The Monthly Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council will take place in Glentworth Village Hall on Monday8th January 2018 commencing at 7.30 pm
Public participation
Members of the public may raise subjects which they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council. Items
relating to matters on the agenda will be taken first and any decisions will be made when the meeting is declared
opened. The time will be restricted to 15 minutes maximum unless the council decides otherwise. Listeners should
note that decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
0801/1Apologies for absence
0801/2Declaration of Interest
- To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
- To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
0801/3Notes of theMonthlyMeeting of Glentworth Parish Council held on the 13thNovember 2017 to be approved as the Minutes
0801/4Clerk’s report
0801/5Chairman’s/ Vice Chairman’s report on activities undertaken on behalf of the PC
0801/6Representative reports
- County Council Issues
- District Council Issues
- Police report Update from PCSO Julie McFaul
0801/7Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered Planning Applications:
136993,Land off St George's Hill Glentworth Gainsborough DN21 5DB, Outline planning application to erect 3no. dwellings - layout and scale to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications – ratification of comments;
137130, Land adjacent Hillside Barn Hillside Road Glentworth Gainsborough DN21 5DD, erect 1no. dwelling with associated access and landscaping
- To receive the financial report
- To approve payments for: The Countryside Garden Company Limited (repairs to the Play Area Equipment) £324; HM Revenue & Customs (PAYE) £97.20;Ivy Designs Ltd (Replacement Village Sign) £890; G S Monks (Salary Nov/Dec 2017)
0801/9Parish Precept 2018/19 FinalisationDecide the final precept2018/19
0801/10To receive reports for discussion
- Village Hall representative
- Play Area Safety Inspection
- Pocket park Safety Inspection
- Neighbourhood PlanUpdate and proposal to pay the Clerk to email contact list
0801/12Frequency of meetings
0801/13Clerks’ Actions
- Natwest Bank details Decision to authorise the Clerk to access accounts
- New Clerk’s laptop Decide whether to purchase a laptop for the Clerksee report
- CILCA Decision to enrol the Clerk on the course
- Clerk’s Transparency Pay Decision to continue to pay new Clerk transparency funding see report
- Clerk to undertake Play Equipment Inspections Decision to ask the Clerk to begin
- Parish Council website Decision to change the theme/ look
0801/14Parish Issues
- Community Wildlife Grant hedges
- Entrances and speed reduction into the village
- Excessive noise in the VillageParishioner complaint – decide any action
- Bus shelter CleaningSignature of agreement and decision to replace glass
- Pocket park posts
- Hanover Hill Footpath
- Priority list of maintenance projects expenditureAgreement of a list of projects
- Mr B Stevenson Expenses
0801/15Correspondence received for discussion/ decision
- Data Protection OfficerAppendix A (see LALC News) (Circ 19/12)
- Code of Conduct Decision on which Code of Conduct to adopt Appendix B (Circ18/12)
- Citizens Advice Bureau Decision whether to donate Appendix C (attached)
- Highways Grass CuttingDecision whether to enter into aParish Agreement
Appendix D (Circ 15/12 &2/1)
0801/16Correspondence for Information
- LALC News (Circ 18/12)
- Community Awards Appendix E (Circ 23/11)
- Osgodby Neighbourhood Plan Appendix F (Circ 23/11)
- Community Speed Watch Appendix G (attached)
0801/17Minor items/ Agenda items for the next meeting
0801/18Date of Next Meeting
Gavin Monks, Clerk to the Council Glentworth Village Hall, Stoney Lane, Glentworth, DN21 5DF
Email: l: 01427 668936