Times Table Ideas
Bingo - Make a grid of six squares on a piece of paper and write a number in each square from one or a select number of times tables. Give a question and if you have the answer, you mark it off. First one to mark off all their numbers is the winner!
Multiplication Snap - You will need a deck of cards for this game! 1. Flip over the cards as though you are playing snap. 2. The first to say the answer to the times table based on the cards turned over (e.g. a 2 and a 3 = say 6) gets the cards. 3. The person to get all of the cards wins.
Super Fingers - The game is basically a version of rock, paper, scissors but with numbers. Two players count to 3 and then make a number using their fingers. Both players then have to multiply both numbers together and the quickest wins.
Speed Tables - Time challenges can be a really good way of helping times tables became automatic. Some ideas are: 1. Measuring the time it takes to write the tables, then trying to beat the time. 2. Seeing how many times you can write that table in 1 minute. 3. Race/challenges against other people.
Sing a Song of Tables - Singing tables can be a really good way to learn. Book shops and toy shops will have CD’s of times table songs that the children can sing along to and the internet also has lots of versions of tables to different and well known songs. You could also make up your own to a known tune!
Flash Cards - Once children know the times table facts in order, they can use flash cards to practice the facts out of order. They could just use them to answer questions, or for an extra challenge, try it against the clock! Flash cards could also be stuck around the house to help children learn the facts! Flash cards can be found online. I cannot print out copies of flash cards for each pupil but would happily give copies on a USB drive if anyone would like.
Buzz/Fizz Buzz – Decide on a times table to practice then take it in turns to count (one number at a time) – when a person reaches a number that is in the times table you have selected you should say buzz. This could also be played with multiple times tables and if the number said appears in all the times tables selected you should say fizz buzz.
Splat – Write out the answers to a times table on a piece of paper. Then start giving questions and you should race against each other to be the first to hit the correct answer on the paper. Points could be given for the first person to reach the answer and you could play in specific time limits to see who has gained the most points by the end of the time.
ICT – There are also various ICT games to support learning times tables at home. Pupils can use a lot of websites used in school at home (with Top Marks being a particularly good resource).