Time called to order: 6:38pm
Absences:Clint Bower, Jeff Cain, Michelle Cox, Emma Deputy, Deren Flesher, Garrett Hohmann, Kendra McKisick, Evan Miller, Ashley Montgomery, Staci Nelson, Miranda Peters, Mitchell Sims, Christina Surrell, Noah Weatherford, Taleri Wright
Guest Speakers: None
Student Concerns: None
Minutes approved as:Written
Corrections: None
President: Banquet needs to be discussed again because I’m unable to be there on Wednesday for work. Monday and Thursday are available for me, but its okay if you want to have it on Wednesday I just can’t be there.
Vice President: None
Treasurer: All bills are paid, accounts are good.
Advisor: None
Other: Amanda had to work tonight. She sent out letters for the Housing Guide and she is trying to find new places to advertise because of all the apartments being torn down for the athletic village. Also, we will probably be moving the Renter’s Fair to the 29th of March to have more days to advertise for it.
We had a lot of legislation in Senate. Wilson had three recommendations; one was to ask for further review of the master plan. Another one was to ask the city to open two lanes on Hall of Fame by July 1st. There was also a bill to increase fees for a scholarship in the Study Abroad program, which passed.
University: If bills come in this week, we’ll meet, but if not then we won’t.
Civic Affairs: We passed a bill that will come up on the floor tonight.
Internal Affairs: We passed one bill and tabled another.
Renter’s Advisory Council: None
Public Relations: Michelle turned in an ad to the O’Colly and she also got the A frames done.
Social Chair: None
Vice-Chair:I sent out an email to people who have 2 absences and only 1 responded. I have a list downstairs if anyone is interested.
Chair:The athletic village should be a big issue with us. We should definitely have an opinion about the fact that 1200 students are out of an apartment. There is one free pizza left, so someone could use that for legislation. There is a Steering/Budget tonight after the meeting.
1)F05RC14-A recommendation to the City of Stillwater; regarding lighting at Cleveland and University. Passed by consent.
2)F05RC15-A bill to create an executive stipend for the President, Vice-President, and the Chair. Tabled for one week.
3)F05BL17-A bill regarding the reallocation of funds from the tech exec stipend to unallocated. Tabled indefinitely.
4)F05BL19-A recommendation to the City of Stillwater; regarding one-way signs on Jefferson. Tabled for one week.
2)F05RC21-A recommendation to the Board of Regents for A & M Colleges to not approve the athletic village part of the Campus Master Plan.
3)F05BL22-A bill to allocate $400 form unallocated funds for angels from the NTSO Angel Tree.
4)University-Austin Kershner; Civic Affairs-Brandi Wright; Internal Affairs-Allison Hurst; Public Relations-James Hancock, William Ross; Social-Janis Schallner;
Wilson-I need Steering tonight and authors of the bills.
Motion was made to adjourn at 7:15pm.