Walkertown Middle School
Title I School-Parent-Student Compact2016-2017
Walkertown Middle School is committed to providing the best possible education for our students. We have developed a contract describing parent, student, and school involvement to ensure a positive educational experience. We ask that you sign and date the portion of the contract that applies to you.
Successful Parents/Guardians:
- Uphold PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports) Core Values: Pride, Achievement, Cooperation, Kindness.
- Make sure my child attends school arriving in class by 7:25A.M. with needed supplies.
- Make sure my child has an excuse note immediately following all absences.
- Attendparent/teacher conferences.
- Keep emergency contact information updated.
- Check agendas, progress reports, Wednesday packets, teacher web pages, and Parent Portal.
- Make sure my child completes all homework to the best of his or her ability.
- Discuss and review daily learning activities and school assignments. Read and discuss books, current events, math reasoning and problem solving, science concepts, and encore class concepts as they relate to daily life.
Parent Signature______Date______
Successful Students:
- Uphold PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports) Core Values: Pride, Achievement, Cooperation, Kindness.
- Cooperate with and respectschool staff, parents, and other students.
- Organize and maintain my notebook with class work, projects, notes, and other materials that help support my academic achievement.
- Actively engage in classroom activities and participate in study skills classes and after school tutoring for extra support as needed. Ask questions and seek help from teachers and parents.
- Complete and turn in all assigned homework and class work to the best of my ability.
- Display appropriate behavior including following the dress code and school rules.
- Come to school well-rested, on time, and ready to learn with all materials daily.
- Take all information home for my parent/guardian to read or sign.
Student Signature______Date______
Successful Teachers/Schools:
- Uphold PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports) Core Values: Pride, Achievement, Cooperation, Kindness.
- Provide high quality curriculum and instruction in an effective and supportive learning environment.
- Provide parent meetings to discuss concerns.Provide parents with progress reports.
- Maintain on-going communication with parents through a variety of different means.
- Provide study skills courses and tutoring opportunities to strengthen areas of academic need.
- Provide parent and community outreach events to inform parents of curriculum information, showcase student learning, and offer support, training and resources for students’ academic success.
Teacher’s Signature______Date______
Incentive Programs include but not limited to: Field Trips, Bowling Trips, Reading Passport, All A’s, Honor Roll, Good Citizenship, Character Ed., Crosby Scholars, Improvement Awards, Team Activities, Honor Society Organizations, Community and Class Opportunities, PBIS PACK events
*Signed contracts are filed in the homebase teacher’s folder and stored in the main office.
**A copy of the Compact is available on the Walkertown MS website and in the parent notebook in the main office.**
Please see reverse side.