Stress & Holter: Chapter 13 Worksheet
True/False and make the false statements true
____1. Echocardiography is ultrasound technology as applied to imaging the heart and the associated
great vessels.
____2. The acquisition of echo images is most commonly performed by sonographers , echo-
cardiographers, or cardiovascular anesthesiologists.
____3. Heart structures are displayed with respect to motion and time using stress testing.
____4. M-mode echo provides high temporal resolution and provides information regarding both the
structure and function of the heart.
____5. 2-D echo provided a wider area investigation into the structure and function of the heart within a
90-degree scanning sector.
____6. Doppler affords clinicians a powerful and integral tool for assessing heart function.
____7. With Doppler sound waves are reflected off of moving red blood cells.
____8. There are three types of Doppler techniques: pulse wave, continuous wave, and sound waves.
____9. Pulse wave Doppler is used for the assessment of blood flow at specific locations and for
velocities less than 2 m/s.
____10. Continuous wave Doppler as its name suggests is continuously transmitting and receiving sound
waves using separate crystals.
____11. Color Doppler is a pulse wave technique in which multiple points in a specified sector are
sampled; color is encoded upon a 2-D image and is useful for visualizing the presence of
blood flow, the presence of turbulent blood flow, and shunts.
____12. The portability of echo is unique among cardiovascular imagining modalities.
____13. Transthoracic echo is performed by placing an ultrasound transducer on the patient’s chest and
Images are obtained through the chest wall.
____14. The heart is situated obliquely in the chest with the apex toward the right.
____15. Most cardiovascular imaging is performed along the axis of the body.
____16. There are four standardized anatomic windows for the echo examination and are usually
acquired in this order; parasternal, apical, subcostal, and suprasternal.
____17. Transesophageal echo (TEE)uses an imaging crystal placed on the end of a flexible probe that
is inserted into the esophagus and stomach to image the heart.
____18. Distance between the transducer and the heart is reduced, the spatial resolution of TEE is much
improved for some structures of the heart, resulting in superior image quality.
____19. Echocardiograms are especially used with aortic dissection, valvular endocarditis, prosthetic
Valve malfunction, left atrial appendage thrombus, Interatrial septal defect, and patient
foramen ovale.
____20. Some contraindications for TEE include, dysphagia, esophageal strictures or webs, esophageal
or gastric cancer, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, cervical neck trauma, thrombocytopenia or
____21. Risks of TEE include, but are not limited to, aspiration, bronchospasm, respiratory depression,
or hypotension from sedation, bleeding, and trauma to the teeth, esophagus or stomach such
as perforation.
____22. Stress Echo is performed in combination with continuous 12-lead EKG monitoring to improve
the diagnostic accuracy of coronary artery detection or risk stratification of patients with
known coronary artery disease.
____23. With stress echo, exercise is usually done on a treadmill or supine bicycle.
____24. With stress echo using treadmill, imaging can only be performed during exercise .
____25. Patients who cannot exercise for a stress echo, dobutamine is the most common stress agent