Teacher Development Workshops 2015/16

NOTE: Save this form on your computer now, fill it in, save it again and then send it to attached to an email.

Schools: Please note that we have another version of this form if you wish to enrol more than one person for workshops.

Contact the Teacher Training Department at the same address, or on 93 268 4511 for a copy.

Teaching English to adults

Which sessions do you wish to attend?

Either Tick this box if you wish to come to ALL the sessions in the series

Or If you do not wish to come to the whole series, select which sessions you want to attend by ticking the corresponding boxes below:

TD 1 Discourse and grammar(Nov 13)

TD 2 Technology: 10 ways in which your language learners could be using their

smartphones(Nov 27)

TD 3 Speaking skills – a syllabus(Dec 11)

TD 4 Receptive skills(Jan15)

TD 5 Generic approaches to teaching vocabulary(Feb19)

TD 6 Phonology: Jaw bones and muscles: getting it right(Mar 4)

TD 7 Reactive teaching(Apr 1)

TD 8 Teacher talk: the good, the bad and the ugly(Apr 15)

Personal details






Tick this box if are you an ex-IH Barcelona CELTA course trainee

Payment detailsNote: Places can only be reserved if paid in advance.

Means of payment

Please tick which form of payment you wish to use:


Cheque (please make cheques payable to International House)

Bank transfer (details below)

Bank details

Direct bank transfer:

* Account name: International House

* Bank: Banc de Sabadell, Via Laietana 47, Barcelona

* International Bank Account Number: IBAN ES84 0081 0057 34 00031593-19

* Swift Code: BSABESBB

Please note –if your bank needs to know– this number is the required international transfer number and it breaks down as follows: Country: ES04; Bank name: 0081; branch: 0057; bank's internal sort code: 34; IH's account number: 0003159319

Bank transfers must include "TD Workshops" and name of person attending as references, and a copy of the bank document must be sent/emailed to IH as proof of payment.


  • Each individual 2-hour workshop: €35*
  • Complete Teacher Development Workshop series (8 sessions): €180*

*€31,50per workshop for ex-trainees from any IH Barcelona Teacher Training course, €135 for the complete series.

NOTE Teachers attending a whole course of eight sessions will receive a certificate at the end of the course. Certificates will not be issued for single sessions.

Workshops are limited to 30 participants.

Contact details
Teacher Training Department

International House Barcelona

Trafalgar 14

08010 Barcelona

Tel. 93 268 4511

Fax. 93 268 0239
