Timeline for Parish Stewardship

Diocese of Oakland

Preparation Phase

  • Study & Formation of Spirituality of Stewardship.
  • Parish Stewardship Planner and material provided to all parishes at Regional Meetings. Check Stewardship website for dates.
Parishes new to stewardship.
  • Stewardship Study Group formed – or -
  • Stewardship Committee formed.
  • Invite the Pastoral Council and Finance Committee to join the Study Group.
  • Using the Pastoral Letter, Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response (USCCB), reflect over the true meaning of stewardship and what it means in their personal life. - Printed in English and Spanish
  • Sharon Hueckel “The Disciple as Steward” 6 week small group study. Excellent material for pastoral council, finance council, Lenten faith sharing. Booklets are in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. Available through the diocesan stewardship department.
Parishes with existing stewardship committees
  • Stewardship committee meetsto renew their personal commitment to stewardship using the Pastoral Letter, Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response (USCCB).
  • Invite the Pastoral Council and Finance Committee to join the Study Group.
  • Sharon Hueckel “The Disciple as Steward” 6 week small group study. Excellent material for pastoral council, finance council, Lenten faith sharing. Booklets are in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. Available through the diocesan stewardship department.
All parishes
  • Review and to determine stewardship commitment plan for upcoming year.
  • Update parish census data.
  • Update ministry description booklet and contact information.
All parishes
  • Stewardship Committee Retreats to pray that parishioners accept the invitation of stewardship as a way of living and for members to deepen their own commitment to the true meaning of stewardship.
  • Stewardship Committee finalizes calendar and plan.
  • Inform all leadership, staff and ministry chairs of the stewardship commitment plan.
Diocese will provide
  • Follow up Stewardship Networking Sessions offered by the Stewardship Officefor clergy, pastoral staff and parish stewardship committees
  • Development and preparation of parish communication materials: reflection guide and posters, commitment form, pastor’s letter, general intercessions, bulletin announcements, and accountability report
  • Selection and orientation of lay witness presenters
  • Plan Ministry Fair
  • Parish communication materials ordered from the printer or diocese

Call to Commitment Phase

  • Stewardship committee continues to meet every month.
  • Lay witness training and practice.
  • Communication materials returned from printer.
  • Invitation to Stewardship individual letter or prayerful renewal letter sent home.
Week 1: Quarterly Parish Accountability Report of Time, Talent and Treasure is distributed.
Week 2: (Week of): Stewardship Commitment Mailing
Letter from pastor, reflection guide, commitment form, reply envelope mailed to parishioners homes.
Week 3: Parish Ministry Fair
Commitment Cards made available.
Week 4:Awareness Weekend #1
Introduction of the stewardship (renewal) effort by the pastor, lay witness talk, bulletin announcement, Mass announcement and General Intercessions
Week 5: Awareness Weekend #2
Parish Stewardship Accountability Report, lay witness talk, bulletin announcement, Mass announcement and General Intercessions
Awareness Weekend #3
Lay witness talks on time, talent and treasure, bulletin announcement, Mass announcement and General Intercessions Optional.
Stewardship Commitment Weekend
Pastor’s invitation to participate, commitment forms in the pews, commitment forms returned, bulletin announcement, Mass announcement and General Intercessions
Follow-Up Phase
Parish administration and follow-up
record intentions and send thank you cards
Follow-up Weekend
Opportunity to return commitment forms, forms in the pews, Mass announcement and General Intercessions
Mail follow-up to non-respondents
and thank you notes to respondents
Thank you weekend
Pastor/Stewardship Chair thanks all parishioners who returned a commitment form and reports on the results to date.
  • Follow up phone calls are made to all interested individuals that want to learn more about specific ministries.
  • Thank you to all volunteers that assisted with the Stewardship effort.
  • Thank you letter stating their total prior year financial contributions. This typically is used for the end of year IRS statement.
Ongoing Formation and Education


  • Parish Monitoring and Assessment.
  • Organize samples of all materials and keep detailed notes on procedures and logistics to streamline your Stewardship Renewal Effort in the future.
  • Articles in the parish newsletter or articles.
  • Quarterly time/talent/treasure reports.
  • Provide opportunities for parishioners to discover their talents.


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