

Lecture:10Open Learning: 0

Seminars:10Self Study:50

Workshops:0Assessment: 30



100% Three hour examination

Brief Description of the Module:

Total quality management, as its name suggests, comprises an organisational philosophy for harnessing the full capacities of all employees in order to produce quality products and services which meet the customers' actual requirements. Achieving this objective will, as experience confirms, result in improved productivity, lowered costs, enhanced reputation, increased return on investment etc. Total quality management is thus a philosophy for utilising the total resources, human and physical of the organisation in seeking to enhance its effectiveness.

Effective management of environmental issues offers many benefits to an organization, including reduced risk, improved utilization of resources and employees, better management of regulatory compliance, reduced costs, increased revenue and improved public reputation. The importance of the environment to overall business success is widely recognized. Among business and government leaders the environment is not a fringe issue, but rather is a mainstream business issue and an integral part of business excellence and Total Quality Management.

Area Examination Board: / Business Systems
Management / External Examiner: / M.Naim
Faculty: / BusinessSchool / Site where delivered: / Moulsecoomb
Module Writer(s): / R G Allen
Date of Approval: / 2005 / Date of Last Revision: / 2005