Lesson Plan
Title: Maps of the World
Grade: 5
Summary/OverviewFifth grade students compare and contrast different maps of the world from three different time periods.
Submitted by Margaret Adams, Paula Jones, Cynthia Santosuosso
School Melrose Public Schools
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Desired Results/ObjectivesHistorical Problem/Question (Inquiry-Based):
How did maps change as a result of the Age of Exploration?
MA History and Social Studies Standards:
Concepts and Skills
5.7 Compare maps of the modern world with historical maps of the world before the Age of Exploration, and describe the changes in 16th and 17th century maps of the world. (G, H, E)
Common Core State Standards – Literacy:
Informational Text Standards
5.7 Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.
5.9 Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.
Writing Standards
5.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
Learning Objectives: (What will students know, understand and be able to do?)
students will know…
· Europeans view of the world was limited due to lack of knowledge.
students will understand…
· Physical changes in the world map from the 16th and 17th century to present day.
students will be able to...
· Compare maps of the modern world with historical maps of the world before the Age of Exploration.
· Describe the changes in 16th and 17th century maps of the world to present day.
Performance Tasks and Other Evidence of Performance (Pre-Assessment, Formative and Post-Assessment):
Students will write an informational paragraph describing the changes over time for three primary source maps:
A map of the modern world
A map of the world completed in 1702
A map of the world completed in 1507
Support your with evidence from the maps.
Learning Plan
Historical Problem/Question:
(Lesson should center around the problem/question.)
· How did maps change as a result of the Age of Exploration?
Learning Activities:
What does the teacher do?
· Activator/Turn and Talk (5 minutes): Turn and Talk to a partner about the following prompt…We have been discussing Exploration from (date to date). We know explorers use maps. How do you think these maps may have changed over time?
· Small Group Work (15 minutes): The teacher presents small groups of students (3-4 students) with the three primary source maps. The teacher also provides students with a three step graphic organizer for analyzing the maps with guiding questions (see attached). The teacher directs students to analyze the maps.
· Class discussion (10 minutes): Discuss the findings from the analysis of the primary sources.
· Independent Writing/Journal (20 minutes): Students will write a paragraph comparing maps, citing evidence from the maps to support their claims.
What does the student do?
· Activator/Turn and Talk: Students will turn and talk in response to the given prompt.
· Small Group Work: Students work in small groups to analyze the maps using the graphic organizer with guiding questions.
· Class Discussion: Students will discuss their findings from the primary source using the graphic organizer they filled out.
· Independent Writing/Journal: Students will write a paragraph comparing the changes in the maps overtime. Students will cite evidence from the maps to support their claims.
Universal Design for Learning
How will the activities and outcomes of this lesson be made accessible to all students?
Multiple Means of Engagement:
Students will be engaged through group work, which will foster collaboration and community.
Think, pair, share.
Multiple Means of Representation:
Clarify vocabulary and symbols.
Support decoding of symbols.
Activate background knowledge.
Highlight relationships between maps.
Use of sentence frames/starters.
Visual modifications (enlarged maps, highlighters)
Graphic organizers could be modified.
Multiple Means of Presentation:
Students could type or write responses based on need.
Materials and Sources Used
1. What primary source(s) is/are being used? (full citation)
Title: Universalis cosmographia secundum Ptholomaei traditionem et Americi Vespucii alioru[m]que lustrationes.
Date: 1507
Author/Artist: Waldseemüller, Martin, 1470-1519
Permalink: http://www.loc.gov/item/2003626426
Title: A new and correct map of the world : laid down according to the newest observations & discoveries in several different projections including the trade winds, monsoons, variation of the compass, and illustrated with a coelestial planisphere, the various systems of Ptolomy, Copernicus, and Tycho Brahe together with ye apearances of the planets &c. /
Date: 1702
Contributor Name: Godson, W.
Permalink: http://www.loc.gov/item/2006629779
Title: [Political world map].
Date: 2001
Contributor Name: United States. Central Intelligence Agency.
Permalink: http://www.loc.gov/item/2002625114/
What is the significance of this source?
· The sources show the change in world maps over time. As exploration took place, maps changed over time.
2. Text (source)-dependent questions for primary sources: (write or attach)
What are the implications of exploration on the development of world maps over time?
3. What secondary sources are being used? (full citation)
How does this secondary source provide context to the primary source(s)?
4. What other curricular materials do you plan to use to support the lesson?
How did the primary sources help students develop a historical claim that addresses the historical problem?
What about this lesson study process has changed the way you think about your teaching? (collaboration, historical questions/problem, text-dependent questions, primary sources, UDL, etc.)
Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Program at the Collaborative for Educational Services - 2014