Emmanuel A. Jammeh
Title of thesis Rate Adaptive Video over IP Networks
Position: Student
Degree registered : PhD
Duration of study October 2000- Now
Financial support (Association of Commonwealth Universities, Gambia Telecomms Company)
Supervisor (Professor M. Ghanbari)
Current affiliation (, , http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~eajamm, University of Essex)
There has been a rapid increase in compressed video streaming applications over IP networks, notwithstanding its lack of QoS support. These applications have had to use the rudimentary UDP transport, which is not congestion controlled, and has to be complemented with congestion control algorithms since it depends on the best-effort delivery of IP. To do this effectively, such applications determine the network status, adaptively vary the bit rate of compressed video, and use a TCP-friendly congestion control scheme. The challenge is to adaptively vary the bit rate to follow changes in available network bandwidth to attain the highest possible video quality without a drastic or frequent change in quality. This work investigates the design and evaluation of an end-to-end architecture for unicast playback of stored compressed video over IP, by using video transcoding for effective, efficient and fast dynamic rate adaptation on the fly. Video transcoding in this research is defined as the further compression of compressed video to reduce the bit rate in response to available network bandwidth with minimum degradation of the picture quality. A tuneable fuzzy logic congestion control mechanism is used to control the sending rate, and exhibits a TCP-friendly behaviour. The architecture is extended with a bit rate-smoothing scheme that reduced rate burstiness and improved the efficiency.
Journal papers
E. Jammeh, M. Fleury, and M. Ghanbari, Smoothing
Transcoded {MPEG-1} Video Streams for Internet Transmission},
IEE Proceedings Vision, Image and Signal Processing,
151(4): 298-306, 2004.
G. Flores-Lucio, M. Paredes-Ferrare, E. Jammeh, M. Fleury,
and M. Reed, OPNET-Modeler and NS-2: Comparing the Accuracy
of Network Simulators for Packet-Level Analysis using a Network
Testbed, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 3, Volume 2, July
2003,pp. 700-707, ISBN 1109-2750, http://www.wseas.org.
Conference papers
E. Jammeh, M. Fleury, and M. Ghanbari, Smoothing
Transcoded {MPEG-1} for Efficient Transmission over Best-effort
IP Networks}, in {VIE2003}, University of Surrey, July 2003.
E. Jammeh and M. Ghanbari, Transmission of pre-encoded
video over best-effort IP Networks}, in 13th $ International
PacketVideo Workshop (PV2003), Nantes, France, 2003.
E. Jammeh and M. Ghanbari, Transporting Real-Time
Transcoded Video over the Internet using end-to-end control,
International PacketVideo Workshop (PV2002), USA, 2002.