On The Intracoastal


Board Meeting

DateDecember 18, 2013

Call to Order7:05 p.m.

Roll CallRandy Chavoor, Dean Boyce, Lenny Streeto

Approximately 25-30 Members were in attendance and Deborah Bagliebter (Custom Property Management)

Verification of Meeting Notice Posted

Treasurer’s Report-The year of free elevator maintenance has begun and extends into next year. Condos 1 & 2 are unfavorable on elevators. Condo 3 funds were used for their portion of the dredgingexpense, a new tele-entry system and a few other items so they are over in building expenses and elevators but still are just about on target for the year. The harbour income is not what was projected and the expenses are more than anticipated but by the year they should be close to budget. Common expenses for lawn water are high as is removal of unwanted animals from the property.Recreation was charged for upgrade of Guest Cottage’s bathroom and Recreation should be okay by the end of the year. The total Common Expenses were favorable by about $3200. Delinquencies for Condo 1 are $10,950 which is $1500 favorable from last year at this time, Condo 2 is $3500 favorable. Unit 4107 sold and the bank purchased it and as soon as the sale is finalized we will begin to get the monthly maintenance and at least a year’s worth of back maintenance and some issues in Condo 3 building 4 and they are about $8000 less favorable then they were at this time last year.

Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made, received a second and was unanimously accepted.

Grounds Committee Report was next-four letters were received from owners in building 4 requesting the Seagrape Tree be removed due to obstruction of views. City Forester was consulted and he stated that the tree was a specimen Seagrape and trees are not removed due to blocked views. The Seagrape Tree has been trimmed and should be kept trimmed back. The Seagrape tree could be relocated but the cost would run around $2000 plus and the City would have to approve where it is relocated to and if the tree were not to make it, then a certain number of trees which would have to replace the Seagrape would be dependent upon the diameter of the trunk of the Seagrape and the City would have to approve the replacement trees. The Board did not make a Motion or take a

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vote, but unanimously agreed to keep the Seagrape Tree trimmed back and not set precedent for moving trees on property that block views. The first Canary

Date Palm planted the Association paid for the second and the third were paid for by the landscaper. The landscaper wants to give the palm between 8 and 10 months to recover and the palm is being treated. The Board requested the Grounds Committee to speak with the landscaper regarding removal of the Canary Palm. The Bougainvillea planted in the hedge along Federal Highway is working and in January when Grounds has the funds, a few more plants will be added. The Fishtail Palm across from Building 3 at the grill area was removed and looks much better. At no charge to the Association/all new plantings were installed in front of Building 4. The landscaper paid for this and honored his work.

Minutes from November 14, 2013 Budget Meeting were read and a

Motion to accept the Minutes was made, received a second and was unanimously accepted.


Orientation- Covered in Manager’s Report

Lighting- No Report

Social- January 8, 2014 a cooking demo and wine tasting is planned and raffle

January 18, 2014 is a catered dinner. Bingo starts up again on January 6, 2014. Bingo to begin on January 06, 2014.

Recreation- Additional equipment in workout center was discussed and a meeting will be scheduled. Wearing of pool chairs are being looked into by volunteers.

Insurance- Appraisal has been completed and shows rate was inflated by 7%. The appraisal will be sent to anyone who writes a policy for the property to see what price they now quote. Seminar on insurance will take place on a Thursday evening at 5 pm in the Clubhouse but no date confirmed as of this time.

Harbour- There are a couple more pilings that need to be wrapped, 50 have already been done. Deposits for 3 people have been accepted, but they have no boats yet so they technically are still available should one bring in a boat.

Finance- No Report

Building Captains for 1, 2 3 and 4- No reports

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Security- Committee is requesting an additional $2000 for more cameras on property. Fencing is on hold on NW and SE corners of the property. More Bougainvillea plants are to be planted this fall and as they mature should prevent outsiders from gaining access from Federal Highway to the property.

Security- A nuisance visitor incident at the pool was handled today. If found on property membership was instructed to either let the Property Manager know or call the police themselves.

Library- No Report

Old Business- Rules and Regulations should be followed. Met w/attorney regarding mandatory hurricane windows and doors on all units and advised that the windows and doors are owners’ responsibilities not the Associations. Membership was advised to check hot water heaters. Owners can be held liable for water intrusion into other units. Chattahoochee replacement in building 4 discussed. Attorney did not recommend capping rentals at 15% stating it was not of concern by banks. It could discourage future buyers. Putting a restriction on new owners for a certain number of year(s) before eligible to rent the property is possible but any member who does not agree with this does not need to comply and is grandfathered in. This restriction would only be applicable to new owners. It would require a vote of the membership and amendment of the documents. Pet policy was discussed.

New Business-

A member (architect) in building 3, unit 406 is willing to help with the rendition of painting the buildings when need be. Contractors are not adhering to rules and should be made to sign a document agreeing and acknowledging specifics. A deposit could be required of the contractors or owners prior to commencement of work.


Motion to Adjourn the December 18, 2013 Board Meeting at 8:26 p.m. was made, received a second and was unanimously accepted.

Respectfully Submitted By: Deborah Bagliebter, PM

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