Title (8 pkt., italic, wypośrodkować, pojedyncza interlinia)

8 blank lines, 10 pt

Jan KOWALSKI[1](10 pkt.)

Ryszard NOWAK[2]

3 blank lines, 10 pt.


(centered, bold, capital letters, 12 pt., single spacing)

2 blank lines, 10 pt.

1. Text of the paper(centered, bold, 10 pt)

1 blank line

This template demonstrates the content layout and technical requirements for the papers. Authors should use MS WORD to write their papers. Matrices prepared in accordance with the guidelines in this document will not be further reduced. Page size is B5 (176 x 250 mm). Column format (without the page number) is 132 x 200 mm; top and bottom margin 25 mm, left and right margin 22 mm. The spacing between particular elements described by the number of blank lines refers to the 10 pt. lines.

1 blank line

1.1. Body text edition (centered, bold, 10 pt.)

1 blank line

Body text, all captions and descriptions should be written in Times New Roman,10 pt, single spacing. Paragraph indentation is 10 mm. No additional spacing should be made between particular paragraphs. The whole text should be a maximum of 8 pages and it is suggested that an even number of pages be used. The papers should be submitted by 30.09.2016 r.The papers, recorded to any data carrier, can be sent via the Polish Post Office or via other package delivery services. It is also possible to send the papers via e-mail provided that the file to be sent over does not exceed 30 MB at a time. Another option is to use the commonly available data transfer programs, e.g. In case of any questions, the Organizing Committee remains at your disposal and is ready to provide technical assistance if needed.

1 blank line

1.2. Mathematical formulae

1 blank line

Mathematical formulae should be written in Times New Roman, 10 pt, by means of the text editor in MS WORD. All the formulae should be centered, referenced with a number shown in round brackets at the right margin. Symbols of the variables in the formulae and in the text should be in italics, and the vectors and matrices should be in bold. Round brackets should not be replaced by slashes. Formulae should be separated from the body text by 1 blank line. Numbers of the formulae should be placed in round brackets when references to the formulae are made in the text.

1 blank line

1 blank line

where- vector, , , , - variables.

1 blank line

2. Drawings, graphs, photographs and tables

1 blank line

Drawings, graphs and photographs (in the case of the photographs authors should enclose source files in *.tif, *.jpg or *.gif) and the tables should be centeredand placed as close to the text they refer to as possible and be separated from the rest of the text by 1 blank line. Captions should be centered under the drawings, graphs and photographs, preceded by “Fig.”, whereas the table titles should be placed above the tables, preceded by “Table”.

1 blank line

Table 1.Table title (8 pt., to the left)

Drawing 1.Drawing description (8 pt., to the left)

1 blank line

Drawings should be created by means of computer programs and placed in the proper spot in the text. When referring to drawings or tables in the text, authors should show the numbers of drawings and tables in round brackets, preceded by the respective word (Fig. 1), (Tab. 1).

References in the text should be listed before the summary in English and titled “References”. References should be listed in the order they appear in the paper with reference numbers provided in square brackets. Descriptions of the publications depend on whether they are proceedings [1], journals [2], or books [3]. Reference numbers in the text should also be placed in square brackets [ ].

1 blank line

References(bold 10 pt., centered)

1 blank line

[1]BORZEMSKI L., An algorithm for a certain reliability problem. Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Systems Engineering. Las Vegas, University of Nevada, 1990; s. 242-250.

[2]EIMER C., Plasticity of polycrystal. Archives of Mechanics. 1977, Vol. 29, No. 5,s.687-704.

[3]NOWACKI W., Theory of elasticity. Warszawa, PWN, 1970.

2 blank lines


1 blank line, 10 pt.

Summary (bold, 10 pt., centered)

1 blank line

A summary in English (ca. 10 lines) written inTimes NewRoman, 10 pt., should be provided at the end of the paper. It should be entitled in English (in capital letters) and preceded by the word “Summary”.

[1] prof. dr inż., Faculty of Civil Engineering at Wrocław University of Technology

[2] mgr inż. Bridge Construction Company in Wrocław