MINUTES of the Meeting of Aylesbeare Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 7 June 2017 at 7.30pm.
Cllr Peter Williams (Chairman)
Cllr Mark Branson (Vice Chairman)
Cllr Helen Baugh
Cllr Denise Dyer
Cllr Jenny Meredith
Cllr Bill Pearson
Clerk Mrs L Parker
Others Present 3 members of the public
1. Apologies of Absence
Apologies were received from County Cllr Claire Wright and District Cllr Paul Carter who were both involved in canvassing duties pertaining to the General Election.
2. Declarations of interests in Items on the Agenda
Cllr Mark Branson declared a pecuniary interest in item 12 where he was being repaid for a purchase he made on behalf of the Parish Council. He was not required to leave the room whilst the item was considered.
3. Minutes
The Minutes of (1) The AGM of the Parish Council dated 3 May 2017 and (2) The Meeting of the Parish Council dated 3 May 2017 were both confirmed to be correct.
4. Matters Arising
The Village Hall Management Committee has entered into a 3 year contract with their present insurers. The brokers had been previously consulted for the best option.
The community noticeboard is due to be delivered tomorrow together with fixings. There will be an additional cost for extra signwriting as the source of funding had to be mentioned. This would, however, be recoverable from the Parishes-together fund.
The audit papers have all been submitted and their receipt acknowledged by Grant Thornton.
Phil Stacey will obtain quotations for some works required in the playground following the Playground Report.
The Chairman had spoken to the Enforcement Officer at EDDC regarding the window construction on the Aylesbeare Inn premises. He was aware that an error had been made by the builders. This has now been rectified and larger windows have been used.
5. Police Report
The most recent report to hand is 31 March – criminal damage to a vehicle under £5,000.
6. Reports of County & District Councillors
No reports had been forwarded.
7. Chairman’s Report
The Chairman had read with sadness the splendid articles in Topics relating to memories of the late Jean Foxwell for which he gave thanks. He would like to minute the Parish Council’s sincere condolences to Jean’s family. Jean was a stalwart Parish Councillor for numerous years and will be greatly missed both by family and friends and all the various associations to which she gave endless help.
He had recently attended the funeral of George Hansford, after a long illness, who was a Town Councillor in Ottery St Mary.
It has been suggested that an article be placed in Topics introducing all the Parish Councillors giving a little information about them all.
The Parish Council wrote to Clarence House, on the occasion of the 100th birthday of the Queen Mother and also Buckingham Palace to honour Her Majesty the Queens 90th birthday. Acknowledgements were received in each case. Copies of these would be framed for the Village Hall and the originals taken to Devon Records Office in Exeter for safe keeping.
8. Clerk’s Report
Suitable training courses have been booked for all the new Parish Councillors over the next few months.
The Parish Council Minutes from July 2011 to December 2014 have been deposited at the Devon Records Office.
9. Reports of Parish Council representatives on other bodies
Village Hall Management Committee AGM – 11 May 2017 – Cllr Helen Baugh
Various discussions took place regarding the hall fees. It was decided to leave them the same for the time being. Also it is important that thought is given as to how to get the hall used more. All ideas are welcomed. The position of Treasurer has now been taken by Steve Greenslade after the fantastic 20 year commitment of Faith Elford. Faith will, however, remain on the committee as the representative of the Women’s’ Institute. The positions of Secretary and Booking Secretary will soon be relinquished so new candidates will need to be found. Volunteers are also required to help re-decorate the hall. The new £1 coin works well in the heating slot-machine. Cllr Baugh will produce a user-guide to explain to hirers how to gain access to the WiFi in the hall.
Introduction of new recycling/waste service at EDDC – 15 May 2017 – Cllr Denise Dyer
Cllr Dyer attended this together with the Parish Clerk. She felt it had been a professional and comprehensive update of the service. The three weekly service of the large bin would commence 9 June and the weekly collection of the green box, food caddy and sack would commence 16 June. Bin hangers will be hooked onto the grey waste wheeled bins during the final collection as a reminder to residents about the start of the new service. The new service had been trialled in Exmouth over 50,000 homes. It had worked well with an increase in recycling from 46% to 59% - the government target is 50% by the year 2020. The Council’s contractor (7 years) SUEZ is now collecting 90 tonnes of recycling from Exmouth every week compared to 24 tonnes before. The marketing has been done well with explanatory brochures and leaflets sent to every household. It is possible that garden waste will be collected by 2018. This will probably be chargeable with an envisaged annual subscription of £40 - £65. If a household has a large family it is possible to get a bigger bin. Cllr Dyer felt that the update had been well thought through and the new service should work well.
10. East Devon District Council: New Planning Application
Application No: 17/1037/FUL
Applicants: Mr & Mrs R Rivett
Location: 28 Village Way
Proposal: Construction of garden shed
Observations: To support the application.
11. East Devon District Council: Planning Application Approved
Application No: 17/0739/FUL
Applicants: Mr & Mrs D Roberts
Location: Hallscroft, Village Way
Proposal: Construction of single storey extension to rear
12. Finance
A payment made between meetings, due to time constraints, was ratified:
Cheque No Payee Amount
000999 Mark Branson – purchase of speakers/wiring £733.00
It was agreed that the following invoices should be paid:
001002 L Parker – Parish Clerk £285.38
001003 Zurich Municipal – Annual insurance (agreed in May) £364.91
A quotation for additional grass cutting from EDDC was considered:
Two cuts during the grass cutting season to the bank in Village Way £120.00 It was Resolved: to accept this quotation.
It was noted that Currys (PC World) refused to extend the guarantee on the Epsom projector, despite offering to do so, as the projector is not housed in domestic circumstances.
Credits received were noted:
Parishes-Together Funding for new speakers £700.00
HM Customs/Excise VAT repayment (year ending 31.3.17) £1,063.21
13. Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr Jenny Meredith provided the meeting with an update on recent events.
A meeting of the Steering Group had taken place on 17 May where three new members were included. These are Paul Brinton, Steve Greenslade and Bret Mitchell. They studied the terms of reference and all was agreed. The group is continuing to work towards an October deadline for the draft documentation to be ready. The Steering Group discussed the existing draft Neighbourhood Plan and felt it covered the majority of areas very well. However, they agreed four areas could be considered for further expansion. These areas were: social impacts, planning guidance, safety and the natural environment. They also reviewed all of the responses to the consultation and voted to re-consult with all Parishioners on the question of whether to include within the Plan a housing development for the parish in the light of the parish being graded unsustainable.
A questionnaire will therefore be put together over the new few weeks which should be delivered to and collected from every house in the parish. Additional funding will also be investigated. The next meeting will take place in the middle of this month.
14. Parish Footpaths
It was confirmed that Cllrs Denise Dyer and Helen Baugh will be responsible for the upkeep and general welfare of the parish footpaths. The Clerk handed them the details of the Public Rights of Way Warden at DCC. Both Councillors would make enquires of DCC concerning Blind Lane, hedge cutting and other general queries.
15. Correspondence Received
Broxap: Litter bin literature
Clerks & Councils Direct: May 2017 issue
Seafarer UK: Merchant Navy Day
16. Date of Next Parish Council Meeting
This will be arranged for later in July as there will be no meeting during the month of August.
There being no further business the Meeting closed at 8.30 pm.