Minutes of the meeting of Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Niagara Falls
Classis Niagara CRC – May 16, 2007 – Page 1 of 3
Classis Niagara CRC – May 16, 2007 – Page 1 of 3
Officers: Rev.Derek Bouma, Chairman; Rev. Gerald VanSmeerdyk, Vice-Chairman; John TeBrake, Stated Clerk
Classis Niagara CRC – May 16, 2007 – Page 1 of 3
1.Opening and Constitution of Classis: Devotions were led by Rev. Rudy Ouwehand of the host church, celebrating the 150th anniversary of the CRCNA and incorporating a liturgy used at the 125th anniversary. Then Rev. Bouma welcomed all the delegates and guests. Guests included Mr. Ken VanDyk, to be examined for eligibility to be admitted to the ministry of the Word in the CRCNA by CO Article 7; and Synodical Deputies Rev. Gordon Pols (Classis Hamilton); Rev. Jack Kerkhof (Classis Toronto) and Rev. Dirk Miedema (Classis Chatham); and a number of family and friends of Ken VanDyk to support him during his examination. Rev. Bouma called on Rev. Ouwehand to read the roll call from the Credentials.
- Bethany (Fenwick) was awaiting the arrival of the second delegate who was to bring the credentials; the chairman declared that Rev. EJ DeWaard of Bethany be seated as a delegate [the second delegate was absent for the entire meeting].
- The Maranatha CRC of St. Catharines delegates included one deacon delegate (Mr. Al Bezuyen) whose seating as a delegate was approved by Classis [the approval was given during the report of the Credentials Committee, later in the meeting]
First-time delegates were invited to sign the Form of Subscription, and the Chairman declared the Classis of May 16, 2007 constituted.
2.Reports of the Classical Interim Committee (CIC) and Stated Clerk: John TeBrake led Classis through the reports of the Classical Interim Committee, as provided in the supplementary agenda items. In particular,
- the report noted that questions on the new Credential forms with respect to CO Article 41 would be collected and categorized by the CIC and brought forward for discussion as required; and
- with respect to Maranatha CRC: Rev. Jerry Hoytema will serve as the designated Interim Pastor. Rev. Duane VanderLaan will serve as the Counselor as per CO Article 9, and also as part of the liaison (oversight) committee along with Rev. E.J. DeWaard and Mr. Frank Engelage. The Liaison Committee will report regularly at each Classis meeting until Maranatha is ready to extend a call to a pastor.
The Classis approved the work of the CIC.
John TeBrake then referred to the correspondence schedules. The Classis approved the work of the Stated Clerk.
- Report of the Classical Ministry Leadership Team (CMLT): The Vice-Chairman assumed the chair while Rev. Bouma provided the report of the CMLT. Rev. Bouma indicated that at present there are no students being supported financially, and Classis approved the CMLT’s recommendation that the Classical Ministry Share be suspended for 2008. Rev. Bouma encouraged leadership in churches to search out Ministry potential among the young, and perhaps not so young, people among our churches. The report of the CMLT was approved by Classis.
- Nominating Committee: Frank Engelage reported in the absence of Rev. Greg Fluit, the chair of this committee. The committee’s reports on page 3 of the agenda and page 13 of the supplementary material, and its recommended nominations to committees, were approved.
- Classical Ministries Committee: Classical Ministries Coordinator Mr. Frank Engelage reported that this committee has been mainly involved with the proposed church plant in Thorold. He invited the delegates from the Covenant CRC of St. Catharines to make an announcement to Classis, which was that: as the lead church plant partner the Covenant CRC has extended a call to Mr. Mike Collins to be the Church Planter for the church plant in Thorold, and that Mike had accepted that call. This means that the church plant process will begin a new phase, and it is expected that the ministry will commence at the end of this summer.
Mr. Engelage also informed Classis that as Rev. Walt Vanderwerf would now need to be replaced as Prayer Coordinator for Classis, the CMC would be reviewing the job description before another person is appointed to the position. Churches are asked to forward names of gifted persons to the CMC.
- Examination of Mr. Ken VanDyk to be admitted to Ministry following CO Article 7, Rev.Bouma informed Classis that there are two steps to the process to be followed at this meeting of Classis to consider the request from Maranatha CRC to declare Mr. VanDyk eligible for call to the ministry of the Word in the CRC: (1) Classis needs to declare that Ken has the required exceptional gifts for ministry, and (2) Classis declares that he is a candidate for minister of the word in the CRC and eligible for call. There is to be an examination as outlined in the Church Order. Both declarations of Classis require the concurrence of the Synodical Deputies.
A motion to declare that Ken is exceptionally gifted for the ministry was seconded. The Chairman invited delegates and observers to support the motion with their observations. A number of observations were provided, especially of his worship leadership gifts and of his pastoral gifts.
Rev. Bouma declared an executive session, and excused those who are not office-bearers in the CRCNA.
Upon return to Regular Session, the examination was conducted by Rev. Kevin Stieva (Exegesis of the OT/NT and Bible History) and Rev. Rudy Ouwehand (Dogmatics and General and American Church History)
At the conclusion of the exam an Executive Session was declared.
