Time and Talent Survey 2009-2010

St. David’s Episcopal Church

Sharing Your Gifts for Ministry –

Complete one sheet for each member of the family.

Additional sheets are available in the Parish Office.

Check the areas of service and participation in

which you would be willing to volunteer and those

areas in which you are currently volunteering.

If you would like additional information or

would like to discuss any item, please feel free to

call upon the person listed next to each major


Please return with your Financial Pledge Card.

Name: ______

Phone: ______E-mail: ______

In recognition of God’s love and gifts, I gratefully

offer to serve/currently serve (if currently serving

and wish to continue, check both) in these ways:

Worship – Joe Palsa: 745-1267

Will Now

Serve Serve

  Lector – read lessons during Worship

  Lay Eucharistic Minister – administer

chalice/lead MP, take HC to sick, shut-ins

  Lay Healer


  Altar Guild

  Flower Guild



Christian Formation – Sue Davis: 378-2867

Tammy George: 763-4432

Will Now

Serve Serve

  Teach Church School (PreK-12 grade)

  Teach Adult Class (rotating ‘team


  Help with Vacation Bible School

  God’s Word for Children volunteer


Parish Life/Fellowship –Tammy George: 763-4432

Will Now

Serve Serve

  Assist with preparation for special Events

  Serve at special events

  Provide food for Wednesday Lenten meals

  Assist with Agape meal

  Assist with Annual Picnic

  Assist with Thanksgiving meal

  Sunday Breakfast cleanup

  Help organize & clean kitchen

Pastoral Care – Cliff Emerson: 330-0051

Will Now

Serve Serve

  Visit sick, shut-ins

  Prepare food for sick, shut-ins

  Offer transportation to shut-ins

  Participate in “Prayer Chain”

  Card Ministry

  Lay Eucharistic Visitor – take HC to sick,


  Parish Nurse

  Grief Group

  Assist/provide food for Funeral Receptions

Outreach – Justin Davis: 378-2867

Will Now

Serve Serve


  Men’s Shelter Feeding Program

  Provide food for CCHASM

  First Fruits food collection

  Provide Cookies for Kairos

  Salvation Army Bell ringing

  Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts

  Daughters of the King

Communication – Alan Hejnal: 744-7102

Will Now

Serve Serve

  Assist with Newsletter

  Assist with Website

  Assist with Bulletin Boards

  Phone Tree

Stewardship – Wendy Naret: 378-6017 Finance – David Love: 745-4623

Will Now

Serve Serve

  Make a Financial and Time/Talent Pledge

  Serve on Stewardship Campaign

  Serve on Time and Talent Campaign

  Offering Counter

  Fundraising/Yard Sale

Newcomer/Hospitality – Debbie Mabry: 276-5403

Will Now

Serve Serve

  Bread Delivery

  Bake bread for Newcomers

  Become a Mentor for Newcomers

  Assist/prepare food for Newcomer Dinner

  Assist with St. David’s 101

Buildings & Grounds

Tucker Wright: 272-9374

Ron Gotshall : 272-0829

Will Now

Serve Serve

  Participate in “Parish Clean-up Days”

  Lawn Mowing

  Painting as needed


  Building repair

  Systems maintenance (heating/ AC)

Music – Bonnie Thomas: 748-8068

Will Now

Serve Serve

  9:00 Choir

  11:15 Choir

  Bell Choir

  Youth Choir

  Instrumentalist (please list instrument(s))


Youth – Cindi Hanayik: 739-3361

Will Now

Serve Serve

  Assist with EYC (Youth Group)

  Chaperone EYC events

Social Activities

Will Now

Serve Serve

  Royal Barbeque Society



  UFO (Craft Group)

Office/Administration – Dana Eudailey,

Parish Administrator: 276-4348 Will Now

Serve Serve

  Assist with publication of newsletter

  Assist with parish mailings

  Assist Parish Administrator as needed

  Assist with official parish records:

entering/maintaining record books, etc.

Any other areas not listed in which you would be

interested in serving or are currently serving:



You are not asked at this time to specify the amount

of time you will volunteer or are currently

volunteering. As the need arises, you may be called

upon to determine if you are able to serve in an area

you have indicated.

My Talents and Special Skills

Please check those items that represent your talents,

skills and resources. From time to time, the church

may need these skills and may call on you to see if you would be available for assistance. Perhaps

some of the items you list may never be called upon;

however, please know your willingness to share your talents is greatly appreciated!

 Carpentry (Skilled __ Somewhat skilled __

Unskilled but can assist __)

 Painting (Skilled __ Somewhat skilled __

Unskilled but can assist __)


 Financial ability (bookkeeping, accounting)

 Real estate



 Graphics/Art Work

 Personal computer skills


 Electrical work

 Social service expertise

 Child care


 Biblical/theology resource person

 Youth work/youth sponsor or mentor



 Arts and Crafts

 Picture framing

 Teacher, educator


 Health care expertise

 Group skills (group dynamics, facilitation)

 Drama, theater

 Public relations/advertising

 Leadership training

 Fund-raising, development


 Recreation / Sports

 Retreat leader

 Spiritual direction

 Baking / Cooking

 Other talent/skill: ______