Title:Prashanthini - Subsea Controls Engineer at Shell(1)

Duration: 1:44minutes


Prashanthini talks about her job as Subsea Controls Engineer at Shell

Prashanthini - Subsea Controls Engineer at Shell(1)Film Transcript

[Background music]

Calm music

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Life at Shell

Prashanthini Sunderan

Subsea Controls Engineer

[Video footage]

Prashanthini folding a sheet of paper and looking at something. Checking equipment. Talking to a colleague. Working at a computer in office. Close-up of computer monitor showing diagram.

Interview with Prasanthini Sunderan

Prasanthini Sunderan

Subsea Controls Engineer


“My role is to actually make sure that the design requirements by our operations are met. I can go out and actually experience the real deal. You look at your subsea equipment, your controllers, to make sure that they are operating to how you’ve designed it to be.”

[Video footage]

Prasanthini sitting at desk. Talking to colleagues. Close-up of large diagram. Prasanthini and colleagues checking equipment. Close-ups of Prasanthini and equipment. Prasanthini checking the check-list.


“To make sure that when I press a button on the platform they actually performed on the sea floor.”

[Video footage]

Prasanthini checking and pointing at controllers.

Prasanthini working at a computer.

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“It gives me a wide range of opportunities to work in challenging projects and in stuff that really matters.”

[Video footage]

Prasanthini in office, talking to colleague. Pointing to computer monitor with oil flow line on it.


“This project is actually set to produce about 20% of the oil in Malaysia. This oil is going to help our industries. It gives me a sense that we can make a difference.”

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[Video footage]

Prasanthini and colleagues seated around a table, talking. Close-up of Prasanthini.

Computer lab. People standing behind Prasanthini and looking at her computer. Prasanthini talking to colleagues.


“Being in Shell you get a feeling that you’re working in a global organisation. You do not need to depend on a certain region for that knowledge and experience, it’s just at your fingertips, you can get it at any time.”

[Video footage]

Group of people talking.

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[Video footage]

Prasanthini working at computer with colleague. Close-up of monitor. Close-up of keyboard. Colleague talking and pointing at diagram on screen.

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“You’re part of the team. They’re really accommodating. They welcome people to challenge them, to ask them questions or try to learn about your job.”

[Video footage]

Team laughing. Close-ups of various colleagues as they talk. Prasanthini asking a question.


“I’m Prasanthini Sunderan. I’m a subsea controls engineer. It’s very exciting. You’re working with things you’ve never been before so it’s new stuff. It won’t be boring, I’m sure.”

[Video footage]

Prasanthini playing tennis.

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