NOVA Trainingis committed to Safeguarding the welfare of our learners and staff.

We celebrateDiversity in all we do and promote Equal Opportunities for all.

The information given by you on this form will be the basis upon which the decision is made whether or not to invite you for interview. Please complete in black ink for photocopying purposes.

1.Vacancy Details

Post for which you are applying:
Post Number/Reference Number:
Type of role*: Full Time Part Time Other
*Please Highlight as appropriate
  1. Personal Details

Title: Surname: Forename(s):
Post Code:
Telephone: Day: Evening: Mobile:
(Please include STD codes)
National Ins. No
Do you have a current Driving Licence? *If yes, please state which type : YES/NO*
To the best of your knowledge, are you related to any employee of NOVA Training or Staff Select Limited? / Yes / No
If YES, please give details:
In which publication did you see the advertisement for this post?
Do you need a work permit to work in the UK? / Yes / No
If you fail to complete this page fully, it will be viewed as indicating your implied opposition to our Equality Policy and your application will not be accepted.
Gender (Please tick) / Asian or
(Please tick)
Black or
(Please tick)
Yemeni or
Other ethnic group
(Please tick) / Indian
Any other Asian background
(please write in) ______
Any other Black background
(please write in)
Other (please write in)______
Male / Female
(Please tick)
(Please tick) / British
Any other White background
(please write in) ______
White & Black
White & Black
White & Asian
Any other mixed background
(please write in)______
Yes / No
Do you have, or have you had in the past, any disability which makes it difficult for you to carry out normal day to day activities?
If YES, please provide details of your disability.
Please identify any special requirements or equipment which may assist you
(a) in the recruitment process
(b) to enable you to carry out the job
I declare that the information given on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I understand that any false statements on this form will justify dismissal from NOVA Training.

3.Present Employment

Job Title: / Ref No: / App No:
About You
Please detail below your current (or last) job
Current/last job held:
Name & address of employer:
Salary/Wages / Grade/Scale
How long have you worked/did
you work there? / From ______to ______/ Please
state no.
of years
Do you still work there? / Yes / No
If YES, period of notice required?
If NO, reason for leaving.
Briefly describe your duties:
If the job for which you are applying will not be your only job, please give details of all other employment including employer and number of hours worked each week. (NB: Information required under the Working Time Regulations)
For office use only
Shortlisting Code: / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L
  1. Previous Employment

Please list below all previous employers and positions held starting with most recent first.

Post Title:
Employer’s Name:
Date Started:
Post Code:
Telephone Number:
(Please include STD code)
Outline of Duties:
Reason for Leaving: / Date Left:
Post Title:
Employer’s Name:
Date Started:
Post Code:
Telephone Number:
(Please include STD code)
Outline of Duties:
Reason for Leaving: / Date Left:
Post Title:
Employer’s Name:
Date Started:
Post Code:
Telephone Number:
(Please include STD code)
Outline of Duties:
Reason for Leaving: / Date Left:

If necessary please continue on a separate sheet(s) of A4 paper, placing your name in the TOP RIGHT corner and numbering the additional sheets.

  1. Education

Please list your educational history starting with the latest (School/College/University)


/ School/College/University / Subject / Qualification &Grade obtained/being sought
  1. Training

Please list below relevant job-related training undertaken and any professional qualifications achieved.

Date / Course Title / Organiser / Length
  1. Membership of Professional Bodies

Date / Professional Body / Number / Grade/Status
  1. Further Details

Please give any information that you think will help us to consider your application further. Include the reasons why you are applying for this post, further details of your present or most recent job and any other relevant experience and specialist knowledge you have gained in paid or unpaid employment. Use the contents of the Job Description and Person Specification as a guide, giving examples that you feel demonstrate how you meet the job requirements outlined. Please also include any other interests or activities you are involved in.

If necessary please continue on a separate sheet(s) of A4 paper, placing your name in the TOP RIGHT corner and numbering the additional sheets.

  1. Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974

An employer’s ability to make employment decisions based on an individual’s past criminal convictions is governed by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. The Act specifies that after certain periods of time anyone who has been convicted of a criminal offence and who has served their sentence be not obliged to disclose past convictions. Any offender whose conviction has become ‘spent’ is known as a ‘rehabilitated’ person. However there are certain convictions, depending on the nature of the punishment received and the age of the offender, for which a person can never become rehabilitated. These are outlined in Section 5 of the 1974 Act.
There arehowever exceptions to these entitlements where the non-disclosure of past convictions in certain professions and employments would cause wider public concern. These exceptions are contained in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (exceptions) Order 1975/2001. By virtue of this Order potential employees for the following exempted occupations listed are legally obliged to disclose all past spent or unspent convictions:
  • Registered teacher
  • Employment or other work which is concerned with the provision care services to vulnerable adults and where the worker has access to such adults in the course of his/her duties
  • Work in a ‘regulated position’ (covers wide range of jobs involving or in connection with children or vulnerable adults and work at establishments where these groups are present) or work in a further education institution where normal duties involve regular contact with persons under 18 years.
The above list is not exhaustive and merely refers to areas of work that may be relevant to the Company’s business.
Any information given will be treated confidentially and only considered in relation to the post for which you are applying.
  1. Disclosure of Criminal Background

Please complete for all posts.

