Title: Interactive Plot Creator

Description: This is a lesson plan for 6th through 8th grade Language Arts students that integrates technology as the students begin the prewriting process. This lesson is intended to follow a unit on reading and preparing to write.

Group Size:Any. This activity can be used as a whole class activity, if the resources are available. Otherwise, this activity can be done by fewer students in rotating centers to accommodate for limited resources.

Learning Objectives: After completing a unit on reading, literary devices, etc. (“April Morning” activities), students will complete at least one “plot creator” writing exercise.

Guiding Question:How does prior knowledge of close reading help with writing? How can students be collaborative with each other when writing? In what way do elements of dissecting reading passages through previous exercises affect the way you write?

Materials: Internet connected computers, access to previous graded assignments from “April Morning” reading unit, especially blog reading logs.


1)Explain to students that their previous work in the reading unit, particularly their Blogger reading logs, are considered prewriting, and that the students will be building off of the prior experience and knowledge in this writing exercise.

2)If students are unclear as to what prewriting is, have them first visit and read through the links near the bottom of the page that explain how their reading logs are considered prewriting activities.

3)Pass out rubrics for the writing assignments for all students.

4)Provide students with the links and for right- and left-brained writing prompts.

5)Allow students to choose between right- or left-brained prompts, and allow them to choose which prompt sounds most interesting to them. Also encourage them to look back through their previous reading logs and other assignments for ideas or clarification on the functions of literary devices.

6)Answer questions as they arise, and address the questions to the whole class when appropriate to ensure that everyone understands the activity and expectations.

7)When students have finished their writing prompts, have them publish their writing to their blogs.

8)When all writings have been posted to blogs, grade according to rubric previously provided to students.

9)Once this activity is completed, students should view three of their peers’ writing publications and post a comment to each. Each post should contain one aspect of the writing with which they agreed and one with which they disagreed.

10)The response activity should be graded according to completion.

Assessment: Use the “plot creator” rubric to grade student writings and provide feedback, positive or negative, alongside the final grade. Blog responses will be graded according to completion of the activity.

Benchmark or Standard:

Standard: Prewriting - The student will use prewriting strategies to generate ideas and formulate a plan.

Benchmark Number: LA.

Benchmark Description: The student will prewrite bygenerating ideas from multiple sources (e.g., prior knowledge, discussion with others, writers notebook, research materials, or other reliable sources) based upon teacher-directed topics and personal interests;

Grade Level: 7

Subject Area: Reading/Language Arts