Date:August 17, 2015

  1. Roll Call
  2. Time started: 5:16 pm
  3. President Rodriguez
  4. Vice President Hooper
  5. Secretary Salinas
  6. Senator Killian- Webex
  7. Senator Ransom
  8. Senator Bernhardt
  9. Senator Welply
  10. Senator Ramirez
  11. Senator Stell
  12. Senator Lopez- Webex
  13. Senator Juenke
  14. Guests
  15. Colton Conier- Webex
  16. Tiffany Alcala- Webex
  17. Matthew Cruz
  18. Lisa Perez
  19. Chief Justice Longoria
  20. Quorum (Y/N)
  21. Islander Pledge
  22. Secretary
  23. Approval of the Minutes (Y/N)
  24. August 3, 2015- Senator Welply makes motion to approve minutes. Senator Bernhardt seconds the motion. Minutes are approved.
  25. President Report
  26. Senior Leadership of the University
  27. Dr.Kelly Quintanilla is officially be the provost and Vice President of academic affairs
  28. Terry Tatum as the Executive Vice President for Financial Management
  29. Freshman Council
  30. New Members
  31. There are 9 members on the Freshman Council to date.
  32. Still assigning mentors and mentees
  33. Official Meeting Day
  34. Mondays at 5 pm for Freshman Council meetings
  35. Mentors- still being assigned.
  36. Being on the look out for official members.
  37. Appointment Approvals
  38. Secretary- Brittney Salinas
  39. Senator Junken makes motion to approve President Rodriguez’s appointment and Senator A. Ramirez seconds the motion.
  40. College of Business Senator- Garrett Ransom, senior business major, he is a third year Islander. He wants to be more involved, sees SGA the perfect opportunity to do so.
  41. College of Nursing and Health Science- Jacob Villa. Sophomore, very active in school organizations such as Aloha Days, being an Islander Ambassador, etc.
  42. The Motion is called to approve the three. Unanimous vote of approving the President’s appointment.
  43. Vice President Report
  44. No reports
  45. Treasurer
  46. No reports
  47. Historian
  48. No reports
  49. Senator Reports
  50. Business
  51. No reports
  52. Education
  53. No reports
  54. Nursing and Health Science
  55. No reports
  56. Liberal Arts
  57. No reports
  58. Science and Engineering
  59. Meeting scheduling for later in the month, or in September.
  60. Graduate Studies
  61. Committee Reports
  62. Spirit and Traditions
  63. No reports
  64. Elections
  65. No reports
  66. Environmental Affairs
  67. Representative Verduzco replied to the student on the recycling issue, staff replied that recycled is separated within the bins. If there was contamination, the recycled material could not be used.
  68. Constitution
  69. Senate Resolution Entitlement: 2015 Revised Constitution
  70. President Rodriguez entertains motion to approve resolution
  71. Senator Junken makes a motion to approve resolution, Senator Bernhardt seconds the motion
  72. Motion is called into vote:
  73. 12 were in favor of the vote
  74. 0 were opposed of the vote
  75. 0 abstentions
  76. The Revised Constitution was passed
  77. Old Business
  78. SGA Promo Week
  79. President Rodriguez discussed thatSGA promo week will be emerging with Constitution Celebration Week with the Student Engagement and Success and library staff. Open Forum will be moved to Monday the 14th at 4 pm in Tejas Lounge. Miss. Perez mentions that President Killebrew will attend to gather information about safe zones for the concealed carry bill. Killebrew is bringing together the staff council and the faculty senate to gather that information. Gathering information by December. The bill goes into effect August 1stThe Open Forum is used to identify areas of being gun free. These areas need justifications on why it’s being identified. Students are to be aware.
  80. September 14thSGA Open Forum
  81. One Senator needs to be present at all times
  82. 11-2 pm for table shift.
  83. President Rodriguez will create a doodle for scheduling purposes.
  84. Tuesday, SGA will be sponsoring voter registration presented by the League of Women’s
  85. Wednesday, State of the University
  86. 6 pm republican debate reviewing party in Tejas Lounge
  87. Thursday, elections and the passing out of the constitution for Constitution Day
  88. SGA will require lots of help with promo week.
  89. Momentum Welcome Week
  90. President Rodriguez will email signup sheets for the events.
  91. State of the University Volunteers
  92. Look at schedules, begins at 11:30 am in the Anchor Ballroom to greet and to be there after the event.
  93. Wednesday, September 16, 2015
  94. Senator Junke, Senator Stell, Senator Welply, Senator Bernthard volunteered to greet at the State of the University
  95. New Business
  96. T-shirt Swap Promo
  97. President Rodriguez mentioned about the partnership with Athletics. She needs help promoting the t-shirt swaps
  98. Go to classrooms to help promote the t-shirt slots.
  99. Encourage attendance at pre-game celebration in spirit gear.
  100. Sent out announcements to organizations.
  101. Don’t wear the swap t-shirts until game day.
  102. August 28, 2015
  103. 1st Semester goals
  104. Utilizing Orgsync
  105. Trained in Orgsync
  106. Advertise general membership
  107. Making it more assessable
  108. Create a brand or tagline for SGA
  109. Establishing a continual review of the Constitution
  110. Complete/rewrite constitution
  111. Transition elections to Orgsync
  112. Establishing a Freshman Council
  113. Establishing Promo Week
  114. Most of these goals have been met before the deadline.
  115. If there are any other goals for the university or SGA for the upcoming semester, think about them and being them to the next meeting.
  116. Fall retreat in early September 25-26th
  117. First day, for new members
  118. Second day, everyone needs to be there.
  119. Will write down the fall goals
  120. Partnering with the Counseling center to help them promote the SGA logo as a general idea.
  121. Come back next week with ideas.
  122. Senators can set goals for their specific colleges
  123. You don’t need to meet at meetings but do commit outside of the meetings for the specific colleges. Report back in meeting next week on Wednesday, 12:15 to 1:45 pm in Jetty 123.
  124. Open Forum
  125. Chief Longoria asked that announcement dates be placed in the complete calendar order
  126. Head Shots to be rescheduled
  127. Follow up with President Rodriguez about scheduling.
  128. You may wear polos, professional attire, and blue and green accents.
  129. Miss Lisa asked for assistance on Wednesday at 9 am scheduled until 11:30 am for Waves of Welcome bag stuffing
  130. UC 204
  131. Senator Welply completed level one incentives
  132. Receives SGA polo
  133. Voting powers
  134. General members will not vote, but input is encouraged.
  135. Announcements
  136. Graduate New Student Orientation- August 18, 2015 from 4:30pm-5:30pm
  137. President and Carl working on that in the CI
  138. Soccer Pre-Game Celebration T-shirt Swap – August 28, 2015 @ 4pm
  139. We are going to have a table
  140. SGA Application Deadline - September 7,2015
  141. State of the University- September 16, 2015
  142. 11:30-1 pm
  143. Headshots are being rescheduled.
  144. Roll Call
  145. 6:05 pm
  146. Adjournment
  147. Meeting was adjourned at 6:07 pm