1 December 2006

Visit Our Website: http://www.minnesotanationalguard.org/camp_ripley/operations.php Table of Contents

Paragraph / Page #
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Purpose / 1-1 / 2
Responsibilities / 1-2 / 2
Chapter 2 – Leasing Policies and Procedures
Administrative Procedures / 2-1 / 3
Interagency Agreements / 2-2 / 4
Insurance / 2-3 / 4
Lease Cancellation / 2-4 / 4
Chapter 3 – Range Safety and Security
Range Requirements / 3-1 / 5
Security / 3-2 / 7
Accident Reporting / 3-3 / 7
Chapter 4 – Environmental
Environmental Request / 4-1 / 8
Environmental Laws & Regulations / 4-2 / 8
General / 4-3 / 8
Spill Control / 4-4 / 8
Wildlife / 4-5 / 9
Wastes / 4-6 / 9
Vegetation / 4-7 / 9
Lyme Disease / 4-8 / 9
Chapter 5 – Housing Facilities / 5-1 / 11
Chapter 6 – Cost Schedule / 6-1 / 12
Chapter 7 - Internet Access / 7-1 / 14
Appendix 1 – Range Capabilities / 14
Appendix 2 – Sample Range Safety Certification Letter / 22
Appendix 3 – Planning Guide / 23
Appendix 4 – Civilian Use Request Form / 24
Appendix 5 – Range Opening/Closing Checklist / 25
Appendix 6 – Range Inspection Checklist / 27
Appendix 7 – Non-Fire Range Opening/Closing Checklist / 28
Appendix 8 – Range Incident Checklist / 29
Appendix 9 – Driving Map To Camp Ripley / 30
Appendix 10 – Camp Ripley Cantonment Area Map / 31

This manual supersedes previous Civilian Guidance Manual.

Chapter 1


1-1. Purpose. This manual is designed to establish procedures for request and use of Camp Ripley facilities for non-military users.

1-2. Responsibilities.

a. The Camp Ripley Commander is responsible for final approval and/or disapproval for the use of Camp Ripley by non-military and civilian agencies.

b. The Camp Ripley Operations Officer is responsible for preparation of lease agreements. This preparation includes coordination with the leasing agency, and the various supporting departments at Camp Ripley.

Chapter 2

Leasing Policies & Procedures


a. When considering the use of Camp Ripley facilities, first call the Operations Office at (320) 616-2708 to inquire about availability.

b. If you are unfamiliar with what the installation has to offer, we recommend an informational briefing and facilities' tour. Schedule this through the Camp Ripley Operations Office.

c. Requests. The CIVILIAN USE REQUEST FORM (See Appendix 4) along with a general informational letter from the requesting agency is required to guarantee your reservation. The general letter should include the following:




4) TRAINING ACTIVITIES (ranges w/ammo type…), and resources required that are not included on the CIVILIAN USE REQUEST FORM.

Send requests for the use of Camp Ripley to one the following:

Mail / FAX / Email
MN Army National Guard
Camp Ripley Post Commander
15000 HWY 115, Camp Ripley
Little Falls, MN 56345-4173 / (320)632-7702 /

d. Priority for use of facilities. Priority for use of Camp Ripley facilities is as follows:

1) Military Units

2) Non-military Government and Law Enforcement Agencies

3) Civilian Organizations

e. Reservations. In accordance with the priorities identified for anticipated users, facilities are reserved on a first come first serve basis. We will not reserve any resources until we receive a written request.

f. Confirmation. We will confirm your request by sending a lease agreement for your signature. The lease for the use of Camp Ripley must be signed prior to use. Contact the Operations Office at (320) 616-2708 to arrange this.

g. Cost. For leasing purposes, we have developed prices based on operating costs. A price schedule is listed in Chapter 6.

2-2. Interagency Agreements. State Government agencies interested in long term facility usage at Camp Ripley may contact the Operations Officer to discuss long term administrative arrangements.

2-3. Insurance. All civilian organizations and individuals using Camp Ripley must have adequate insurance for all persons and property associated with their activities.

