minutes of a meeting of the selwyn staff committee

held on wednesday 20 february 2013.


HR & H&S Officer

Bill Simmonett (HoDs’ representative)

Diane Flack and KristofParadi, (Group 1 representatives)

Zsolt Hofstadter and Darren Runham (Group 2 representatives)

Darran Kerry (Group 3 representative)

Michael Wilson and ShonaWinnard(Group 4 representatives)

1.Statement of Conflict of Interest.

The Bursar explained that the purpose of this statement was to ensure that no members of the Committee would receive financial or other gain from any items discussed at the meeting. He gave the example that if the Committee were discussing which company the College should award a catering contract to, any member would be required to declare a financial investment or a family connection with any company considered for the contract. No conflicts of interest were declared.

2.Apologies for absence.

Apologies for absence were received from the Finance Manager.

3.Minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2012.

The Minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2012 were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.

4.Matters Arising

a)Staff Outing and Christmas Party.

The additional meeting held on 16 January, to which members of the former Social Events Committee had been invited, had successfully generated sufficient interest to re-form the Social Events Committee. The Committee has drawn up some Terms of Reference and has met twice since then. Outings to Oxford and Drayton Manor are being organised and the Committee are considering the possibility of going to a show at the Cambridge Corn Exchange in the Autumn, with a pre-show dinner, if this is possible within the available budget. The Christmas Party has been booked for Madingley Hall on 14 December 2013.

b)Fellows’ photographs.

The HR & H&S Officer reported that the Senior Tutor had approved the suggestion to provide photographs of College Tutors and College Officers, but confirmed that it would not be practical to provide photographs of all Fellows. Howard Beaumont had agreed to provide photographs and a gallery of photographs of College Tutors and College Officers will be put together for display in the Porters’ Lodge for the start of the next academic year. Action: HR & H&S Officer/Howard Beaumont.

5.Staff Suggestion Scheme.

a)Drainage solution for hostels.

The Committee discussed a suggestion that the College could build a step around the drain at 38 Grange Road and other hostels to prevent a buildup of gravel entering the drain and avoid costly contractor call-outs. The Maintenance Manager had been asked for his opinion and had said that with the College’s planned preventative maintenance system in place, this should not be necessary. The Bursar suggested that this should be monitored for a year, and if the maintenance did not appear to be working, that this suggestion could be considered again.

6.College Accounts.

The Bursar advised members of the Committee that the half-year accounts show a forecast loss of approximately £50,000 more than had been budgeted, and noted that this was caused mainly by lower than normal undergraduate numbers (leading to lower fees and rental income), the predicted fall in conference income and the payment of an extra insurance premium for the refurbishment of Cripps Court. On a positive note however the Bursar noted that due to the efforts of our Accommodation Officer, Sue Donelan, there had been a significant increase in revenue received from guest room bookings and room rents from non-Selwyn students. Given this increase in the forecasted loss, the Bursar noted that it was unlikely that a staff bonus would be paid this year.

7.Any Other Business.

Refurbishment of Cripps Court - The Bursar advised the Committee that Phase 1 of the refurbishment of Cripps Court (staircases M and N) was currently running two weeks behind schedule but should be completed early April. Phase 2 (staircases J, K and L) would commence soon afterwards, followed by Phase 3 (H and I staircases).

Retirementand the Election of theNew Master–Professor Bowring will retire as Master on 30 September 2013. The post has been advertised, applications will be shortlisted during March, and it is hoped that a new Master can be appointed to start his/her new post on 1 October 2013. Some members of staff will be involved in the interview process. If a new Master has not been elected by the start of the next academic year, the Vice Master (Dr Michael Tilby) will assume the role of Acting Master. It is hoped that a retirement party for the Master will be arranged to which staff will be invited.

8.Date of the next Meeting.

The next meeting will be held at 10.30 am on Wednesday 8 May 2013.