TimeLiner Instructions: You will need these for entire project


Open Timeliner / Find in Instructional Software from desktop or start button.
Open a new Time Line /
Select the Standard Time Line type. /
Click on OK. /
Click on the icon that looks like a piece of paper. /
Type in your date, and then press TAB. Then type in the event that occurred on that date. When you are done, press
ENTER. You will get another line. Continue putting in your dates and information. You need to have at least 13 events. /
When you have your dates and events entered in, click on the icon that has the flags. Timeline will adjust dates correctly. /
Now you can play with your time line and add required elements. Title, name, and 5 images.
Try to compress or expand your time line so an event doesn’t get cut off at the page break. /
You must change the color of your flags and can change your letters by clicking on the flag or A icons.
Hint: To change all flags and words at the same time, hit CTRL and A at the same time. /
If you need to move a flag, hover over it so you see a hand. You can move it up and down. / This will chunk flags and get them to move around so you can see everything.
To add your own pictures click Browse. /
Save timeline / Your timeline must be saved in your I:drive, documents, social studies folder.
1. Check your work: / 2. Get your timeline ready to export and create a one page timeline:
  1. Is your timeline on ONLY 2 pages? (One dashed line in the middle?)
  2. Are your name and title on it?
  3. Are all proper nouns and I’s capitalized?
  4. Are there images on your timeline?
  5. Did you check your spelling?
  6. Can you read all the events?
  1. Minimize your timeline
  2. Open a word document.
  3. In Word, click on Page Layout,Orientation,Landscape
  4. Save the word document as Timeline.
  5. Minimize your word document.
  6. Open your timeline.
  7. Click on File
  8. Click on Export Banner View as Graphic
  9. Click on Copy Entire View
  10. Open your word document back up
  11. Right click, Paste
  12. Enlarge by dragging corner and center your timeline. Use whitespace.
  13. Add your picture by clicking on Insert.
  14. See below

3. Insert Picture Directions

Insert your picture into your Word document.
Go to:
  • Insert
  • Picture
  • S drive
  • Shared Students
  • JWMS
  • Ms. Creadon
  • 6th grade pictures
  • Find your picture and hit Open.
  1. You will need to click on your picture and make your picture smaller by dragging in from the bottom corner.
  2. In the Picture bar, click on the little dog and in front of text.
  3. Save and print your timeline to JH-LMC LAN 550 or Jh-133 if in lab 133.
  4. Check to make sure it is in landscape and in color by clicking on Properties.
  5. Turn it into the basket up front on the cart in my classroom.

Technology Instructions Rubric for Timeline: check off all items in self-assess column

4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0 / Self-assess
Title / Title, capitalized and spelled correctly / Title / Not present
Name / Name on timeline / Not present
Images / At least 5 images / At least 4 images / At least 3 images / 1-2 images / Not present
Flags / Flags maneuvered and colored pattern / Flags maneuvered and in a pattern of some sort / Flags maneuvered and colored. / Flags maneuvered or colored. / Flags not maneuvered or colored.
Exported / TimeLine exported properly / Timeline exported / Not exported.
Centered and enlarged / Timeline enlarged to use whitespace and centered properly / Timeline either somewhat enlarged and somewhat centered / Timeline either cut centered or just enlarged / Timeline minimally enlarged and centered / Not present.
Picture of self / Inserted following instructions so there is no distortion. / Inserted picture with distortion so instructions not followed. / Not present

Personal Timeline Rubric:

4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0 / Self-assess
All 15 events present / Most events present / Some events present / Few events present / Project is lacking effort or MIA
All 15 events reflect meaningful events / Most events reflect meaningful events / Some events reflect meaningful events / Few events reflect meaningful events / Project is lacking in effort.
All spelled and capitalized correctly / Most spelled and capitalized correctly / Some spelled and capitalized correctly / Few spelled and capitalized correctly / Lacking effort
Project is legible and appealing / Project is mostly legible / Project is legible / Project is barely legible / Lacking effort