Anatomy & Physiology I (BIOL 231)
Course Information/Syllabus
Instructor: Charlotte Russell, Ph.D. Semester: Simmons College Spring 2016
Office: S-215, (617) 521-2698 Time: T Th: 9.30-10.50 Section N01
T Th: 11.00-12.20pm Section N02
Office Hours: By appointment Lab time varies
Location: M223 (lecture)
S-227 (lab)
Course Description:
Anatomy and Physiology I introduces the principles of human physiology and the design of human anatomical structure. In this part of the Anatomy and Physiology sequence, structural relationships between the tissues, integument, bone, muscle, nervous and endocrine systems will be discussed. Laboratory includes histology and gross anatomy.
Students should complete assigned readings before class, so that both lecture and discussion can take place in the classroom. Lecture outlines will be provided to guide the reading. The laboratory exercises will reinforce major principles from class and give hands-on experience with anatomical identification. Case histories will be used to illustrate physiological concepts.
Course Objectives:
· Students will gain a solid understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the stated organ systems.
· Students will relate certain disorders, clinical procedures and tests to organ system physiology.
· Students will be able to apply knowledge learnt to clinical conditions.
A semester of College Biology and Chemistry (BIOL123 and CHEM110 for Nursing, BIOL113 & CHEM111/113 for other majors).
Required Textbooks and Materials:
Human Anatomy & Physiology, Marieb and Hoehn, Pearson/Benjamin Cummings Pub..
(NOTE: All readings listed in the syllabus relate to the pages of the 10th edition. Older editions are acceptable, but pages numbers may not correlate)
Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual, Cat Version, 12th Ed. (2015), Marieb, Benjamin Cummings Pub.
Dissection Tool Kit (available at the bookstore)
Electronic Communication
Students will be required to have an active email account and access Simmons Moodle. Course information, lecture notes, assignments and announcements will be posted on the Moodle page, and email communication will also be used for this course.
Three lecture exams (100pts each) 300 points
Final Exam 150 points
Quizzes (4x10) 40 points
Case Studies (6 x 20pts) 120 points
Mastering A&P online assignments (x13) 160 points
Laboratory score 230 points
TOTAL 1000 points
Your final grade in this course will be based on a total of 1000 points. Missed examinations can be retaken for full credit if the absence was due to extreme circumstances (eg. Death, medically documented illness) and if the instructor was notified prior to the exam or via Student Life. NOTE: Laboratory attendance is mandatory – unexcused absence will result in a 25pt deduction PER LAB MISSED.
It is expected that all work and exams will be completed under the regulations set forth by the Simmons College Honor Code.
Grading Scale:
A 92.5-100% 925-1000 points C 72.5-77.4% 725-774 points
A- 90.0-92.4% 900-924 points C- 70.0-72.4% 700-725 points
B+ 87.5-89.9% 875-899 points D+ 67.5-69.9% 675-699 points
B 82.5-87.4% 825-875 points D 62.5-67.4% 625-674 points
B- 80.0-82.4% 800-825 points D- 60.0-62.4% 600-624 points
C+ 77.5-79.9% 775-799 points F <60% <600 points
Attendance and Conduct:
· Participants are expected to attend ALL lectures and laboratory sessions. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any information that was missed due to absence from a fellow classmate.
· Participants are expected to arrive to lecture and laboratory sessions on time & prepared. The assigned readings should be completed prior to the corresponding lectures and labs, and the appropriate materials (eg. Lab manual, textbook, dissection kit) brought to lab sessions.
· Participants are expected to silence cellular phones and pagers before entering the classroom.
· Participants are expected to show respect for all others in the classroom. Only one person should be speaking at any given time.
Academic Support:
Students experiencing difficulty with this course are encouraged to discuss the course material with the instructor and/or fellow classmates. Study group sessions will be scheduled as soon as possible. For information about drop-in tutoring, individual tutors or writing assistance, please contact the Center for Academic Achievement. If you are struggling in the class, PLEASE meet with me as soon as possible! We can discuss your study habits and potential sources of support. I will send out academic warning forms as needed, but would prefer to meet with affected students prior to this….
Classmate Contact Information:
Use this space to get the contact information for 3-4 classmates so that you can get notes, ask questions, and study-by-phone.
Name Phone Email