Improving Your Organizational Skills ~ Dealing with Your Desk, Calendar, and Files
A Single 60-minute Webinar
Desk, Calendar, or Files – Which Do You Struggle With?
1) An article in the Wall Street Journal reported that the average U.S. executive loses
locating misplaced information from messy desks and files.
2) is considered the biggest burden for organizations.
3) It shouldn’t take more than seconds to retrieve a piece of paper.
- The first step is to make a commitment to.
- Allow to do this effectively.
- Make a start by cleaning your desk.
During and after a good session of purging, ask yourself this question about the papers on your desk:
What am I going to with it??
- - these papers require immediate action.
- to someone else.
- - but make sure you schedule it.
- - not later, NOW!
4) Use anbasket/basket system.
5) Keep only items you on the top of your desk.
6) Keep other items you use occasionally.
7) Put “ ” in an attractive container.
877-216-5781 Linda Bruno
Online ~ Part 1 of 1 ~ 1.0 ~ 02.14
1) After a good session of purging, establish specific places for important papers:
a)action file
b) file
c) cabinet
d) file
2) There is no one way to file.
A few key points regarding your filing system:
a)The system you choose is not important, as long as it
and you it!
b)Label the of each file drawer.
c) is a very effective, visual wayof making your system more efficient, but you must be 100%committed to its use.
d)Clean out your files when they’re or every 6 months.
e)Do NOT have a file folder labeled .
f)File the newest papers toward the .
g)Use “ ” to keep up on filing.
h)If you can’t get in the habit of filing immediately, it.
This includes your!
i)Use a “to be” folder on top of your filingcabinet.
j)Never use on papers in your files.
k)Be careful of starting files.
l)Don’t stuff in your files.
m)Keep an effective “ ” system inyour vertical file.
n)Ask “Where would I for this?”, not “Where should I
o)Don’t keep information in your files that you can elsewhere.
p)If you find yourself procrastinating, just pick up the stack.
q)As you’re going through disorganized files, ask questions to help you
where you can:
- Will someone else have a copy of this?
- Is this information even current?
- Can I replace it later if I still need it?
1)Use only calendar.
2)The key word in the above statement is !
3)Don’t cause yourself stress by thinking you’ll .
4)The first thing you do should be to look at your.
5)The last thing you do should be to at your calendar.
6)Use the planner/calendar that works for.
7)Consider using a calendar that displays a
and/or .
8)Don’t obsess about using every.
9)Things you might want to consider when purchasing a paper planner:
*Opens up and lies flat
*Zipper closure
*Calculator or pocket to hold one
*Address book (with room for email, voicemail, fax)
*Additional year calendars
*Business card holder
*Correct size for you
*Post-it notes holder or notepad
*Pockets for receipts/papers
*Zip pockets for pens, paper clips, etc.
10) different events/categories.
11) Consider your personal when deciding which app to use on your phone.
It’s My Choice!
ONE thing I’ve learned todaythat can help me take a step toward becomingmore organized is:
I’ll take this step by (specifically what I’ll do)
By when?
I’m still struggling with
Remember ~ If nothing changes, nothing changes!