2-4. Lease Cancellation.

a. The leasing agency or the Camp Ripley Commander may cancel a lease at anytime. However, if you cancel, you may liable for expenses incurred by Camp Ripley related to your request for leasing. Cancellation must be written notification.

b. Camp Ripley will make every effort to avoid canceling your lease. If your lease needs to be canceled because of military priority you will be notified immediately and every attempt to meet your needs will be explored.

Chapter 3

Range Safety & Security

3-1.Range Requirements. Regulations require that organizations using live fire ranges meet the following minimal requirements:

a. Range Officer in Charge (OIC) / Range Safety Officer (RSO). Identify a minimum of 4 personnel that have been trained and tested on all weapon systems being utilized on each range that is being reserved, to act as OICs/RSOs.

(1) Certification.

ü Anyone designated as OIC/RSO must be certified in writing by the organization’s training officer, senior individual or a Member of the Board of Directors. (See Appendix 2 for an example)Good for one year.

ü The OIC/RSO cannot certify himself.

ü The certification will designate the specific weapons or type of training the officer is qualified to instruct. The list of categories is as follows: pistol, rifle, shotgun, automatic weapon, or rappelling.

ü For weapons not covered above (explosives, chemical agents, pyrotechnics) or certification questions, contact Range Control at 320-632-7298/7398.

ü Anyone designated as OIC/RSO must attend a Range Control Safety Briefing before conducting Range Operation. To schedule your briefing, contact Range Control. This ½ hour briefing can be given the day of the range. Good for 90 days. Everyone needing brief should attend as one group.

(2) Duties.

(a) Officer In Charge (OIC):

ü The person who is overall in charge of the live fire range.

ü The primary point of contact with Range Control

ü Has overall responsibility for range opening, operation, and closing.

ü Must be present at all times and will not have any additional duties.

ü More than one OIC may be available for a range, but only one certified officer will perform this duty at a given time.

ü The OIC must receive the Camp Ripley safety briefing prior to range operation.

(b) Range Safety Officer (RSO):

ü This individual’s primary responsibility is the safe operation of the range. The RSO ensures that all rounds fall within the prescribed limits of the range, only authorized weapons and ammunition are used, and that the range operation does not endanger any personnel.

ü This individual must be present at all times and will not have any additional duties.

ü The RSO must receive the Camp Ripley safety briefing prior to running a range.

b. Communication. Two forms of communication are needed for continuous communications with Range Control. Cell phones may be utilized if you leave your number with Range Control. Radio and cell phones are available at Range Control. Motorola/Bendix King 2-Way radio will be hand-receipted from Range Control.

c. Range Open/Closing. The range is opened and closed using the range opening/closing checklist at Appendix 5. Prior to opening the range, the OIC will ensure:

(1) The correct range is occupied.

(2) If the range and facilities are not clean when you occupy the site, notify Range

Control to avoid responsibility for cleaning someone else’s mess.

(3) All personnel designated as OIC/RSO have attended the range briefing, the range

packet is present and the range flag is displayed.

(4) The down range area is cleared of personnel and required safety measures (such

as barricades or road guards) are in place, if applicable.

(5) Required communications are established and operational.

(6) Only authorized weapons and ammunition are used.

(7) That a medical evacuation plan is in place in the event of an injury.

(8) All personnel have visually identified the range limits.

(9) All personnel have received an orientation/safety briefing on range procedures and


(10) Clearance to fire and opening time has been granted by the Range Control Shift


During range operation, the OIC will ensure:

ü The range safety limits are monitored and remain clear.

ü Weapons are cleared and checked during temporary suspensions of firing and prior

to firers leaving the firing line.

ü Firing is stopped promptly when any unsafe act is observed or reported.

ü Communications maintained with Range Control at all times. There will be hourly communication checks.

ü Incidents are immediately reported to Range Control via telephone or radio.

To clear a range, the OIC will complete the following:

ü Clean facility per posted cleaning instructions.

ü Ensure that all trash is removed from the training site, towers, classroom, etc.

ü Report all visible range or training area damage.

ü Report closing information as defined on the opening/closing checklist in Appendix 5.

ü The OIC must stay at the range until an inspection of the range is complete.

d. Medical Support.

(1) Camp Ripley cannot provide medical treatment for any civilian organizations using Camp Ripley.

(2) Organizations using Camp Ripley facilities must have their own plan for emergency treatment and evacuation prior to opening any range or training area.

