Title of the abstract (bold, times new roman, 18 pts)
1st Author,1 2nd Author,1 3rd Author2,*(times new roman, 11 pts)
aAuthor’s affiliation, City, Zip code, Country (times new roman, 9 pts)
bAuthor’s affiliation, City, Zip code, Country (times new roman, 9 pts)
*Corresponding author: E-mail address (times new roman, 9 pts)
Keywords: 6 maximum, one single line maximum (style: Times New Roman italic 9pt)
1. Introduction (times new roman, 11-pts)
This is the templatefor submitting abstractsfor theABC-8,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May, 2017. You can directly use this template without changing the format. Please, fit the abstract to 2 pagesof ISO A4 sized (210 mm x 297 mm) paper, with top,side and bottom margins of 2.00cm. Use Times New Roman font throughout the text, with the indicated size of the fontfor each session,and 1.15 space between the lines.
All paragraphs should be justified. Start the text on the line just after the session heading or the previous paragraph. Skip one line between sessions. Do not number the pages.
2. ExperimentalPart or Theoretical Details (times new roman, 11-pts)
Title of the abstract iscentered with Times New Roman font in 18-pts boldface. Skip one line and insert the author’s name in 11-pts. Mark affiliations using superscriptednumbers (starting from 1).
Underline the presenting author’s nameand asterisk (*)thecorresponding author’s name. The affiliations,contact information and E-mail address are italicized in 9-pts. The affiliations should includethe department and institution names with city, zip code andcountry.
The title and authors´ names and affiliations must be in single column, whereas the rest of the text must be in double columnas shown in this template.
3. Results and discussion (times new roman, 11pts)
The abstract must include the following sessions: Introduction, Experimental Part or Theoretical Details, Results and Discussion, Conclusions. Acknowledgements, if any, should be indicated in 9-pts after the Conclusions and before the References.
All bibliographical references[1]should be indicated in 9-ptsin the order that they appearin the text and with numerals within square brackets [starting from 1]. References should be listed after Acknowledgements. Examples are shown at the end of this template form.
Tables, figures and imagesshould be included within the 2 pages abstract.
Figure 1.Figure caption (times new roman, 10-pts).
Captions of Tables and Figuresshould be given in 10-ptswith one line spacing from the text bodyor the previous figure or table (see below).The text of the tables should be in 9-pts (see the example).
Table 1.Table caption (times new roman, 10-pts).
Catalyst / Parameter 1a / Parameter 2 / Parameter 3A / Data 1 / Data 2 / Data 3
Xb / Data 4 / Data 5 / Data 6
Y / Data 7 / Data 8 / Data 9
a Table footnote 1 (italicized, times new roman, 9-pts)
b Table footnote 2 (italicized, times new roman, 9-pts)
4. Conclusions (times new roman, 11 pts)
The length of the abstract is limited to 2 pages including figures and tables, acknowledgements and references.
Convert your Word file to PDF file and submit it on the website of ABC-8( in the proper area.To avoid garbled printout, all the fonts should be embedded in the PDF file, which can be checked in the property of document. The simplest way of embedding fonts is to select "High Quality"in property when making the PDF file (at the same time the quality of pictures and drawings is kept).
Please note that the final PDF file to be uploaded should not exceed 4 MB.
The deadline ofsubmission is September1st, 2016.
Acknowledgments(times new roman, 9 pts)
We acknowledge the financial support from our sponsors.
References (Time new roman, 9 pts)
[1] A. B. Author, C. D. Author, D. E. Author, Abbreviated Journal NameYear, volume, first page.
[2] A. Author, in: B. Author, C. D. Author (Eds.), Book title, vol. X, Yth ed., Publisher, City, Year, page (Chapter)
[3] E. F. Author, G. H. Author,Book title, Yth ed., Publisher, City, Year.