To All Councillors,

You are summoned to attend a Meeting of Tirley Parish Council to be held on

Tuesday 19th July 2016 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Miss K Noble 12th July 2016

Clerk to the Council

Recording of Meetings – The law allows the Councils public meetings to be recorded, which includes filming as well as audio-recording. Photography is also permitted. As a matter of courtesy, if you intend to record any part of the proceedings please let the Clerk know before the start of the meeting.


PUBLIC SESSION Members of the Public are welcome to attend Meetings of the Council. Questions may be put to the Council during the Public Session, before the start of the meeting

1.  To note apologies for absence

2.  Declaration of interests: on any items on the agenda

3.  To approve and sign the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 17th May 2016 and the Extraordinary meeting held on 31st May 2016

4. Matters arising from the minutes: Review outstanding items

5. Reports

5.1 Invited speakers (District/County Councillor, Village Agent, Police)

5.2 Representative

6. Roads/other public rights of way and public utilities

6.1 Speeding issues

6.2 Maintenance and signage of Rights of Way

6.3 Concerns regarding overgrowing hedges impeding footpaths

6.4 Repairs to solar speed sign

7. Flooding

7.1 Update on flood measures

7.2 Flood Risk Management Group visit – suggest dates in August

7.3 Potential installation of flood warning sign on B4213

8. Planning matters

8.1 Planning applications

16/00680/FUL - Flat Farm, B4213 Mount Pleasant to Flat Farm Tirley, Tewkesbury -

Two storey extension to side and rear

8.2 Acknowledgement of planning decisions

8.3 Enforcement issues

9. Jubilee Trees update

10. Tirley Street Party

11. Maintenance of bank at the Old Pitch

12. Minibus report

12.1 To note report and agree any actions and expenditure

12.2 To agree future management arrangements of the minibus

13. Finance:

13.1 Internal Check report

13.2 Budget update

13.3 Make payments, sign cheques and acknowledge receipts

13.4 To agree grant allocation process

14. Correspondence and consultations

a. Gloucestershire County Council – Salt requirements

b. PRS for Music – Consultation on music licensing tariffs