Academic Senate E-mail:

Academic Senate website:

Academic Senate Phone: 650-574-6235

Members of Governing Council:

Tom Diskin, President

Jeremy Ball, Vice President

Lloyd Davis, Secretary

Rosemary Nurre, Treasurer

Business/Creative Arts: Andria Haynes

Language Arts: Ann Freeman, Kathleen Steele

Math Science: Linda Phipps, Carlene Tonini

Physical Education: John Hogan

Social Science: James Robertson

Student Services/Counseling: Eileen O’Brien

Technology: Lilya Vorobey

Library: Gladys Chaw

Student Representative: Michael Palza, Dima Khudari, Tony Arteaga


From: Tom Diskin, 574-6235

Date: January 19,2006


January 24, 2006 – Building 18, Room 206

2:15 I. Call to order

II.  Approval of 1/24/2006 Agenda (Action)

III.  Approval of Minutes of 11/22/2005 & 12/13/2005 meetings (Action)

2:15 – 2:20 IV. Public comment

2:20 – 2:40 V. Officer’s Reports

2:40 – 2:45 VI. Faculty Appointments (see written summary)

2:45 - 2:50 VII. Information/Announcements (see written summary) (District/College)

2:50 – 3:30 VIII. New Business

A.  Resolution for Vice Chancellor for Education position (DAS) (Information/Action)

B.  Report on Student Equity Plan (Information/Discussion)

C.  CSM Philosophy Statement from CAC (Information/Discussion)

3:30 – 4:00 IX. Old Business

A.  Faculty Center availability & access, need to restock kitchen area (Information/Discussion)

B.  District Resource Allocation Model (continued) (Kathy Blackwood, District Office) (Information/Discussion)

C.  Review of AS Goals and new goals for this year


4:00 – 4:10 X. Correspondence, Publications & Announcements

4:10 – 4:15 XI. Future Agenda Items

A.  Accreditation Process (Information/Discussion) (Shirley Kelly)

B.  On-line associate degree programs (Eileen O’Brien) (Information/Discussion) 2/14/2006 meeting

C.  Class size and enrollment management

D.  Report from subcommittee to work on simplifying annual & comprehensive program review (Steele, Chaw, Vorobey) (Information/Discussion)

E.  Museum of Tolerance prioritization process and coordination with DIAG

F.  Diversity in Curriculum: initial discussion and brainstorming (discuss in early Spring)

G.  Update on Wait List (Eric Raznick)

H.  Student Tuition Assistance Plan

I.  Discussion of concept of College Hour (Villareal)

J.  Discussion on Canada’s Academic Integrity Policy

K.  Position on cell phone usage in classrooms (Rosemary Nurre)

L.  Rework viability report format and procedural guidelines

M.  Gaining more release time for getting more faculty involved in shared governance (AFT support a possibility?)

N.  Discussion & evaluation of Comprehensive Program Review (Ambrose/Nurre) (Information/Action)

O.  Privacy and new phone system (Eric Raznick)

4:15 XII. Adjournment