Tips for improving your Spanish grade - Yippee!

Ask yourself the following questions. Check off the ones you are already doing and as you successfully develop a new study habit, continue checking off each question until you are regularly doing them all. You will be guaranteed a better Spanish grade and better understanding of Spanish altogether.

  1. Am I making up all my work after being absent?
  2. Am I paying attention in class to make sure I understand what we’re learning?
  3. Am I organized? Do I keep all my papers and notes and class materials together in an organized manner or system, like a folder or binder with sections?
  4. Am I taking good notes in class whenever we take notes?
  5. Am I turning in all of my homework assignments?
  6. Am I doing my homework using my notes and book and materials from class?
  7. Am I doing my homework ahead of time and alone in a place I can concentrate instead of quickly before school with distractions and/or other people around me?
  8. Am I taking my time and being thorough on all my assignments and tests and quizzes?
  9. Am I double-checking all my work - especially quizzes and tests?
  10. Am I correctingmy homework assignments when we go over them in class?
  11. Am I saving all my papers from class to study from for quizzes and tests?
  12. Am I going over my chapter flashcards (not just staring at the page) at least 3 times a week for at least 10 minutes or more?
  13. Am I writing out the vocabulary words to practice spelling and the ones I have trouble remembering?
  14. Am I asking questions anytime I don't understand something on an assignment, activity in class, quiz and/or test?
  15. Am I doing the review sheets before each chapter test? Am I doing them well by using my notes and book?
  16. Am I practicing the conjugations of different verbs if I find myself having problems with certain ones?
  17. Am I looking over all my notes, review sheet, vocabulary, homework assignments, quizzes and other class work from each chapter before that chapter test?
  18. Am I studying at least 3 days in advance for each chapter test? And at least 2 days in advance for each quiz?
  19. Am I working through an assignment even if I don't quite understand it instead of allowing myself to give up?
  20. Do I go over old chapter flashcards occasionally to keep as much vocabulary fresh as possible?
  21. Am I taking advantage of the after school help my teacher offers?
  22. Am I taking advantage of the quiz retakes?
  23. Do I e-mail my teacher with any homework questions I may have by no later than 9:30 at night?
  24. Do I go to the practice sites on my teacher’s web page and play the games to practice concepts, skills and vocabulary taught in class?
  25. AM I truly engaged and carefully participating in the in- class practice activities my teacher offers me?