Title:Famous People in Texas History
Developed byHolly Meredith
Objective: The students will locate information and pictures about famous Texans on the Internet to produce a multimedia presentation.
Timeline: Two 45 minute sessions
Content Area: Social Studies/Language Arts / Grade Level:4thMaterials/Resources: Internet access, MicrosoftPowerPoint / Technology Focus:
Subject Area - Social Studies--§113.6.2 (B, D); §113.6.3 (E); §113.6.20 (C); §113.6.22 (B); §113.6.23 (A,E);
Language Arts--§110.15.24 (A,B,C,E); §110.15.27 (A); §110.15.14 (B,C); §110.15.10;
Technology Applications - §126.3.1 (B,C); §126.3.2 (A-E); §126.3.3 (A,B); §126.3.4 (A,B); §126.3.5 (A); §126.3.6 (A,C); §126.3.7 (A,B,C); §126.3.9 (B); §126.3.10 (B,C); §126.3.11 (B)
Before Coming to the Computer Lab
- See the school librarian for information on how to access the library databases.
Get Started and Slide One
- Go to StartProgramsMicrosoftPowerPoint.
- Click in the top text box and type: Famous Texans.
- Click in the bottom text box and type:By: (student’s name).
- Go to FileSaveas… and save in the student’s folder as FamousTexansStudentName.
- Click Save.
- Open the Internet and navigate to the library databases. Search for information about famous Texans.
- Toggle back to the PowerPoint window.
Slide Two
- Click the New Slide button on the top right toolbar.
- Under the Content Layout section,select the Title, Text, and Clip Artslide layoutby clicking the middle of it.
- Toggle back to the website by clicking on the website name in the task bar at the bottom of the screen.
- Read the information about the first famous Texan.
- Toggle back to PowerPoint by clicking the link in the task bar at the bottom of the screen.
- Type the name of the famous Texan.
- While still inside the text box, choose Slide Show > Custom Animation.
- Click the Add Effect button and choose Entrance> More Effects.
- Click on each Effect to preview it. When the desired Effect is selected, click OK.
- Go to File > Save.
- Toggle back to the website by clicking the link in the task bar at the bottom of the screen.
- Place the mouse in the center of the picture of your famous Texan and right click.
- Left click and choose Copy.
- Toggle back to PowerPoint by clicking the link in the task bar at the bottom of the screen.
- Right click in the right box of the slide and select Paste to place the photo on the slide. Resize the photo if necessary.
- Click in the left box on the slide and type when the Texan was born and when they died. Also include why the Texan was important to Texas and any three interesting facts about the Texan.
- Save.
- Toggle back to the website and copy the web address.
- Toggle back to the PowerPoint and paste the web address in the left hand box underneath your information.
- Go to File > Save.
Slides Three, Four, Five, and Six
- Repeat the steps for slide Two (above) until all the five famous Texans are in the PowerPoint.
- Select the first slide.
- Go to Slide Show > Slide Transitions.
- From the right task pane, select an appropriate transition.
- Set the Speed to Slow.
- In the Sound box, click the down arrow and choose an appropriate sound if desired.
- Uncheck the On mouse click box.
- Under the Automatically after section,select 00:04 seconds.
- Click Apply to All Slides.
- Go to File > Save.
View the Show
- To view the presentation, choose Slide Show > View Show.
- To stop the show,press the Esc key.
Print Handout
- Go to File>Print.
- Under Print What, select Handouts.
- Under Number of Slides, select 6 slides.
- Click OK to print.
Completed PowerPoint presentation
Teacher observation
Specify web sites students are to use.
Let students work in pairs. / Extensions:
Students may add more than one picture to their report.
Students may use and cite information from more than one webpage.
Additional Resources:The Handbook of Texas Online;Lone Star Junction
Manage Presentations / skills utilized in the project
Create a presentation from a blank document OR use a design template / R / X
Save a presentation / R / X
Add slides / R / X
Move through a presentation with mouse/arrow keys OR run a presentation using the automatic timer / R / X
Add Objects
Add/arrange text and graphics / R / X
Add/Arrange digital pictures and movies / I
Customize a background / R
Customize the presentation
Use drawing tools / R
Add transitions / R / X
Use appropriate audio / R / X
Animate text/graphics for impact / I / X
Accessing Information / the skills utilized in the project
Use automated card catalog (lesson done by librarian) / R
Enter a web address in the browser / R / X
Use a search engine/on-line database to locate valid information / R / X
Copy a web address from the Internet and paste in another program to cite the source URL / I / X
Copy a graphic from the Internet and paste in another program / R / X
Use interactive technology for problem solving / R
Use electronic communication to share information / R
Create a product collaboratively / R