Title: concise and informative with a maximum of three lines (Arial Narrow Bold 16, centered)
Author(s): Insert the names of all authors and indicate all affiliations with a superscript number and the corresponding author (Arial Narrow 12, centered). Example: M.F. Pimentel1, S. Cadore2,*, T. C. B. Saldanha3
1 Indicate all affiliations and following provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name (Arial Narrow 10 italic, justified). Example:
2 State University of Campinas, Institute of Chemistry, 13083-970, Campinas, Brazil.
3 Federal University of Paraiba, Department of Chemistry, 10000-000, João Pessoa, Brazil
* Corresponding author: email address (Arial Narrow 9 italic, justified)
Abstract (Arial Narrow 10, bold)
Please provide an abstract with a maximum of 250 words. Begin the abstract two lines below the corresponding author and its email address. (Arial Narrow 10, justified, single line space).
Keywords: Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 5 keywords
To facilitate the reviewing and editorial process we have prepared the following guidelines for paper writing.
Paper must be written in English, into A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) pages (maximum of four pages).
All margins (top, bottom and sides) should be of 30 mm.
The main text should be in Arial narrow 10, justified and with single line spaced manuscript pages.
Detailed submission instructions are described in the present document, which has been formatted as required and can be used as a template.
Please, leave one blank line between two sections. Please, note that paragraph has been formatted with 4 points after space.
An ISSN number will be ascribed to the Proceedings and each paper will be assigned with a DOI number.
Materials and methods
Any abstract effectively presented (poster or oral) in the Conference can be submitted as a paper for proceedings. You can submit your contribution by uploading a “pdf” file.
Submission open: September 1st.
Deadline for submission: November 30th
Each paper will be reviewed by the members of the international scientific committee and ad-hoc reviewers.
Results and Discussion
Tables and Figures can be used when necessary. Tables can be inserted in the text, with a maximum width of 14.0 cm. Alternatively, two tables of width of 6.0 cm can be inserted side by side. There is no restriction regarding the height of the table.
Table 1. Important dates regarding the Proceedings.
Event / Date dueSubmission open / September 1st
Submission deadline / November 30th
Table 2. Use as many columns as necessary, obeying the maximum width of the Table (14 cm). Please, insert the Table centered regarding the page width.
Regarding the dimensions, the same rules for Tables apply to Figures, graphics, images, schemes, etc.
Figure 1. Please, preferably insert a jpeg, tiff or bitmap image with a size as small as possible. The border of this figure is shown to make clear the maximum width allowed.
We hope this guideline is clear enough, so you can easily prepare your contribution for the NIR 2015 Proceedings. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact the Organizing Committee through the electronic address or directly a member of the organization (Ivo Raimundo - ).
The Organizing Committee is thankful to all conferees of NIR 2015 Conference.
Insert the references using the following format:
1. Caporale, G.; Policastro, S.; Carlucci, A.; Monteleone, E. Food Quality and Preference, 2006, 17, 116-125.