(a) One 1st responder, with a First Aid Kit and litter must be present at all times on any live fire or chemical range. In addition, the Confidence Course, Rappel Tower and Bennet Hill (Skiing / Tubing) will have a C collar and Back Board on hand.

(b) Organizations must have a dedicated vehicle capable of evacuating injured personnel. Range Control has 1st responders and will escort ambulances to your range to expedite a proper evacuation. The nearest hospital is St. Gabriel’s Hospital in Little Falls, Minnesota.


a. Weapons.

1) Licensed law enforcement officers are authorized to carry their Department Authorized weapon in the Camp Ripley cantonment area, to include the Training and Community Center, Education Center, Post Exchange, or Snack Bar.

2) Civilian customers and officers not in an official department capacity will not posses personal or department firearms while on Camp Ripley.

3) While leasing Camp Ripley facilities, organizations will follow their internal policies for weapon security.

4) If you require security assistance, contact the Chief of Security at 320-616-3087.

5) Individuals with personal weapons, not authorized for on duty use by their department, must register them by serial number at the Installation Security Office, Building 2-99.

b. Access to Camp Ripley:

1) Access to Camp Ripley is through the Main Gate on MN State Hwy 115. Security personnel may ask you to provide picture ID prior to entry.

2) Access to the training area is through the range gate at the Range Control building. (Bldg. 24-199)

3) Vehicles that are not readily identifiable as law enforcement vehicles will require a down range pass to get through the range gate. The passes are available at Range Control.

c. Movement Down Range

1) Vehicles will only enter the training area through the gate at Range Control unless they have made prior coordination.

2) All vehicles must observe the posted speed limits on Camp Ripley. This includes the training areas. (25 MPH) Tickets are used, and they will be enforced.

3) All vehicles must adhere to the posted “No White Lights” areas after dark unless they have made prior coordination.

4) All POV’s must have a POV pass from Range Control.


a. Report any accident requiring medical treatment to Range Control immediately by radio or telephone.

b. Any organization involved in any training or vehicular accident must file an accident/incident report through Range Control, Security, or Operations.

c. The accident reports are required for informational purposes as well as to identify accident trends on Camp Ripley.

Chapter 4

Environmental Protection

4-1.  Environmental Requests

Camp Ripley Environmental Office evaluates all requests to preclude any negative impact on our natural surroundings. Their staff may propose exceptions or amendments to the lease.

4-2.  Environmental Laws & Regulations

a. You are responsible for complying with environment laws, regulations and all related costs for environmental requirements or accidents. Some examples of uses that are likely to have adverse impacts include:

1) Off-road Vehicle Maneuvering

2) Weapons testing/firing

3) Earth Excavation

4) Activities that impact lakes, streams or wetlands

5) Use of hazardous or toxic materials

b. Some Environmental procedures to follow are:

1) Use established roads

2) Do not litter

3) Report all spills to Range Control (BLDG 24-199, Ext. 7298/7398)

4) Observe all off-limits areas

5) Report fires to Range Control

6) Respect wildlife

4-3. General

a.  Environmental protection and conservation are the responsibilities of all personnel using Camp Ripley. The OIC needs to receive an environmental briefing from the Range Control prior to the start of the event.

b.  For more information on environmental management contact Range Control or the Camp Ripley Environmental Office at (320) 632-7201/7203.

4-4. Spill Control

Any person causing or discovering a spill will:

a.  Stop the flow, if possible without exposing self or others to unsafe conditions.

b.  Contain the spill using whatever means is readily available. Prevent the spills from

flowing into drainage and surface waters.

c.  Immediately report all spills of fuel and hazardous substances to Range Control.

Furnish essential spill information: including location, material spilled, cause, time of the incident and estimated quantity spilled. The person reporting the spill should also furnish their name, address, and telephone number.

d.  Clean up spill material. If the amount is less then what would fit in a 55-gallon drum,

dig it out and transport it to the location designated by Range Control. Plastic bags may be used to transport the contaminated material. If the amount is greater than what would fit in a 55-gallon drum, earth-moving equipment will probably be required for removal. Units are responsible for showing Range Control the location of the spill.

e.  Units will complete the Incident Report Form, MNGR 200-21-0510, and turn it in to