Heartland Community College

Technology Division

Course Syllabus for students

Course prefix and number: MAIN 202

Course title: Fluid Power Systems

Credit hours: 3

Contact hours: 4 (Lecture hours: 2 Lab hours: 2 )

Days and times the course meets: T 5:00PM-8:50PM

Catalog Description:

Prerequisite: TMAT 103. This course examines basic fluid power theories and advantages, schematic reading and development, equipment specification and installation, and maintenance and rebuilding of individual components. Troubleshooting techniques will be emphasized.

Instructor Information:

Instructor name: Chris Miller

Phone number to contact instructor: 268-8855

Instructor e-mail address:

Location of instructor’s office: wdc 1213

Hours and days of instructor’s office hours: M-W 1:00PM-3:00PM, Tr & F by app

Website: http://www.technology.heartland.edu/faculty/chrism/



Online SMC pneumatic handbook. http://www.smcpneumatics.com/pdfs/smc/basic_pneumatics.pdf

Eaton Hydraulics. Industrial Hydraulics Manual, 5th Ed., 2nd Printing. Eaton Hydraulics Training Services (Vickers)


A good multimeter

Relationship to Academic Development Programs and Transfer:

MAIN 202 was designed to meet the specific needs of an Associate of Applied Science degree and not necessarily as a transfer course, particularly in relation to the Illinois Articulation Initiative. This course may transfer to various institutions in a variety of ways. Please see an academic advisor for an explanation concerning transfer options.

Personal Statements and/or Beliefs on this course and the discipline:

Student Learning and/or Responsibilities

Please view Education is money in the bank video linked from my website

Course Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

At the completion of this course, the student should be able to: / General Education Outcome Item / Assessment Tool
1. Identify basic components of a pneumatic schematic / Exams/Quizzes
2. Demonstrate an understanding of proper safety used while working on fluid power devices / Labs
3. Apply appropriate techniques to correctly measure pressure, volume and flow of a pneumatic system / Labs
4 Identify basic contributes of a hydraulic schematic / Exams/Quizzes
5. Apply appropriate techniques to correctly measure pressure, volume and flow rate in a hydraulic systems / Labs
6. Correctly implement controlling a pneumatic actuator using meter-in or meter-out depending on the situation the actuator will be used / CT2 / Labs

Course/Lab Outline:

1. Understand basic pneumatics.

2. Describe directional control valves.

3. Understand pneumatic pressure control valves.

4. Describe and maintain pneumatic cylinders.

5. Describe and maintain pneumatic motors and actuators.

6. Troubleshoot pneumatic systems.

7. Understand basic hydraulics.

8. Describe hydraulic pumps.

9. Describe directional control valves.

10. Hydraulic pressure control valve operation

11. Describe hydraulic cylinders.

12. Install and maintain hydraulic systems.

13. Troubleshoot hydraulic systems.

14. Understand Electro-pneumatic and Electro-hydraulic systems

Methods of Instruction:

This Fluid Power course will include a large array of instructional methods to help the student understand the material and apply the material in practical applications.

Course Policies:

Method of Evaluation (Tests/Exams, Grading System):

Exams / Quizzes 30%

Labs 40%

Assignments 30%

Grades will be based on the following scale:

90 – 100% A

80 – 89% B

70 – 79% C

60% – 69% D

Below 60% F

Participation (or Attendance)

Attendance is not taken. However, history has shown that participation and attending class is vital to student success. Please see “my policies” for more information


An incomplete grade may be given to a student who, by the withdrawal date, can reasonably be expected to pass the course. Incompletes may be granted only when justified by extreme circumstances (e.g., serious illness, accident, death or serious illness in the immediate family). Incomplete grades are not given for such reasons as unjustified failure to appear for the final examination. A written agreement, outline the requirements to be met, must be signed by the instructor and the student. The agreed upon requirements must be completed no later than the end of the following semester (spring semester for incompletes granted during the fall, and the following fall for incompletes given during the spring and summer semesters). By the agreed upon date, the instructor will assign a grade or the incomplete will be changed to an ‘F’ if the requirements are not completed.

Extra Credit

No none

Missing an exam and assignments policy

Please see “My policies” for more information

Specifications for written materials:

Please see “My policies” for more information

Syllabi disclaimer

Any changes to syllabus, calendar or course will be clearly document for the student

Course Calendar:

Please visit my website for the most current schedule

My polices: Spring 2014 MAIN 202 Fluid Power

This is a supplemental policies used in conjunction with the syllabus.

30% of your grade comes from tests and quizzes. You must be present at all exams when they are assigned. I will not allow you to make up a test. Only if you have an exemption from me, confirmation by voice or email, prior to the exam will I consider allowing you to take it at a different time.

Pneumatic Exam = 15%

Hydraulic Exam = 15%

40% of your grade will come from labs. Labs must be turned in on the due date, typically the date of the exam in which it was used to prepare for. No lab will be allowed after taking the exam in which it was used to prepare for. You will not be allowed to make up a lab if you miss it. See me prior to an absence concerning the lab, same policy as exam policy. Every lab, unless otherwise stated, must include a lab write up.

Lab Grading

Each lab will be worth 10 points. Unless otherwise noted

To obtain the full 10 points for each lab the following items need to be addressed.

3 points Technical Merit

5 points Lab Write Up

2 point Clarity, spelling, complete sentences

o  Lab clean up. You are responsible for lab clean up and returning of equipment. If you do not put equipment away and more importantly the components correctly away you will not get credit for that lab.

o  Your name must be included on the inside front cover.

o  Your name and date shall be on every lab.

o  Must be completed in either pencil, or black, blue ink.

o  It must be legible. Meaning, readability, grammatically, and numerically

o  You must show every step in your solution of the problem. If there is no work shown the entire assignment will not be counted.

o  Some assignments may be given in excel and you will be required to finish in excel. Special notice will be given for these assignments.

·  Each lab must include a lab write up. It must pertain the following:

o  Action of the circuit

o  Theory of operation

o  Special features / What worked / what did not work

o  Special notes considerations for this particular lab

·  If a lab write up is not provided it will result in 50% reduction of grade for that lab.

30% of your grade will come from assignments and reading / activity assessments. Assignments must be turned in on the date due. Unless otherwise stated the homework assignment will be due the following week it was assigned. I will not accept late work.

Assignments =10%

Reading / Activity Assessments =20%

The following must be done in order for the assignment to be accepted:

o  No torn up paper, no spiral paper

o  Must be completed in either pencil, or black, blue ink.

o  It must be legible: readability, grammatically, and numerically professionally done

o  In upper right hand side the following must appear

§  Name

§  Date assignment is due

§  Chapter and question numbers

o  You must show every step in your solution of the problem. If there is no work shown the entire assignment will not be counted.

All answers must be clearly denoted if in doubt it will be wrong!

Grades will be based on the following scale:

100 – 90% A 89 – 80 B 79 – 70% C 69 – 60% D Below 60% F

Name: ______Date:______