Title: Close Reading Modeling Method K-5
Intended Audience: Teachers, Administrators, District and School Leaders
Description: This workshop was held as part of a Summer Workshop Series facilitated by ISBE during the summer of 2012. This workshop consists of a PowerPoint presentation as well as handout materials that were retrieved from the Common Core Appendix B. The workshop is designed to provide participants with not only a model of Close Reading as it is described by the Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey and Diane Lapp, but to provide participants with the opportunity for a more in depth application of Close Reading. Teachers will be able to apply the information presented in this workshop to other texts at all grade levels.
Suggested Uses for this Presentation:
· Professional Development Coordinators may use these materials to inform and familiarize personnel with Close Reading as it applies to the Common Core.
· Teachers may use this information to apply the practice of Close Reading to their curricular areas.
Materials Necessary:
1. Powerpoint: “Close Reading Modeling Method: Example Tasks K-5”
**Participants will only need one copy of the story or poem printed within the presentation.
2. Slide notes (may be used as a guide for the presenter)
3. Facilitator’s Guide
4. Handouts: Slides 10-14 of K-5 presentation
Close Reading Modeling Method Handout
Close Reading Modeling Method Worksheet
*Optional: Close Reading Reader and Task Considerations
5. Books appropriate to grade level or exemplar samples may be utilized from Appendix B Text Exemplars
For further information/feedback: Contact—Jill Brown:
Facilitator’s GuideClose Reading Modeling Method /
Session Description
The session is designed for a 50-90 minute workshop. The length may vary depending upon pacing. The presenter may adjust the schedule below to fit their needs. During this workshop, participants will not only be presented with information, but also engage in a model method for close reading adapted from Fisher, Frey and Lapp. Participants will have an opportunity to design their own close reading lesson using a common text for their grade level or a text exemplar from Appendix B of the CCSS.
Goal of the Session
Participants will leave the presentation having a better understanding of Reader and Task portion of the Text Complexity Model as it is described by the Common Core, as well as a carefully designed method for creating Close Reading example tasks within their classrooms. Participants will also have an opportunity to practice engaging with text according to the three sub-headings of the Common Core English Language Art Reading for Information or Literature Standards and design questions around these. This presentation would be ideal for teachers or administrators who design and implement curriculum.
Pre-session Preparation
- Review the PP and slide notes,
- Make copies of handouts
- Gather markers, highlighters, pens/pencils
- Preselect books or text exemplars for culminating activities
10 min. / Introduction/Objectives:
Present slides 1-9 (see notes within powerpoint)
**This may be shortened here to save on presentation time and presenter could begin on slide 4-5 and skip to 8 / Powerpoint
5min. / Story/Poem Handout
Distribute handouts and describe method which is detailed in power point notes regarding coding text. / K-5 presentation: slides 10-14
10 min. / Presentation:
Present slides 10-14 (see slide notes for more detail) / 1. Powerpoint
2. Markers
3. Highlighters
4. Pens/Pencils
15 min. / Presentation:
Present slides 15-19 (K-5) / Powerpoint
10 min. / Presentation:
Proceed through slides 20-24 (K-5), see notes for more details. / Powerpoint
20-25 min / Close Reading Method Practice
Review the method handout and the structure of using the subheadings of the CCSS as the model for structuring questions when close reading a text. Ask participants to use the preselected text to write their own close reading lesson plan using the worksheet provided.
Once finished, participants may use the reader and task considerations handout as a checklist to reflect upon their questions.
**This entire section may be taken out and done at another time to save on presentation time. / 1. Close Reading Modeling Method Handout
2. Close Reading Modeling Method Worksheet
3. Optional Reader and Task Considerations Handout
4. Preselected books/poems or text exemplar samples appropriate for participant grade levels.
10min. / Presentation:
Wrap up last slides, closing statements. / Powerpoint