Title:Pizza Dominicana
Content Area:Language Arts, Mathematics
NC SCOS Objective(s):
Competency Goal 1 The learner will apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write.
1.01 Use word identification strategies appropriately and automatically when encountering unknown words (graphophonic, syntactic, semantic).
1.02 Infer word meanings from taught roots, prefixes, and suffixes to decode words in text to assist comprehension.
1.03 Identify key words and discover their meanings and relationships through a variety of strategies.
1.04 Increase reading and writing vocabulary through:
  • wide reading.
  • word study.
  • knowledge of homophones, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms.
  • knowledge of multiple meanings of words.
  • writing process elements.
  • writing as a tool for learning.
  • seminars.
  • book clubs.
  • discussions.
  • examining the author's craft.
Competency Goal 2:The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed.
2.07 Determine usefulness of information and ideas consistent with purpose.
COMPETENCY GOAL 1:The learner will read, write, model, and compute with non-negative rational numbers.
1.03 Solve problems using models, diagrams, and reasoning about fractions and relationships among fractions involving halves, fourths, eighths, thirds, sixths, twelfths, fifths, tenths, hundredths, and mixed numbers.
  • prebaked whole wheat crust or make your own
  • cooking spray
  • 1 small onion
  • 2 Tbsp. chopped garlic
  • 1 (15 ounce) can black beans, rinsed, drained, and mashed
  • 2 teaspoons chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 2-3 large tomatoes
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 bunch cilantro
  • chopped garlic to your liking
  • 2 hot Italian turkey sausage links, cooked and sliced (optional)
  • 1/4 cup cheese (whatever kind you like...I used a low fat Mexican chz)
  • sliced fresh garlic
*Bring in onions that have already been tenderized from home. Also bring in a pizza that has already been finished in the oven. This way they can eat the final product without worrying if there will be an oven that can be used.*
Instructions/ Procedures:
In the book How Tia Lola Came to (Visit) Stay, Tia Lola makes delicious food for Miguel and his family. One day tia Lola makes Pizza Dominicana and it makes the house smell wonderful and the children think it is delicious. By doing this activity the students will start to understand how to read a recipe and they will get to taste tia Lola’s famous Pizza Dominicana.
  1. In a skillet cook 1st 3 ingredients until onion is tender.
  2. Add next 3 ingredients.
  3. Spread bean mixture on pizza.
  4. Make "salsa" w/ the next 4 ingredients.
  5. Top bean mixture w/ salsa.
  6. Add sausage and cheese, then top w/ sliced fresh garlic for a beautiful and aromatic finish!
  7. Bake at 375 F for 8-12 minutes...fresh garlic should be toasty!

Additional Resources:

Reference: Alvarez, J. (2001). How Tia Lola came to (visit) stay. New York, NY: Yearling.