Theme X – Title of the theme
Title of your paper – Arial 15 pt, bold, left justified
First name Last namea, First name Last nameb- Arial 11 pt, left justified
aaffiliation of first author, email address – Arial 10 pt italics, left justified
baffiliation of second author, email address
Abstract:This template gives you guidelines for preparing your paper for the proceedings of the IFSA 2018 Symposium. Your paper should be no more than 8000 words; including tables, references, etc.Use this document as a template and as an instruction set. The abstract should not exceed 250 words. It should be written in Arial 10pt italics, full justification. Please ensure that you include the key results in the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract.
Keywords: please insert no more than 7 key words in Arial 10 pt italics
The headings of your paper should be written in Arial 13 pt and bold for first level headings, and Arial 11 pt bold for second level headings. If you need to use third level headings, please use Arial 11 pt italics.
The body text of your paper should be written in Aria 11 pt, full justification. Paragraph should be single spaced, but with 6pt before each paragraph. If you want to emphasize words in the text, please use italics, not underlining.
Please insert the right Theme number and the title of the theme in the header of this file.
When quoting authors in the text, please use a comma between the name and the year: (Author, 2009) or (Smith et al., 1976) or (Smith, 1976; Xu, 1995). For the reference list, please format the references according to the examples given below. The references should be in Arial 10 pt with 6 pt before a paragraph. Please be careful with the formatting of the references!
If you want to include tables or figures in your paper, please use the template below. Place figure captions below the figures; place table titles above the tables. Please verify that the figures and tables you mention in the text actually exist. Please do not include captions as part of the figures. Do not put captions in text boxes linked to the figures. Do not put borders around the outside of your figures. Use the abbreviation “Fig.” except at the beginning of a sentence, where “Figure” should be used. Do not abbreviate “Table.” Tables are numbered with Roman numerals.
Table 1. Soil properties for the two studied soils (Style used is Normal text, but font size 9).
Soil property / Soil A / Soil BTemperature (°C) / 15 / 12
pH / 7.4 / 6.2
Organic C (mg/kg) / 1.2 / 2.4
Numbers: Figures are used for all units and quantities (e.g., 8 mm, 3 years, 6 kg) with a space between the figure and the measurement description. In descriptive text, numbers from one to nine are spelled out and figures are used for 10 and over (e.g., six pigs, 27 sows) except where the number begins a sentence, thus: "Three years ago ....". If you use percentages, please do not include a space between the number and the percentage sign (e.g. 20% of farmers).
Abbreviations and Acronyms: Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text. Do not use abbreviations in the title unless they are unavoidable.
Data and units: Indicate which measure is being used when data are presented; e.g., 53.8 ± 1.5 g/L (mean ± SE). For tests of significance, use the form, e.g., 'P<0.001'. Use of SI units is strongly encouraged.
Tense: If you wish, you may write in the first person singular or plural and use the active voice (“We observed that...” instead of “It was observed that ...” or “The authors observed that...). Remember to check spelling. If your native language is not English please get a native speaker to proofread your paper.
Figure 1. Air temperature during the summer in Austria (Style as normal text, but font size 9 and 12 pt after the paragraph).
Please use following file name: ThemeX_Name.doc (where “X” is the number of the theme under which your paper falls; “Name” is the name of the first author). Please submit your paper to IFSA Secretariat () by 15 January 2018. The convenors will then review your paper and give you suggestions on how to improve it, which you will receive by 31 March 2018. The final version of your paper must be submitted to IFSA Secretariat () by 15 May 2018.
Your paper will only be included in the proceedings after you have registered for the Symposium and paid your registration fees.
The proceedings will be published on the conference website on-line ( at least two weeks before the Symposium will start. This will give you an opportunity to browse through the papers that are of most interest to you and come prepared to the Symposium. Later, they will be included in the IFSA Website ( which serves as a repository for all papers presented at IFSA Symposia, starting 1996. All papers can be downloaded, to ensure that research results are available to all.
Funtowicz, S. and J. Ravetz (1993) Science for the post-normal age. Futures 25(7): 739-755.
Norman, D.W. (2002)The farming systems approach: A historical perspective. Presentation held at the 17th Symposium of the International Farming Systems Association in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, 17-20 Nov. 2002.
Penrose, E. (1997) The theory of the growth of the firm. In: N. Foss (ed.) Resources, firms and strategies. A reader in the resource-based perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 27-39.
Rammel, C. and M. Staudinger (2002) Evolution, variability and sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 9(4): 301-315.
13th European IFSA Symposium, 1-5 July 2018, Chania (Greece)