Time Management Self-Test

Please rank 1-5 (1 being least true and 5 being most true)

Goal Setting (Do I set short and long term goals? Am I motivated?)

____ I know what I want to be doing in 20 years.

____ I set realistic goals for the year, the month, the week.

____ I am feel good about my major of study.

____ I am very optimistic about my future.

____ I am able to track my progress toward my goals.

____ I reward myself after achieving a goal.

____ I link daily and weekly goals with my long term goals.

Time Spending Habits (Where does my time go and do I waste time/procrastinate?)

____ I make the best use of my time while waiting by carrying some study materials with me wherever I go.

____ I get enough rest, exercise and eat healthy foods.

____ I am able to balance my work, class, study, and leisure time.

____ If I have a personal problem, I am able to put it aside to get my tasks done.

____ If I nap, they are limited to 30 minutes or less per day.

____ I am aware of how I spend my time.

____ My studies are a high priority.

____ I am able to recognize my tendencies to procrastinate and use strategies to overcome these.

Use of Time Tools (Do I use time tools to help manage and prioritize my time?)

____ I have a monthly/term calendar to keep track of my important events and obligations.

____ I have a weekly calendar to keep track of my activities and obligations.

____ I use “to do” lists to keep track of and prioritize things I need to get done each day.

____ In the morning, I take a few minutes to figure out the things I have to do throughout the day.

____ I make a “master to do list” that contains all of the tasks I need to do for each class and my personal responsibilities.

____ I am able to take a large task and break it down into smaller more manageable pieces.

Organizational Skills (Am I organized?)

____ Any time I feel overwhelmed with too many things to do, I take a few minutes to sit down and organize myself.

____ I have all of my phone numbers in one place.

____ I use self-stick notes or other methods to remind me of things I have to do.

____ I have a place for everything and my personal belongings are organized.

____ I have all of the required materials for each class.

Managing Learning Time (Do I make the best use of my study time?)

____ I understand my learning preferences and personality style and am able to make adjustments to my studying based on these.

____ I choose to do my work at times when I am most alert.

____ I schedule the tasks I don’t like to do between the tasks I like.

____ I make sure that my environment is conducive to studying by being comfortable and removing distractions.

____ I preview material before class and review material after class.

____ I study in one hour or less increments with breaks in between.

____ I attend and participate in class.

____ I make sure to test my learning/understanding before moving on to the next task.

How did I do?

Categories containing several ones and twos are areas where you need to focus on improving. Each question listed is a good habit and something to consider as you seek to make the most of your time.