Instructor: Leah Moore
Office Phone: 737-5208 ext. 3098
Time & Place: Tuesdays, 6:00pm-8:00pmTwin Falls High School RLC#1
Textbook: None; IHSAA Track and Field Rules Book (Optional)
College Mission Statement:The College of Southern Idaho, a comprehensive community college, provides educational, social and cultural opportunities for a diverse population of South Central Idaho. In this rapidly changing world, CSI encourages our students to lead enriched, productive and responsible lives.
Computer Literacy Requirement: Students are required to pass the CSI Computer Skills Assessment, which is a four-part test administered in the CSI testing center. See for more information.
Disability Statement: Any student with a documented disability may be eligible for related accommodations. To determine eligibility and secure services, students should contact the Coordinator of Disability Services at their opportunity after registration for a class. Student Disability Services is located on the second floor of the Taylor building on the Twin Falls campus. 208-732-6250 (voice) or 208-734-9929 (TTY) or e-mail .
Online Course Evaluation Statement:As part of the course Outcomes Assessment process at CSI, each student is requested to complete an online class evaluation form at the end of the semester. Students will access the evaluation at The name and password is the same as for network email and Blackboard: Username = first two letters of first name, middle initial (x, if no middle initial), first two letters of last name, birth month, and birth day (no spaces anywhere). Password = full Social Security Number (no spaces or dashes).
Course Description:This majors’ course teaches skill development and knowledge of teaching professions, techniques, and analysis of skills and strategy in track and field. This course does not fulfill the Physical Education requirement for the A.A degree.
Prerequisites:Physical Education Major or Instructor permission
Textbook and Supplies: IHSAA Track and Field Rules Book (Optional) , Binder with dividers
Campus Testing Center: Academic Development Center, GRM 230. Testing Hours: M-TH, 8A.M. – 9:30P.M.; F, 8A.M. – 4:30P.M. Tests will not be given any later than one hour prior to closing. Photo ID is required.
Course Objectives:
- To develop a coaching philosophy
- To perform skills involved in Track and Field.
- To teach various skill techniques used in Track and Field.
- To understand different motives and personalities in your athletes.
- To know the rules of Idaho High School Track and Field.
- To create a season calendar including weekly and daily practice schedules.
Outcomes Assessment:
Learning Outcome 1: Students will demonstrate appropriate safety practices.
Activity: Students will complete a pre/post safety assessment to measure progression of safety knowledge.
Outcome Assessment: On-line course evaluation post-assessment.
Learning Outcome 2: Students will identify appropriate skill development progressions, activities, and organization for skills associated with track and field.
Outcome Assessment: The portfolio will be evaluated on completeness, organization, development progression accuracy, and style (format, mechanics, and usage) according to MLA guidelines.
Learning Outcome 3: Students will demonstrate effective coaching/teaching skills and reflective analysis of teaching a skill/drill in peer teaching situations.
Activity:Students will demonstrate and teach a track and field event.
Outcome Assessment: The student’s teaching skills will be evaluated through teacher, peer, and self-evaluation.
Learning Outcome 4: Students will volunteer 8 hours at meets and practices.
Outcome Assessment: The student will log date, hours worked, event, job, coach signature, observations/strategies, overall impression, etc. for each meet or practice attended.
Policies and Procedures:
- Behavior: Classroom/ Field behavior requires a positive learning environment.
- Expectations:
- Bring a great attitude
- Keep an open mind
- Encourage others
- Consequences:
- One warning concerning inappropriate behavior
- If the behavior persists, the student will be dropped from the course and the matter will be referred to student services for college discipline.
- If there is a problem for you in the class, please let me know. See College Catalog, page 16, for other college behavioral policies.
- Performance:
- Attendance is mandatory! Come to class in workout attire.
- Teach one event to the class. Create a portfolio handout on your event for each student.
- Create a Track and Field portfolio:
- Your personal track and field experience/accomplishments and future goals/ coaching aspirations.
- Coaching philosophy- Introduce your track and field program
- Rules (optional)
- Track meet protocol: Order of events, helpers, equipment needed, etc.
- Warm-up/ Cool down stretches and strategies
- Sprints- 100, 200, 400
- Distance- 800, 1600, 3200
- Relays- 4x100, 4x200, 4x400, Medley
- Field Events- Pole-vault, shot put, discus, long jump, triple jump, high jump
- Volunteer log, observations, etc.
- Head coach interview- questions and responses
- Other Track and Field resources (optional)
- Works cited
- All assignments are due on the date assigned. Unless prior arrangements are made, late work is not accepted.
- It is the student's responsibility to withdraw from the course by April 6th. Students who fail to withdraw from the course will receive a course grade of Failure "F."
- Honesty: Students are expected to be honest in all aspects of their work. All work is evaluated on the assumption that the work presented is the student’s own. Students are subject to the grade of failure (F) for any of the following dishonesty practices.
- Cheating--the improper use of books, notes, other student’s test or quizzes, or other aids during an examination or quiz.
- Collaboration--submission of a paper in which substantial portions are paraphrased as one’s own from, or identical to another student’s paper.
- Plagiarism--submission of a paper in which substantial portions are paraphrased without documentation or are identical to published or unpublished material from another author.
Library Use: Although library use is not required for this course, it may be helpful for additional track and field resources. CSI’s library (Meyerhoeffer Building) has several computers for student use.
Grading Policy: Grades will be based upon the following assessment:
Attendance: 20 points per class 100 pts.Teaching component: 100 pts.
8 hour volunteer time and reports: 200 pts.
Coaching philosophy: 100 pts.
Portfolio:each component worth 20 points 320 pts.
Total possible: 820 pts.
Grading Code:
A = 90 – 100 738-820 pts.B = 80 – 89 656-737 pts.
C = 70 – 79 574-655 pts.
D = 60 – 69 492-573 pts.
F = see Exit Requirements
I = see College Catalog, page 11
Tenative class schedule:
3/27- CSI gym- Syllabus and stretching
4/3- TFHS RLC #1- Coaching Philosophy and psychology
4/10- TFHSRLC #1- Teaching components
4/17- No class- work on volunteer hours, head-coach interview and portfolio.
4/19- Opportunity to volunteer at the Monte Andrus Track meet in Twin- Be there at 12:30.
4/24-TFHSRLC #1- Teaching components
5/1- TBA- Last day of class- Portfolio due
5/7- Pick up Portfolios from John Hughes, Chair, Education Department