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Title of Workshop:The Whole-Brain Child in the Classroom

Dates offered: October 12, 2015

Location: NKESC, 703 W. 2nd, Oakley, Kansas

Credit Hours:1

Instructor’s Name: Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D. (Instructor of Record: Valerie Brown-Kuchera)

Instructor Contact Information: , 785-754-8125

Instructor Bio:Dr. Tina Payne Bryson is the co-author (with Dan Siegel) of the New York Times Best SellingTHE WHOLE-BRAIN CHILD(Random House Delacorte, 2011), which has now been published in over twentylanguages, and theNew York Times best-sellingNO-DRAMA DISCIPLINE (Random House Bantam, 2014). She is a psychotherapist and the Executive Director of The Center for Connection in Pasadena, California, where she offers parenting consultations and provides therapy to children and adolescents. She keynotes conferences and conducts workshops for parents, educators, and clinicians all over the world, and she has written for numerous publications, for example,SkillForKids andthe PBS series “This Emotional Life.” She has also co-hosted a web-based parenting show and makes frequent media appearances at venues like TIME,“Good Morning America,” Huffington Post,andRedbook. She is the Child Development Specialistat Saint Mark’s School in Altadena, the Director of Parenting Education at the Mindsight Institute, the Director for Child Development for Camp Chippewa in Cass Lake, Minnesota, and the Child Development Director for Lantern Camps. Tina earned her Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, where her research explored attachment science, childrearing theory, and the emerging field of interpersonal neurobiology.

Workshop Description:In her “The Whole-Brain Child in the Classroom” workshop, Dr. Bryson takes the central concept of not only surviving difficult moments, but using them to help students thrive. The best teaching strategies are the ones that not only help instructors maintain order and cover material effectively, but that also challenge kids to become all that they’re meant to be. Displaying her trademark warmth and humor, Tina uses video, discussion, stories, and lots of personal experience to help her audience think more deeply about who they want to be as individuals, and how they want to interact with the young minds they’re nurturing and helping to grow. The latest scientific research–with a special emphasis on neuroplasticity and the changing brain–is presented in a way that’s clear, interesting, and immediately practical. One primary focus of this workshop is the importance of creating a culture within a classroom–and, even better, within an entire school–where students, parents, teachers, and administrators all recognize the crucial role of relationships in learning and brain development.

Workshop Prerequisites: None

Workshop Objectives: Participants will:

*Understand how brain development affects discipline in the classroom

*Learn about how experience molds brain development in children

*Review the brain’s hemispheres and learn about how to integrate the left and right.

*Use whole-brain strategies to connect and redirect inappropriate behavior

*Strategize ways to help children in sound decision making and planning, body control, self-

understanding, empathy, and morality

*Facilitate engagement of students in behavior modification.

*Understand the role of implicit and explicit memory in dealing with difficult moments

*build awareness that even mistakes in working with students can be opportunities to grow and


*develop an deeply intentional strategy for shaping children’s social skills and behavior

*write a reflection paper that tells about how they will use their new knowledge in their classroom

Workshop Materials: Provided at workshop.

Workshop Itinerary:

Day & Time / Activities / Assignments
October 12, 2015 8:00 – 4:00 / Attend workshop, take notes, complete quiz / Quiz
By October 31, 2015 / Complete reflection paper / Reflection Essay
By October 31, 2015 / Complete consultation through Skype, phone, or in person / Consultation

Workshop Assessments:

Attendance/Participation & Grading Rubric of Required Assignments

Letter Grade / Expected Criteria for Participation/Attendance
A / Attends all classes, exceptional participation
B / Attends all classes, participates as required
C / Attends all classes, limited participation
D / Attends all classes, no participation
F / Does not attend classes

Final Grade

Projects/Expectations Required

Letter Grade / Expected Criteria for Graduate Credit Grades
A / Completes three-page reflection essay that shows new knowledge and personal experiences. Completes workshop test at or above 90%. Completes follow-up appointment.
B / Completes one-page reflection essay that shows new knowledge and personal experiences.
Completes workshop test at or above 80% correct.
C / Completes workshop test at or above 70% correct.
D / Completes workshop test at or above 60% correct.
F / Fails to complete workshop test at or above 60%.
Does not attend workshop.


Please indicate which Standards are met through this workshop.

Standard #1

The educator demonstrates the ability to use the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of each discipline he or she teaches and can create opportunities that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for all students.

xStandard #2

The educator demonstrates an understanding of how individuals learn and develop intellectually, socially, and personally and provides learning opportunities that support this development.

Standard #3

The educator demonstrates the ability to provide different approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are equitable, that are based on developmental levels, and that are adapted to diverse learners, including those with exceptionalities.

Standard #4

The educator understands and uses a variety of appropriate instructional strategies to develop various kinds of students' learning including critical thinking, problem solving, and reading.

xStandard #5

The educator uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

Standard #6

The educator uses a variety of effective verbal and non-verbal communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.

Standard #7

The educator plans effective instruction based upon the knowledge of all students, community, subject matter, curriculum outcomes, and current methods of teaching reading.

Standard #8

The educator understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continual intellectual, social, and other aspects of personal development of all learners.

xStandard #9

The educator is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of his or her choices and actions on others (students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community), actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally, and participates in the school improvement process (Kansas Quality Performance Accreditation [QPA]).

Standard #10

The educator fosters collegial relationships with school personnel, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support all students' learning and well-being.

Standard #11

The educator demonstrates the ability to integrate across and within content fields to enrich the curriculum, develop reading and thinking skills, and facilitate all students' abilities to understand relationships between subject areas.

Standard #12

The educator understands the role of technology in society and demonstrates skills using instructional tools and technology to gather, analyze, and present information, enhance instructional practices, facilitate professional productivity and communication, and help all students use instructional technology effectively.

Standard #13

The educator is a reflective practitioner who uses an understanding of historical, philosophical, and social foundations of education to guide educational practices.

Additional Professional Standards:

You may go to the following links to research standards when planning your workshop. If your course is subject specific (technology, Mathematics, English Language Arts, etc.) please include additional standards, as appropriate.