Please complete this section of the form fully so that we can consider your suitability taking part in controlled and/or regulated activities as defined by the Independent Safeguarding Authority under the powers invested in them pursuant of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.
Where the answer is ‘Yes’, please provide further details overleaf including a detailed, legible account of the circumstances surrounding the conviction/finding (including the sanction, decision and reasons) and full details of the organisation, authority, police force or court concerned and any reference number. In some circumstances this will include convictions which are ‘spent’ under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
1. Have you ever been the subject of a bar, partial bar, warning or other action by the Secretary of State in relation to misconduct or working with young people and vulnerable adults?

Yes No (Please tick)
2. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence (including motoring offences) or do you have any criminal charges/proceedings pending against you either in this country or abroad? (Note: You must include details of any formal police caution, reprimand, warning, penalty or bind over)

Yes No
3. Have you ever been subject to any disciplinary finding against you by any professional or regulatory body in this country or abroad, or are you currently subject to investigation by any such body?

Yes No
4. Is there any other information that Nova Training should know about you which may have a bearing on your suitability for the position for which you are applying. (Remember that if you are applying for the post of teacher/tutor/trainer where you will be required to be registered with the Institute for Learning. As a registered teacher you will be responsible for upholding and promoting the standards of the teaching profession as set out in the IfL Code of Professional Practice. Relevant information might include any involvement in activities which could bring the teaching profession into disrepute)

Yes No
Please declare (in the table below) all information concerning any of the questions where you have ticked the Yes box. Please list fully any criminal convictions, bind-over orders or cautions that you may have received (including any which are spent) if the post/job for which you are applying is exempt in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the (Exceptions) Order 1975 to that Act (as amended).
Date / Offence / Sentence/Order/Caution/ Circumstances
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
In the event that you are offered the appointment it will be subject to a Criminal Record Background Check being made before the appointment can be confirmed. Failure to agree to such a check being made will mean that your application cannot be considered.
If you are applying for a position that involves teaching, irrespective of whether such teaching is in a full or part time capacity you must hold applicable membership with the Institute for Learning and be in current good standing.
All information provided will be treated as strictly confidential and used only in consideration of your suitability for appointment.
Any information I have provided above is full and accurate and I agree to be the subject of an enhanced Criminal Record Background Check if offered the appointment.
Signed ……………………………………… ...... Date ………………….

11.Asylum and Immigration Act 1996

The Asylum and Immigration 1996 is intended to ensure that only those people legally entitled to live and work in the UK are offered employment. Under Section 8 of the Act it is a criminal offence to employ a person aged 16 or over who is subject to immigration control unless:
  1. That person has current and valid permission to be in the UK and that permission does not prevent him or her from taking the job in question, or
  1. Asylum seekers who have been given written permission to work, or
  1. Those appealing against a refusal of an application for further permission to stay. They will have letters from the Home Office confirming that they can be legally employed.
In order to comply with the Act you will be asked to produce one of the documents listed below if you are offered employment. This is to check the immigration status of all successful applicants. A copy of the document will be kept on your personnel file.
  • P45 or other relevant documentation stating the employee’s NI number
  • British certificate or a passport showing the holder to be a British citizen
  • Passport or identity card of the European Economic Area
  • Passport or other travel document endorsed to show that the holder is authorised to work in the UK
  • Certificate of registration or naturalisation as a British citizen

12. Absence Record

How many days absence from work have you had as a result of ill health in total over the last two years?
0 – 3 days 4 – 10 days 11 – 20 days 21 – 29 days 30 + days
(Please circle the range that applies to you)


Please provide below the names and addresses of two people who are willing to act as referees. One of these mustbe your current or most recent employer who has knowledge of your skills and experience and will be able to comment on your ability to do the job you are applying for. Referees must not be related to you.

Position (job title):
Work Relationship:
Full Address & Postcode:
Email address (must be provided):
(Please include STD code)
/ Name:
Position (job title):
Work Relationship:
Full Address & Postcode:
Email address (must be provided):
(Please include STD code)

Please mark X in box above against any referee whom you do not wish to be approached at this stage.

The Company has the final decision on whether references are “satisfactory” and meet with Company requirements.

14. Dates for Interview

Please give dates on which you will NOT be available for interview, e.g. holidays:

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NTS1d Dec 11


Date Application Form Received: (Date Stamp) / Does candidate require any special adjustments, in relation to the DDA?
YES/NO / References Requested:
Date: / Pre-Placement Health Check Required:
YES/NO / Employment Offer Made:
Date Accepted:
No. of additional sheets: / Shortlisted:
Interview/s Date: / References received:
Date: / ISA/Criminal Record Check Required:
Date Received: / Notification of
Unsuccessful Application:

NOVA Training NTS 1d Mar 2011

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