Administration and Finance Division
Ants Technical Documents
Canon Copier Configuration
User Interface (UI)......
Basic Configuration......
AFD Standard Settings......
Mail Box......
User Inboxes......
Addition Functions......
Register LDAP Server......
Forwarding Settings......
Department ID Management......
Import / Export......
Custom Settings......
USB Settings......
Network Setting......
TCP/IP Settings......
AppleTalk Settings......
SMB Server Settings......
SNMP Settings......
Enable Dedicated Port......
Use Spooler......
Ethernet Driver Settings......
E-mail/I-Fax Settings......
Default Printer Settings......
Setting the Default Scan Resolution......
This document will go through the settings that AFD is using in the Canon Copiers (new copiers July 2007). These copiers have a number of new features including, Scan to Email, LDAP lookup and iFax.
The copiers all have a web based user interface. Browse to the copiers IP address. The Advanced Functions and some other options are password protected, see the password vault.
User Interface (UI)
Down the left side of the UI is a menu bar.
Basic Configuration
Select the Add. Function button. You will be queried to input the user name and password.
This will open up the Additional Functions section of the menu, If the system does not query you for a password, you can set it in this section.
Setting A Password on the Addition Functions
Select Add. Function from the left menu. Select the edit button from the System Settings Screen. This will open up the edit screen for the system settings.
Select the Register ID and Password button.
Check the Use ID and Password box. Enter a user name and password, numeric only.
AFD Standard Settings
Mail Box
User Inboxes
Setup mail box 00 as a “Stored Forms” box with expiration set to Never.
Click on the 00 to open the box.
Select the Settings Button in the upper right corner.
Set the Inbox Name to Stored Forms
Un-Check the Enable Document Storing Period Check box.
Select OK.
Addition Functions
Select the Edit button from the upper right corner of the screen.
Device Name:Copier-XXX-YYY where XXX=building and yyy=room)
Location:Department XXX-YYY
System Manager:ANTS
Contact Information:6-2687
E-mail Address:
Administrator Comment:ANTS 6-2687
Then select the OK Button from the upper right corner.
Register LDAP Server
More Office Solutions should have configured the Cal Poly LDAP server. If they did it will be listed.
If not click on the Register LDAP button
If the Cal Poly LDAP Server is already registered, click on the link to edit the settings.
Server Name:Cal Poly LDAP
Location to Start Search:dc=calpoly,dc=edu
Use the defaults for the rest.
Select the OK button from the upper right corner.
Forwarding Settings
If the copier has a fax machine, it can be configured to send incoming faxes to an email address instead of printing them.
Department ID Management
If the department is using IDs to track or limit functions, this is where you setup the IDs and Passwords.
To add a new ID use the Register New Department button
To delete an ID, select the IDs you want to delete, then click on the Delete the Selected Departments button
To turn on the ID management select the Settings Button.
This is also where you can clear all counters.
NOTE: if you unselect the Allow Printer Jobs with Unknown IDs, any print job sent to the printer without an ID or with an incorrect ID will just be purged by the printer.
On the workstations you need to turn on Job Accounting in the Device Settings Tab of the printer properties. There is a specific user doc on how to set the code.
You can set the default ID and Password, select of you want the user to confirm the information and more.
To change the settings for an ID select the ID to bring up the edit department screen.
This screen also displays the counts for this ID. You can also reset the counter from this screen.
Import / Export
These copiers have the ability to import and export a range of data.
Custom Settings
Customs settings covers the rest of the settings, Network Card Settings, DNS, E-Mail/iFax settings and more.
USB Settings
Disable the USB port.
Network Setting
TCP/IP Settings
IP Address Settings
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Check the Enable DHCP Box
Select the OK button from the upper right corner.
DNS Server Settings
Primary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS Server:
Host Name:Copier-XXX-YYY
Domain Name:cp-calpoly
Select the OK button from the upper right corner.
NOTE: After the machine has restated and is using DHCP, the current IP address will be displayed here.
WINS Configuration
Disable WINS.
LPD Print Settings
Disable LPD
RAW Print Settings
Enable RAW
SNTP Settings
Disable SNTP.
FTP Print Settings
Disable FTP Print.
Disable FTP PASV Mode.
IPP Print Settings
Disable IPP Print.
Multicast Discovery Settings
Disable Multicast Discovery.
Certificate Settings
Use the default settings.
HTTP Settings
HTTP is required for the Remote user Interface (RUI).
Proxy Settings
Disable Proxy.
IP Address Range Settings
Disable IP Address Range.
Receiving MAC Address Settings
Disable Receiving MAC Addresses.
AppleTalk Settings
Disable AppleTalk
SMB Server Settings
Disable SMB Server.
SNMP Settings
The More Office System software that collects copier counts requires SNMP and a common community name for all machines on campus. They are currently using "public".
Enable Dedicated Port
Disable the dedicated port.
Use Spooler
Enable the Spooler.
Ethernet Driver Settings
Enable the Ethernet port, set to Auto.
E-mail/I-Fax Settings
E-mail Address:Use the department Address
Select the OK button from the upper right corner.
NOTE: This does not have to be a valid address, if the department does not have an email address to use, use “” ().
Default Printer Settings
On a Windows print queue, the default settings for a printer can be set for a printer in the server printer properties. A user with admin privileges to the printer can also change the default setting from the printer properties on their workstation.
From the properties window, select the Advanced Tab.
On the advanced tab select the Printing Defaults button.
All the setting you choose in this screen will affect all users of this print queue.
If you have a color printer, you can change the default from Auto Detect to B&W as the default.
Setting the Default Scan Resolution
The default scan resolution is set at the copier control panel. This setting is not available in the Web Interface. From the control panel on the copier:
- Press the addition Functions button
- Select Communications
- Select Transmit (TX)
- There are 5 screens, go down to the second screen and select Edit Standard Send Settings.
- Select what you want your default send resolution to be.
- OK out of the menus.
- Once back at the main screen, reset the copier.
NOTE: If the machine has a FAX installed, the default might need to be set to TIFF. This needs to be tested.
O:\ANTS_Data\ANTS\Support\Hardware\Printers\Copier Printer\REF-Canon Copier Configuration.doc
16-Mar-2011Page 1 of 18