Chair-Person Paul Hughes

Chair-Person Paul Hughes

May 19th 2011 Transition Team Meeting

Chair-Person—Paul Hughes

Finance—Rich Glidden

Secretary—Jessica Barnes

Members—Terry Wortz, Kristy Lester, Wade Lester, Jesse Barnes, Jim McRae, Steve Norris.


Delton Community Church will be set up to take checks this week, although we will not be able to cash them until all the legal paperwork has been finalized—should be by this next week. In preparation for that Rich will be setting up a savings and checking account at PNC Bank in Delton.

Finances will be managed (in Windows J) using a Quick Books program, and will be divided into three categories: Missions, Seed Money for the purpose of church growth in the way of a pastor and a church building (held in savings account), and General Operations (held in checking account).

At this time our income will be divided in the following manor: 10% will go to missions; 20% will go to seed money (10% to pastor, 10% to building); and the remaining 70% will go to General operations. At this time general operations include rent, Sunday school budget, Quick Books Software, attorney fees, and our speakers on Sunday. A voucher system will be set up for the purpose of withdrawing monies from the Church accounts.

Church Building:

Using the Apostle’s Creed as an initial statement of belief was suggested. This will be brought to the congregation.

Terry and Paul will be checking into a meeting with Grace Spring.

Jim has materials available for bulletins if they are needed.

Kristy will be looking into starting up a number of activities to help build relationships within the church. This process will begin with an interest survey to help discover what people are interested in helping with.

Among areas of need are: Worship Leaders, Prayer Chain (Kate), Children’s Sermons, Sign set-up, Greeting and Welcoming groups, Coffee Hour (Yvonne Johnson, Jill McRae), All Church Dinners, Labor Day Celebration, church cell or phone, web site, e-mail for contact/communication purposes.

Planning for speakers: May 22nd - Ron O’laughlin, May 29th - Brent Cravens, June 5th – Martin Bigley (Jill McRae’s father), June 12th - Speaker from Grace Springs, June 19th – Joseph Wainaina.

Paul will be looking into talking to John Carpenter about the zoning of the building as well as whether or not it might be feasible for us to rent the building on a more permanent basis—1 full year beginning July 1.


As a transitions team we feel strongly about the importance of supporting missions.

Several missions have come to our attention: JD McRae, and Zach Haas in their ASP trip this summer, and Joseph and Jane Wainaina who are looking for sponsors for a three year training at Moody Bible College so that they can go into pastor training in their home country.

Terry Wortz will be heading up a group which will look into mission opportunities for our church.

In Closing:

Our next meeting will be June 2 at 6:30 p.m. We will meet at the church building if that is available—otherwise we will meet at the Wortz’s. It is our intention that these meetings be open—all are welcome to attend.