Title 1 Math Program
Wayne Elementary School
The Title 1 Math program at Wayne Elementary School is a supplemental push-in and pullout math intervention for students who qualify in grades one through three. Wayne Elementary School has a designated Title 1 Teacher who services only Title 1 students. The program is aligned with each grade level’s core curriculum and the Everyday Mathematics program. Radnor Township School District uses cross-class flexible grouping, which allows students to be grouped based upon their ability level for each particular mathematics unit. At the beginning of each unit, students are pretested and are then grouped accordingly. Students who qualify for Title 1 Math services will then be supported in their cluster group and receive both push-in and pullout interventions.
Screening, Selections & Assessment Process:
Students are screened for Title 1 Math intervention using the following criteria: end of the year assessments and NWEA MAP. After collecting data, students are ranked by need based on their scores and the students who meet the criteria in each grade level are candidates for Title 1 Math support. After meeting with classroom teachers and receiving recommendations, students are selected and a letter is provided to parents or guardians that math support is a need for their child.
End of the year assessments are used as an initial screening. The Everyday Math Unit 1 assessment from the current school year is used as an initial screening for first grade students. Teacher recommendations after student observations for the first six weeks of first grade are also used during this process. In graders two and three, cumulative end of the year assessments are used for screening. If a student is new to the district, a grade level math goals assessment is used as an initial screening test. Scores are entered on a district data base (Performance Tracker) by the classroom teachers. The Title 1 teacher has administrative access to this data base and collects scores.
Second and third grade students will qualify for Title 1 Math services if they meet any of the following criteria:
- Basic or below basic on the end of the year assessment
- NWEA MAP spring scores in the 50% percentile or below
Kindergarten students will qualify for Title 1 Math services if they meet any of the following criteria:
- Teacher recommendations after student observations for the first six weeks of first grade
- A score of 80% or below on the Everyday Math Unit 1 assessment
Students who qualify for Title 1 Math will be serviced in three ways:
- Most restrictive to least restrictive
- Push-in support in each student’s cluster group, designated by cross-class flexible grouping with each new unit
- Students will be monitored because pretesting for cross-class flexible grouping confirms proficiency in that area
Each grade level gives a pretest for the upcoming unit, so based upon the results of the pretest and cross-class flexible grouping, the Title 1 Math teacher will:
- Monitor students who are on level
- Students who end up in the lowest level group in grades one, two and three will receive direct services through push-in support