Please mark the areas in which you desire to minister.

I Corinthians 12:4-7 "There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served. There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to all for their particular service. The Spirit's presence is shown in some way in every person for the good of all."

God has gifted each of us with gifts to serve in God's kingdom. Please take a few moments to fill out this inventory so that you can share your gifts at Zion. If you are unsure about what gifts you have to share, or would like to learn more about lay ministry at Zion, please contact Jeanette Betterman, Lay Ministry Coordinator at 398-5040 or for more information.

Instructions for filling out this inventory:

  1. Find a quiet time to pray and think about what gifts you have to offer. If you are unsure of what gifts that you have, or feel that you may have some gifts still undiscovered, we have a "Spiritual Gifts Inventory" that you can take to help you discover your giftedness.
  2. Carefully, look through each area of ministry and place a check mark by the areas you believe that you are gifted and willing to serve in.
  3. Review the inventory, and see if there are any additional areas you would like to serve. There is a space at the end of this inventory, where you can share additional gifts that are not mentioned on this inventory, but you believe could help the ministry of Zion.
  4. When you have completed the inventory, offer a prayer of thanks to God for the gifts you have received, and pray that you may have the understanding and willingness to share those gifts.
  5. Please turn this inventory into the church office when you have completed it.

Name ______Phone______

Work Phone ______E-Mail Address ______

I am often available to serve: ___ During worship ___Evenings ___Weekdays ___ Weekends

Living Faith/Worship


___I will Deacon (assisting minister/serve communion)

__9 am__11 am

__Special Services (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.)


__9 am__11 am

__Special Services (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.)


__9 am__11 am

__Special Services (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.)


__9 am__11 am

__Special Services (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.)

___Nursery Attendant

__9 am__11 am

__Special Services (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.)

___Altar Guild

___Offering Counting Team

___Sing in the Adult Choir

___Sing in the Children's Choir

___Play in the Adult Bell Choir

___Play in the Children's Bell Choir

___Play or Sing Special Music



__Funerals__Other special times

___Play or sing at the Contemporary Service

___Sound Technician

__9 am__11 am

__Special Services (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.)

___Help create decorations for the sanctuary

___Power Point Presenter at worship

Living Faith/Study


Young Children's Ministry

___Sunday School Teacher

___Sunday School Teacher Assistant

___Sunday School Substitute Teacher

___Musical Accompanist

___VBS Teacher

___VBS Team Leader

___VBS Assistant, crafts, food, etc.

Youth Ministries

___LOGOS Table Parent

___LOGOS Class Teacher

___Senior High Class Leader

___LOGOS Activity Time Leader

___LOGOS Worship Skills Leader

___Help with Senior High Activities

___Help with Junior High Activities

___Provide Transportation for Youth Events

Adult Ministry

___Lead Adult Small Group

___Alpha Small Group Leader

___Alpha Helper

___Help with Church Library

___Serve on a Via De Cristo team

I would be willing to serve on a team or committee in the area of:

___Church Council

___Discipleship (learning, youth, adult ministries)

___Support Ministries (Finance/Property)

___Witness/Service (Caring Ministries)

___Worship Ministries


___Hospitality Ministries (preparing food, coffee, etc.)

___Welcoming Ministries (welcoming new members to Zion)

Living Faith/Encourage


___Visit Shut-Ins/Hospitalized Members

___Prayer Chain Member

___Donate Blood

___Cookie Ministry, Deliver Cookies

___Sew 'N Sews (Quilting)

___Serve in the Parish Nurse Program

___Food Donations (for local Food Shelf)

___Food Donations (for funerals)

___Deliver Food Shelf Donations

___Provide rides to church

___Be a sponsor for new members

Living Faith/Serve


I will use my gifts to:

___Mow the lawn

___Paint/Small repair for church and parsonage

___Plant flowers

___Tend shrubs

___Weed gardens

___Help with Newsletter mailings and bulletins in church office

___Snow removal

___Answer telephone

___Data entry

___Serve coffee after church


Other Areas

Some other areas I believe I could offer my gifts are:

Submitted by Zion Lutheran Church, Superior, Wisconsin