AP Boot Camp

Time Period Quizzes

You will be quizzed on one time period a day. The first portion of the quiz will be approximately 10 AP style multiple choice questions from that time period and you will have limited time to answer the questions (approx. 45 minutes).

In the second portion of the quiz you will be asked to define key terminology, identify key people, and locate key places or events based on the key terms from each chapter. You will also be asked to write a thesis statement for a comparison prompt and a change and continuity over time prompt based on concepts discussed in those chapters and your notes.

Advice for preparing for quizzes and comparison/ CCOT essay prompts

Review your big picture notes from each time period. Review your time period maps. Review your key terms. In order to prepare to respond to essay prompts, review each chapter in your textbook for each time period. As you review each chapter in an intimate yet superficial way (read introduction and conclusion, look at subject headings-maybe even read first paragraph, look at maps and pictures and read the fine print that goes along with them) takes notes or make charts of major comparisons and changes over time. Most chapters deal with both themes but not all of them. If you are a chart person-make charts or venn diagrams! If you like Cornell notes take Cornell notes! If you like it freestyle, do whatever works best for you. These notes are for you, to help you study for your final and the AP exam.

Why do we have to do this? Why should I care?

Regardless of whether you are in AP World History by choice or by force, you will have a final exam that is an actual AP exam. Think of AP Boot Camp as of month of in-class review for your final! Those students who have received Ds and Fs this year will not be taking the AP exam (as per Miami Beach High policy) but will be taking the final. You may not care about the AP exam but it is my duty to send each one of you into that exam as prepared as possible. You must take the AP exam seriously and put forth maximum effort. Students who continue to receive 1s on AP exams will be barred from AP and IB classes in the future. AP World History is an overwhelming course to take and it is an overwhelming course to teach. That said; I hope you all feel that you have gained a new way of looking at history, the world, and the interconnectedness of its many peoples, places and events. Thanks for being good troopers and congratulations on finishing your first AP course!