Member of Youth Parliament (MYP) – Job Description

Time Commitment:

Attend BYC Conventions, the Annual Sitting and House of Commons. UKYP time commitment is an estimated 7 hours a month. This does not include programmes run in each constituency (local meetings). Local meetings will usually be held on one day of each month in locations to be arranged and rotated.


1-2 years, dependent on your Local Authority. Suffolk is a 2 year term, unless elected during a by-election.

Election rules:

• Age range: at least 11 on the date of the election and up to 18.

• Criteria to stand: must live, work or study in their constituency

• Term of office: starts

Purpose of role:

• To support youth voice and actively engage with every young person in their constituency

• To promote the positive work of UKYP

• To attend and participate in BYC Conventions

• To meet regularly with other youth councils and forums in their area

• To take the views of their constituents to BYC Conventions and report on local campaigns


• Participate in meetings; these could be anywhere in the county. You will be expected to make your own travel arrangements to attend the monthly local meeting (however, we will reimburse public transport costs and train travel can be booked through The Engagement Hub if arranged in advance with Support Worker (Gareth Moir).

• Speak on behalf of their constituents

• Take part in the national campaign consultation and support young people in their areas to take part too

• Take part in votes on national policy and campaigns priority

• Communicate to the media as appropriate

• Take news of UKYP’s work back to their constituency

• To report back to your support worker and other MYPs your constituency work and work on national campaigns.


• Approachable

• Inclusive of everyone

• Experience – none needed, just a desire to get young people’s voices heard

Exit policy:

If an MYP is unable to perform their role due to illness, moving countries or for breaching the code of conduct, they will be guided to the UKYP Policy Handbook for a decision on their future as a MYP.

Staff Support:

Within Suffolk County Council who will host MYP’s Gareth Moir is your primary point of contact, Procedures Group Rep from BYC/UKYP and Youth Democracy worker BYC.

The work of UKYP is not affiliated with any political party

Deputy Members of Youth Parliament

The role of the DMYP is to support the MYP in the constituency. The MYP will attend local meetings in Ipswich, regionally and nationally and report back to the DMYP.

A DMYP is able to attend monthly meetings. For regional and nationalmeetings a DMYP can attend only where the MYP is unable to (unless otherwise arranged with Support Worker) and their role will be to report back to the MYP.