The regular session of Classis resumed.
- Presentation by Christian Reformed World Missions: Mr. John DenOtter presented a slide show on behalf of Christian Reformed World Missions.
- Greetings from the South Africa Black Reformed Church: Elder delegate Dora Strooboscher (Jubilee Fellowship CRC) reported that she and her husband Marc had recently spent time in South Africa, and that the Black Reformed Church of South Africa wanted to especially send greetings to the members of the churches of the CRCNA.
- Results of Examination: When Ken and his wife Helen returned from their dinner break,the chairman invited them to the front of the Classis and informed them and all the visitors that Classis, with concurrence of the Synodical Deputies, had declared Ken a candidate and eligible for a call to Ministry of the Word in the CRCNA. Classis took time so that each delegate and visitor could congratulate Ken and Helen and wish them God’s blessing on the next part of their journey.
- Credentials Committee: Rev. EJ DeWaard on behalf of the committee (Bethany and Fruitland) informed Classis that there were no unusual items to be brought forward from the credentials. There were several CO Article 41 items that will be brought forward to the CIC for consideration at a future meeting (see item 2 above), and the Maranatha CRC requested the seating of a deacon as a delegate (see item 2 above)
- Shalom Manor Chaplaincy Committee: On behalf of this committee, which is a joint committee of Classes Hamilton and Niagara, Rev. Peter DeBruyne reported that the committee recommends (i.e., makes a motion) that Rev. Fred VanderBerg of the Westmount CRC of Strathroy be appointed to be the new chaplain at Shalom Manor. He clarified that Rev. VanderBerg would be appointed, and that an appropriate church would extend a call to him to serve as the Chaplain at Shalom Manor. Classis approved the appointment of Rev. VanderBerg as the new chaplain at Shalom Manor.
- Chaplaincy Reports: Rev. George VanArragon (Shalom Manor) and Dr. André Basson (BrockUniversity) reported on their respective ministries. Both expressed gratitude for the support of Classis Niagara collectively and of the churches individually. Rev. VanArragon noted that this would be his final report prior to his retirement this summer, and thanked Classis and the churches for support. Dr. Basson expressed gratitude that while main-line churches are cutting back in chaplaincy ministries, the CRCNA is at least maintaining if not increasing its presence. Both chaplains were thanked for their diligent efforts on behalf of the church, and in particular of the CRC, for their ministries. Classis asked God in prayer led by Rev. Bouma for much joy in his retirement for Rev. VanArragon, and thanked God for the work that Rev. VanArragon has completed at Shalom.
- Ad-Hoc Christian Education Financial Support Committee Report: The motion of this committee would have had churches in Classis Niagara work together to find ways as to how our Classis could most effectively implement the following recommendation of Synod 2003: “[that] ‘CRC church councils develop and promote plans for congregational financial support of Reformed Christian day school education.’ (Acts of Synod, 2003, p. 626)”. The recommendation included a new Classis Ministry Share of $130 to fund a Classis Niagara Christian Education Fund. This report/recommendation was initially presented at the October 2006 meeting of Classis, deferred, and deferred again in February 2007 until this meeting to await a response from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as to its compliance with income tax laws and regulations. Also, at the request of Classis, the committee had revised the report though it was acknowledged that it was the essentially the same as the report presented in October. As of this meeting of Classis, no response has been received from CRA as to the legality of the recommendation. After considerable discussion responded to by Committee member Tony Kamphuis, the motion of the committee presented at the October meeting of Classis was defeated.
The Chairman thanked Committee chair Ms. Karen Gerritsma, Tony and the members of the committee for their work and indicated that their work had not been in vain because it has raised worthwhile discussion about Christian education and the committee’s work has helped us to wonder and think about how we as churches are going to support it.
The committee was disbanded with thanks.
- CRCNA 150th Anniversary Celebration: On behalf of the committee assigned to plan this event for Classis Niagara, Rev. Derek Bouma requested that Classis provide an additional $320 for this event; the request was approved. The combined Classis Niagara service is planned to be held June 3 in the afternoon at the BethanyCommunityChurch in St. Catharines.
- Closing: Rev. Bouma indicated that all items of the agenda had been dealt with except for Church Visitor reports, which will be dealt with at the October meeting. Vice-Chairman Rev. Gerald VanSmeerdyk expressed thanks to the Chairman and the delegates for their respective participation in the meeting, and thanks to God for his presence. The Mountainview CRC of Grimsby invited Classis to meet there for the October 2007 meeting.
Next Meeting:
Date: October 17, 2007
Agenda Deadline: August 31, 2007
Location: Mountainview CRC, Grimsby
Chairman: Rev. Greg Fluit
Vice-chairman: Rev. Ryan Braam
Credentials: Mountainview (to chair) and Rehoboth
Overture Advisory: Covenant (to chair) and Jubilee Fellowship
Following meetings: February 20; May 21; October 15, 2008
Classis Niagara CRC – May 16, 2007 – Page 1 of 3