Title of (sub)project: max 100 characters

Proposers: [Please provide names, address affiliations and emails of involved researchers]

Project duration: [Please provide an estimate regarding the publication of the results]

Background: [max. 100 words. Please give an overview the typical characteristics of the ant focal ant lineage and why/how comparative genomics in this lineage is interesting/important and how it has the potential to change the way we understand their biology.]

List of species to be genome sequenced:

[Please provide the species to be targeted and the closest outgroup(s) that would be most desirable to include. Please also indicate if one or more genomes are already available and will be included in the project.]

Additionally required transcriptomic/genomic data:

[Please indicate whether this project will involve additional sequencing efforts and whether you intend to coordinate these yourself or need GAGA assistance.]

Scientific objectives: [max 100 words. Please indicate what overarching research questions this subproject will address and what methods you plan to apply]

Possible further expansions: [max 100 words. Please explain whether you would welcome additional collaborators to contribute samples, analyses, gene family annotations or comparative skills, etc.]

Sample availability: [please provide an overview of the samples you can provide for the target species, based on the collection guidelines available online at antgenomics.dk. Please also provide an estimate on when these samples will become available.]

Level of integration in GAGA: [please indicate whether or not the genome assembly and annotation should be produced by GAGA, or whether you aim to do this yourself. Please note that the former will require acknowledging contributing GAGA researchers as (middle) authors in publications.]

Available funding: [please indicate when you expect the funding required for the subproject to become available. Please also indicate whether you want this information to be kept private and not shared on the restricted collaborator section on the GAGA website.]