High School Principal


NYSSecondary School Principal Certificate



The Assistant High School Principal is an Administrative Officer whose primary function is to assist the High School Principal in the performance of his/her duties and responsibilities. He/she is directly responsible to the High School Principal and accountable to him/her for the fulfillment of duties and responsibilities described herein. He/she assists the Junior High Principal in the administration and supervision of the entire summer school program. In addition, he/she is responsible for other duties and responsibilities which are implied in the nature of the task of administering a modern high school.


The content of the responsibilities and duties of this position are categorized under the following major areas:

Instructional Program and Curriculum Development

1)Works with the Principal and staff in evaluating and developing curriculum.

2)Conducts classroom observations and completes required observation reports. Confers with teachers and makes recommendations for improvement.

3)Identifies and recommends areas of curricular review to meet changing student and teacher needs.

4)Keeps abreast of educational developments by reading professional literature, attending professional association meetings, visiting schools, and participating in workshops.

5)Assists in assigning teachers and other staff members to duties which seem most suitable to the overall efficiency of the school program.

6)Confers with individual parents, students, and teachers on matters pertaining to the curriculum and instruction.

7)Assists the Principal in the development and implementation of sound personnel policies and practices.

8)Assists the Principal in providing an atmosphere conducive to proper learning.

9)Participates in the Building Management Team and the Superintendent’s Administrative Staff meetings.

10)Attends and participates in other meetings related to the instructional program and curriculum development.

11)Represents the School District at meetings selected by the Central Office.

12)Assists the Principal in improving instruction through such means as classroom visitations and conferences with teachers, arranging for in-service training meetings and programs, and making arrangements and provisions for professional growth of teachers.

13)Provides for review of report card grades of students brought to his/her attention for disciplinary and related reasons.

14)Acts as liaison to the Alternative Education Program and facilitates student selection process.

15)Works with the Junior High Principal in the development and implementation of the summer school program.

Building Organization and Management

1)Assists the Principal in planning and organization for the opening and closing of the school year.

2)Participates in the opening of school orientation programs for students and teachers.

3)Conducts building fire inspections with local firemen and orients staff to procedures that comply with fire safety regulations.

4)Organizes the parking lot, obtains and distributes parking registration forms, permits and parking lot stickers.

5)Assigns lockers to homeroom teachers for distribution to students.

6)Assists the Principal in carrying out policy and administrative procedure of the Board of Education and the Central Office Administration.


1)Supervises teachers in the fulfillment of their responsibilities.

2)Assists in the orientation of new staff members and all new students.

3)Supervises staff members in the fulfillment of instructional and non-instructional assignments such as corridor and study hall assignments.

4)Supervises and evaluates clerical, student supervisors, aides, and other non-teaching personnel assigned to areas of this job description’s responsibilities.

5)Assists in the development and implementation of orientation programs for incoming 9th grade pupils.

Business and Budget Management

Determines budget needs for the operation of his/her office and personnel for whom he/she is responsible.

Student Behavior and Building Control

1)Supervises student behavior and conducts student conferences to correct poor behavior. Plans for the use of preventative and remedial measures in dealing with problems or students. Works closely with Student Behavior Management Teams.

2)Shares in the supervision of student social activities, football and basketball games, and other special events.

3)Assists in the development of standards of discipline for the school.

4)Organizes and supervises the system of recording and reporting student behavior to all appropriate school personnel and parents.

5)Enforces the school’s adopted standards of discipline.

6)Utilizes the services of teachers, guidance counselors, student assistance counselors, the psychologist, social worker, and others in carrying out effectively preventative and remedial measures.

7)Recommends to the Principal student behavioral problems when more severe action is warranted. Participates in Superintendent Hearings when appropriate.

8)Encourages meetings with students who wish to make suggestions, seek counsel or discuss school problems.

9)Investigates cases of vandalism, bomb threats, and false fire alarms and reports in writing and refers such cases to the Principal and Superintendent.

10)Involves local police in cases of student behavior when such behavior warrants. Coordinates and facilities appropriate school-wide searches for drugs, alcohol, etc.

11)Supervises students in corridors, lavatories and cafeterias, supervises the work of staff members in their carrying out assignments in corridors, lavatories and cafeterias.

Community Relations

1)Assists the Principal in the development of positive relationships with the entire community.

2)Works with parents and community organizations in organizing and promoting school-student-community activities.

3)Attends and supervises school sponsored programs held during and after school and during evening hours.

4)Assists the Principal in keeping parents in the community acquainted with the school program, its policies and activities, including new developments in both curricular and extra-curricular areas.

5)Cooperates with community agencies in the support of drives that are in keeping with School Board policy and school procedure.

Student Services and Activities

1)Supervises the implementation of attendance policies and procedures, and works with counselors and the social worker in student accounting.

2)Assists students in their adjustment to the High School.

3)Assumes responsibility for liaison with the transportation department and enforces standards of discipline on buses.

4)Establishes a complete system of recording school absenteeism, truancy, and other behavioral problems and provides follow-up information for all appropriate school personnel and parents.

Revised: 08/02